I'm really just the village head

Chapter 223 County Magistrate, Do You Need a Name or Money (Monthly Pass 1250 plus more) (10/10)

"In that case, we still have time." Sun Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, "However, we must find a way to expand production capacity as soon as possible. The most appropriate one is to find a major factory in the city to cooperate..."

"Will they follow our requirements?" Liu Chunlai asked Sun Xiaoyu.

Sun Xiaoyu was silent.

Those factories, even if they didn't work, would lose a few yuan in wages at most a month, and the bonuses would have no effect.

How much is the processing fee for a set of clothes to take orders from the subordinate units that they were working on?

This is impossible!

It's too much of a state-owned company.

What's more, even if they receive the order, they will be like the Sequoia Factory and the Jiangnan Factory. In order to survive, in order to pay the employees, they will take the initiative to find someone to contract and start production 24 hours a day?

Can quality be controlled?

For the previous production of these factories, there is no need for money because of quality problems.

Every year the higher-level relevant units make a production plan, and they allocate money before production.

What is it produced? As long as the quality is not too bad, who cares?

"So, it's useless to find them. Are you familiar with the factories in the next few counties?" Liu Chunlai asked Wang Xinmin and Sun Xiaoyu.

Both of them shook their heads.

"It's just a acquaintance, not very familiar. Moreover, they also have the approval of the higher-level official department. After all, in the surrounding counties, there are not as many factories as ours. Even if there is no business, the county finances can afford..." Wang Xinmin Embarrassed.

This matter is difficult to handle.

Especially Liu Chunlai, a contractor who will take most of the profits.

"You talk to them first. The 5,000 pairs of trousers that were shipped to Hulu Village have been modified. They only need to be fitted with metal openings. This kind of trousers can not be produced. I will go to Magistrate Lu to see if they can do anything. Said Liu Chun.

Lu Hongtao must be found in this matter.

As the county head, he must be familiar with the leaders of the surrounding counties.

It depends on whether Lu Hongtao has this courage.

Why not find Wu Jun and Zhang Ping, director of the Light Industry Bureau?

These two people, although they did not object to Liu Chunlai when they contracted the Hemp Mill and Tianfu Machinery Factory, they were definitely not very supportive.

Therefore, it is not very safe to find them.

Moreover, Liu Chunlai must resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"Spring is here, you are here? We were talking about you just now, you came right!" Lu Hongtao watched Liu Chunlai about to knock on the door, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

In the office, not only Yan Jinsong, but also Wang Baoxing from Qingshan Commune, and even Song Zhijie and Xie Guoqiang from Wangshan Commune.

It is estimated that they are talking about repairing the road from the three communes to the Jialing River.

"Major Lu, I need your help if I have something to do." Liu Chunlai didn't want to talk about road construction.

The key now is to expand production capacity.

Seeing Liu Chunlai's look anxious, it seemed that it had nothing to do with the affairs of these three communes. Lu Hongtao could only let a few people talk first and follow Liu Chun to come out.

"What is so urgent?"

He took out the cigarette, the eight-pointed Hongta Mountain.

It is estimated that today Yan Jinsong watched Song Zhijie and Wang Baoxing and he was not ashamed to put the county magistrate’s cigarette in his pocket in front of them.

"Something happened at the garment factory."

"Huh? I went to see it last night, wasn't it okay?" Lu Hongtao was anxious.

He was counting on Liu Chun to help them earn foreign exchange.

A major plan in the county requires foreign exchange.

If you can get foreign exchange, you don't need to wait for the higher level to allocate foreign exchange.

The priority in the transfer of foreign exchange by higher authorities is those key state-owned enterprises, and then the coastal areas.


I don’t know how many years it will be in line.

"The factory is okay, there is something wrong with the order." Liu Chunlai wondered how to speak.

Lu Hongtao is even more anxious, "Did the customer cancel the order? You have just started production, and the textile factory is also fully producing linen. If this is affected..."

I can't help but he is in no hurry.

"I said, Lord county magistrate, can't you expect something good?" Liu Chunlai was speechless.

The head of a county!

So uncomfortable?

"Don't sell it! Why are you less reliable than your old man?" Lu Hongtao was speechless.

I can't wait to kick Liu Chunlai directly to the Jialing River and let the water from the Jialing River rush him to the Pacific Ocean to count the ball.

"There are too many orders and imitation products appear on the market. If we can't expand production capacity as soon as possible and supply them to the market, the profit will be much less..." Liu Chunlai didn't want to sell anymore. "There were three wholesalers before. All the snakeskin pocket money arrived at the factory, waiting to get the goods. Someone pretended to be my partner, some pretended to be my mother-in-law..."

Lu Hongtao's mouth can be opened to squeeze a fist.

This is a good thing!

Thought something happened.

"Since they have brought the money, in order to avoid insecurity on the road, I think it is better to stay in our county, or let the Finance Bureau take care of it for you?" Lu Hongtao gave an expression that I was thinking about you.

"It's not a question of whether they can keep their money. If the capacity expansion cannot be resolved in the short term, the market will definitely be preempted by those imitation products. In the end, there is nothing for us."

Liu Chunlai directly counted Lu Hongtao on his side.

It is indeed one side.

Although it is now contracted, the county cannot manage a few factories, and the factories will no longer give profits to the county finance.

But these contracted factories, even if they are all at a loss, not only need a penny for the contracting fee, but also tax.

If the factory has no money, how can the county receive the contract fee?

How to collect taxes?

Liu Chunlai didn't even talk about tax relief.

The county is too embarrassed to force the payment when there is no order?

"You tell me what to do." County Magistrate Lu Hongtao calmed down instead.

During this time, I was busy with this.

Since Liu Chunlai came to find himself, he must have an idea.

"It depends on whether you want fame or money, Magistrate Lu." Liu Chunlai hesitated for a while before speaking seriously.

After waiting, Lu Hongtao must be scolded.

No way, he didn't want to hand over these orders to the surrounding factories.

"How to say?"

Lu Hongtao looked wary.

He even scolded in his heart.

The dog said, Liu Chunlai looked honest, didn't rub his own meal, didn't touch his cigarette, and didn't ask himself to borrow money, he just let himself go as soon as he came up!

But this pot seems to have to be memorized.

"If you want fame, the money will be earned by other counties. After all, you, Magistrate Lu, helped matchmaking and promoted your style. You handed over the unfinished orders for clothing factories in your county to a brother county, so that their on the verge of bankruptcy could get orders. ..."

Lu Hongtao cursed directly, "Son turtle, you are more insidious than your fellow! Don't use the radical method here, I will just eat this one. Just talk about asking for money."

As the head of a county, he must not call Liu Chun about shameless things.

Asking for money is definitely shameless.

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