Chapter 106 Food Pyramid! (Subscription required)

In the desert, even the air seems to be burning.

The whole space is like a huge oven.

The sweat on Atasino’s body was evaporated as soon as it came out.

“You have to add as much water as possible!”

Chu Feng said, took out a large bottle of water and handed it to Atasino.

Atasino felt that the whole person was dry, and he was not polite at all. He took the water and drank it with his head up.

Bang bang

The “empty step” did not stop, and continued to move forward.

With “Eater” to provide a steady stream of energy, Chu Feng can turn on “Meteorite Shield” for a long time~ and use “Empty Step”.

After Atasino added moisture, he looked at the desert below, with a look of horror on his face.

Just look at the huge quicksand from time to time in the desert, and some beasts are swallowed.

It is very dangerous if you walk on it.

Fortunately, Chu Feng can fly in the air to avoid these dangers.

Suddenly a large number of impurities appeared in the air ahead, including fierce beasts with ugly faces, and strange-looking plants, as if entering a “vegetation jungle”.

It’s very scary at first glance!

“What’s going on?” Atasino’s face changed.

The scene in front of you is not imaginary.

Chu Feng looked as usual: “This is a mirage!”

The phantom formed by the refracted and reflected light due to the temperature difference in the atmosphere, etc., in the labyrinth of the desert, the overwhelming temperature difference and the large amount of impurities contained in the air appear to form a labyrinth-like atmosphere. building.

Taking out the “Second Generation Kitchen Knife”, Chu Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and he slashed out with a single blow. It was the “two-day first-class knife technique”.


The hundred-meter-wide white sword gas roared.

The mirage in front of him was smashed, and all the impurities inside were wiped out.

Atasino’s eyes widened: “What a great sword technique!

In the past, fists were used to fight. She thought that Chu Feng could not use swordsmanship, but now that she saw it, she was really wrong.

Chu Feng’s knife skills are probably more terrifying than fists!

This time, once again refreshed his views on Chu Feng.

Put away the “Second Generation Kitchen Knife”, step out with an “empty step” and move on.

No more troubles along the way.

Almost two hours later, a cone-shaped building appeared in front of it, standing in the red desert.

“Look, it’s the food pyramid!” Atasino exclaimed.

After more than a month, finally reached the destination.

Chu Feng didn’t talk nonsense, speeded up, and led Atasino to slowly fall in front of the cone-shaped building.

The building is 500 meters high.

“Is this the Food Pyramid? It looks a little weird!” Atasino said puzzledly, “How does it feel to be the top of a building?”

Not as magnificent as imagined.

Chu Feng smiled and said, “What you see is just the tip of the iceberg of the food pyramid!

“You are right, this is really just the top of a building.”

“The real food pyramid is under the desert!’

Under the detection of divine consciousness, there is a huge palace hidden in the desert below.

In fact, this is an ancient kingdom.

It’s just being buried in the desert.

“The food pyramid is below?!” Atasino was shocked.

In igo intelligence, there is no description about this point.

“Let’s go in!” Chu Feng said.

At the same time, the “meteorite shield” is lifted.

However, along the way, the “meteorite shield” has been turned on for a long time, and the energy of the “meteorite shield” in the body is almost exhausted.

Chu Feng led Atasino into the cone-shaped building from a hole. Inside was a huge space with intricate stairs.

“It feels like a maze!” Atasino said, “Which stairs are we going to take?”

Chu Feng said: “Didn’t I just say that, the food pyramid is below, so we just walk down the stairs!

The scope of the divine consciousness is limited, and it is impossible to cover the entire pyramid, so Chu Feng is currently unable to lock the position of Sweet Coke.

But, he knows very well, just keep going down!

“Stairs down?” “Atasino glanced around, “There!”

Chu Feng actually found out a long time ago, and walked over, Atasino followed closely behind.

The two of them proceeded along a downward staircase.

“The pyramid down is really unheard of!” Atasino muttered.

Of course, she trusts Chu Feng very much.

The stairs are very long.

It was quiet all around, only the footsteps of two people could be heard.

“Yeah!” Suddenly, Chu Feng frowned, but it was the divine sense that discovered something.

0…seeking flowers…0

At this moment, Atasino also noticed something was coming.

“Close your eyes!” Chu Feng said.

Atacino was puzzled, but closed his eyes obediently.

In the next second, a huge beast climbed up from under the stairs.

It’s a very weird guy.

The human-shaped body is very fat, the hands are the giant claws of the dragon, the head is the snake, it has only one white eye, and there are a lot of hair formed by small snakes on the top of the snake’s head.

This is Skeleton Medusa.

Capture level 42.

Its most powerful attack is its eyes. If it looks at its eyes, if the strength is not strong enough, it will turn into a stone.

This is why Chu Feng asked Atasino to close his eyes.

“Oh Ka Ka Ka”

Skeleton Medusa made a weird call, her white eyes gleamed with weird light, staring at Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng ignored its attack, his figure exploded and rushed over, directly blasting his head with a punch.

At the sound of the explosion, Atacino opened his eyes, and then saw a weird beast with its head exploded and tragically died on the stairs.

“What kind of beast is this, it looks so weird?” Atacino asked, “It doesn’t feel like an ordinary species!

Chu Feng explained: “This is an alien species!

The Food Pyramid was not built by the people of the earth, but was a civilization left over by alien species in ancient times, so the beasts here are basically alien species.

In fact, Chu Feng also understands that this alien species is Nitro!!

Nitro has two types: red Nitro and blue Nitro.

The red Nitro is the subordinate of the blue Nitro.

Chu Feng brought the skeleton Medusa corpse into the system space.

“Is this beast delicious?” Atacino was puzzled, “I touched it just now. Its meat is very hard, so it shouldn’t be delicious!

Chu Feng smiled and said, “This is a special cooking ingredient. If it is cooked properly, it will be a delicious ingredient, otherwise it will be tasteless!

In the original book, Zebra and Toriko are like this. After hunting the beasts here, one eats with relish, the other likes to eat wood.

That is caused by the different processing methods!

“I’m hungry!” Chu Feng said, “Let’s find a place to have a good meal!”

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