Chapter 128

Near night, Hargeon, as the most famous port city of the Kingdom of Fiore, is still brightly lit.

At the same time, a huge ship was moving slowly on the sea.

On the deck, the soft white light shone on many beautifully dressed women.

They all went to the Fire Dragon’s holiday appointment, and came to this sea ship to participate in a seemingly grand banquet, but it was full of dirty banquets.

At the same time, Su Fan and others came to the shore of the port.

In addition to them, a small group of troops arrived here.

There are only fifty people in this group. If you want to catch the fake Fire Dragon’s gang, this group is enough and you don’t need too much army.

“Su Fan, what do we do next?”

“Should we go by boat?”

“Happy”, who was slowly flying in midair, turned his head and asked Su Fan.


However, when he heard the word ship, Natsu turned purple and almost vomited out.

“Natsu, what’s the matter with you?”

Seeing Natsu’s appearance, Lucy approached Su Fan subconsciously, but at the same time he was a little puzzled.

It is said that the wizards of the ability department are very powerful in all aspects, whether it is magic or physical fitness.

But Natsu behaved like this, which made Lucy seriously doubt whether the other party had eaten too much for dinner, and his stomach was a little unbearable.

“Don’t worry, this situation is normal.”

“Natsu is a wizard who masters the magic of Fire Dragon Slayer, and a wizard who masters the magic of slaying dragons will be very afraid of transportation.”

“For a long time, this side effect has also made Natsu feel a great sense of discomfort when he hears of transportation such as boats.”

Su Fan spoke slowly, explaining to Lucy.

“Also, is there such a magical magic?”

After hearing Su Fan’s explanation, Lucy understood what happened to Natsu.

But she still felt a little unbelievable, shouldn’t magic be a benign force? Why are there such terrible side effects!

In this era of gradual development of transportation, it is indeed a very tragic thing for Dragon Slayer who is afraid of transportation.

As for Su Fan, although he has thoroughly mastered the full version of the dragon-killing magic, he has never been afraid of transportation.

Perhaps this is the benefit of the system, which can eliminate some of the side effects of magic.

Thinking of this, Su Fan subconsciously checked his attribute interface.

【Host: Su Fan】

[Shards of Ability: Fairy Law (38/50), Ice Demon Law (6/25), Smashing Magic (6/50), Absolute Freeze (24/25), Star Power (13/20), Celestial Magic (27/30)][Magic: Dark Destroyer Magic, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, Human Subordination…][Spell: Advanced Demonization, Soul Flash]


In the past two years, Su Fan has also picked up more cards.

Among them, Fire Dragon Slayer magic, Thunder Dragon Slayer magic and advanced demon spells are finally collected and become a full version of the ability!

After mastering the two dragon-killing magics of Fire Dragon Slayer and Thunder Dragon Slayer, Su Fan is not only immune to the weakness of vehicles.

Moreover, his mastery and power of these two dragon-killing magics far surpasses Natsu and Laxus!

The only regret is that Su Fan did not master the power of the fire dragon king and Laxus’s red thunder that appeared in the original work.

But this is also normal. After all, the power of the Fire Dragon King is itself a power that cannot be cultivated by the Dragon Slayer Magic!

This requires constant bathing in dragon blood and constant slaughter of dragons to master the power of the Dragon King!

As for the red lightning that Laxus mastered in the original work, it is even more terrifying than the Thunder Dragon Slayer magic he developed!

In the original work, Laxus directly wiped out a twelve-shield powerhouse with a red-colored thunder guard!

However, this move was not obtained by Laxus through the magic of Thunder Dragon Slayer.

This is what he inherited from his grandfather, Yuri Dreyar’s super-powerful lightning magic, which he mastered.

Although unable to master the power of the fire dragon king and the scarlet lightning protection, these two dragon-killing magics still brought great surprises to Su Fan.

Because, after mastering these two dragon-killing magics, Su Fan can enter the state of dragonization at any time. This is the core ability of the dragon-killing magic, the power of the dragon!

Moreover, he can also transform into a human from these two dragonized states by himself, without the so-called suppressed dragonized antibodies.

· ····Find flowers 0 0

This is similar to the black dragon Acnologia, which can be transformed into a dragon or a human at any time.

As for the advanced demon spell, this is Su Fan collected the full version through the cards dropped from Mirajane a year ago.

After turning into the full version, the ability of advanced demonicization appeared in the column function of the spell.

This ability itself is the basic power of the spell, but it was not fully collected before, so it was not marked.

After mastering the full version of the advanced demon spell, this advanced demonization began to be marked.

Moreover, this advanced demonization state also allows Su Fan to get a more powerful all-round ability increase!

…… …….. 0

Except for Fire Dragon Slayer magic, Thunder Dragon Slayer magic and advanced demon spells, they will be collected after they are complete.

Many other abilities fragments have also been collected.

The only regret is that the progress of the smashing magic is still six pieces.

Gildarts has not returned to Fairy Tail guild for a long time since it took over a hundred years of mission three years ago.

Su Fan also had a hard time meeting each other, so the progress of the smashing magic remained unchanged.

After taking a look at his own properties interface, Su Fan quickly closed it.

“Next, let them return to the shore.”

Looking at the slowly moving ships on the sea hundreds of meters away, Su Fan said with a calm expression.

Then he raised his right hand, and a blue magic circle was constructed instantly.

Suddenly, the sea water on the sea began to surging, and it was quickly and continuously pushed toward the shore.

This sudden change also made everyone on the ship feel a panic.

No wonder they feel scared, after all, there are many terrifying aquatic monsters under the sea.

However, the fake fire dragon, Porla, soon saw Su Fan and others on the shore on the deck.

“It’s them, attack them quickly!”

Porla constructed a purple-red magic circle, while shouting commands to his men.

Although he could not recognize Su Fan wearing a beast mask, he recognized Natsu and Lucy, and “Happy” who was slowly flying.

Coupled with this scene, it is not difficult for Porla to guess that the other party is using magic interference. zero.

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