I was stunned and quickly said, "I'm sorry, it's rude. We've just never seen a pure girl like you."

Praise is something that every girl will not refuse. Grandpa taught me to appreciate others when I was a child.

Du Zhiye smiled generously, handed over a test sheet and said, "thank you. You are also excellent. This is the blood test report."

I glanced at the list. There were two deadly ingredients, 'thiopental' and 'pavlon'.

I frowned. Before I asked, Du Zhiye said directly, "sodium thiopental is a very fast onset * * * acid salt, which is often used for anesthesia. Pavlon is a non depolarizing muscle relaxant."

Seeing that we all looked at her suspiciously, she continued: "these two components are drugs for injection death penalty, especially sodium thiopental. 5g is the standard for injection death penalty, and the content in Grandpa's blood has reached the death penalty standard."

"Lying trough, that is to say, the old man died by injection?" Zheng Kangkang asked directly.

Du Zhiye nodded and squeezed his small fist tightly.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, my grandpa would die." I clenched my fist tightly, but I didn't expect it to be so.

Dean an must have known that I was going to take grandpa out of the hospital and didn't have an operation there. He also hated me for disturbing his rest the night before, so he secretly asked someone to add these deadly ingredients to the drip.

"Lao Qin, let's go to confront the man surnamed an. He's so fucking lawless that he bullies an honest man like you." Zheng Kangkang said fiercely.

I stood where I was and didn't move. "It's certain to find him, but we can't be impulsive. Everything has to go through legal procedures."

"I can help you find a lawyer to collect evidence, and then directly sue the hospital," Du Zhiye said.

I looked up at her and said, "why did you help me?"

Du Zhiye was stunned and said, "let me tell you the truth. I heard your grandfather's chat with you in the hospital. I know you are a Taoist who can deal with ghosts and gods."

"Do you need my help?" I continued, but I was relieved that she had a purpose. I was afraid that she had no purpose and helped me for no reason.

Du Zhiye nodded: "yes, there's an accident at home. It's haunted."

"Haunted? Are you kidding?" Zheng Kangkang hurriedly asked, and then added: "I've seen zombies. I haven't seen ghosts. Lao Qin, are there ghosts in this world?"

"There should be," I said directly.

Du Zhiye nodded and said, "really, my family is haunted. In order to avoid it, our whole family moved out. My father has to go to work and can only live in a hotel outside. I just came to live with my relatives in the countryside during the summer vacation, but these can be released. Mr. Qin, I'll help you solve the people's hospital first."

I looked at the test sheet and didn't answer.

Du Zhiye said anxiously, "Mr. Qin, please help us. As long as we can solve our family's problems, I can promise you anything you want."

Du Zhiye said so. It seems that the situation is really serious.

Zheng Kangkang said with a smile, "is everything ok? Old Qin is twenty and hasn't even pulled the girl's hand. You are so beautiful. Can you be Lao Qin's daughter-in-law?"

Du Zhiye was stunned and his face turned red.

I quickly said, "Miss Du, don't listen to his nonsense. I promise you that after I deal with the people's Hospital, I'll go to the city to help you."

"Great, I'll help you get a good lawyer from the city to negotiate with the hospital overnight." Du Zhiye said and directly touched the phone.

"Thanks. It's too late today. Tomorrow. I haven't had a good rest for three days and nights. Now I feel very bad," I said.

The reason why I say this is because I do feel dizzy, which is a sign of serious physical and mental overdraft. I see people have double shadows.

"OK, if you have a good rest, I won't bother you. I don't know if there is still a car to the county?" Du Zhiye asked.

I shook my head: "there will be no bus after five o'clock. Kangkang, go to Du Yi's house to pick up the bus. By the way, take Miss Du Zhiye back and return the bus tomorrow."

"OK, no problem." Zheng Kangkang smiled happily. Sending beautiful women home is the most favorite thing for losers like us.

After Zheng Kangkang left, Du Zhiye said, "I told my aunt that I won't go back at night. Is it convenient to stay at your house tonight?"

I was stunned and asked suspiciously, "are you afraid of Zheng Kangkang? Don't worry, although the goods are careless, they are definitely a good man."

"No, since my home is haunted, I often have nightmares. No matter where I sleep, I have nightmares. You are a Taoist. Your home should be the safest. I want to try it in your home. Don't worry. I don't live in vain. I'll give it to you according to the charging standard of star hotels in the city, OK?" Du Zhiye looked at me imploringly.

"How much is the star hotel in the city for one night?" I asked subconsciously. Now I'm really short of money and my debt makes me uncomfortable.

"Eight hundred, I can give one thousand, as long as you promise." Du Zhiye said quickly, for fear that I would go back on my word.

I looked at her pitiful eyes: "OK, but my family has just finished the funeral. Are you afraid?"

Du Zhiye shook his head, "it's nothing to me."

"OK, then you sleep in my room and I'll clean it up." I said, walked into my room, cleaned it up a little, and changed all the sheets and quilt covers.

Du Zhiye helped me clean up. There was a trumpet outside. Zheng Kangkang shouted, "beauty, let's go."

I opened the window and shouted, "go back first. She lives here at night."

"Sleeping trough! You're awesome, then I won't disturb you." Zheng Kangkang left a word and drove away by himself.

After cleaning up the room, I went to the kitchen and handed a pair of scissors to Du Zhiye. "Wrap the scissors in your pants and put them under the pillow before going to bed. By the way, the head of the shoes can't face the bed. Be sure to face the outside, so that you won't have nightmares."

"Really?" said Du Zhiye, ready to untie his pants. I quickly said, "wait for me to go out first."

"Sorry, I'm rude." Du Zhiye stopped his action and blushed like a tomato.

I said awkwardly, "that bathroom goes out and turns left, but I don't have any clothes to change at home."

Du Zhiye pointed to his bag and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll bring clean clothes myself."

"OK, I'll wash it first," I said. I went out of the bedroom and said to rhubarb, "rhubarb, try not to shout at night. Don't scare the guests."

Du Zhiye smiled and said, "rhubarb looks very safe."

I smiled, went to the bedroom, took a bath, and then went back to Grandpa's bedroom.

Lying in bed, listening to the sound of water from the bathroom and smelling the dry smoke on Grandpa's bed, I couldn't sleep over and over, and my mind was full of Grandpa's appearance.

There was a rustling sound in the pillow, as if it was stuffed with something.

I sat up, touched the pillow, and then pulled out a letter and a key. They were wrapped in a plastic bag. No wonder they rang like that.

Opening the letter, Grandpa's familiar handwriting jumped on the paper:

Little rabbit, I knew you would sleep in my bed after I left.

I know my life is over and I will die soon. This is destiny and can't be violated. After I leave, you must be strong and don't retaliate against anyone.

You are an expert. You should know that death is the only way. The key is not to leave regrets. Your growth makes me proud, and I have no regrets.

The next way, you have to go by yourself.

As for the ghoul, you don't have the strength to deal with it, so leave the village as soon as possible, the farther the better.

It is not only your old enemy, but also a barrier in your life. It will take the initiative to find you.

I believe you can overcome it. No matter who it is, you must act on behalf of heaven.

There is a book in the box on the bottom of the bookcase. Everything you want to know is in it.

This book, even if grandpa left you a legacy, inherit it openly.

Well, grandpa is gone. Remember grandpa's teachings, but if you do good deeds, don't ask about your future, punish evil and promote good, and don't tell the source.

The man's tears don't flick easily. The little rabbit dried his tears and smiled at him.

Followed by the signature and date.


When I saw grandpa's last words, I couldn't help laughing, scolded an old thing, and then dried the tears in my eyes.

Grandpa sat down all his life to kill master Gong. No one believed in his orders more than him. He told me not to retaliate against anyone. In fact, he was protecting me.

This letter was written by grandpa two days ago, when he had just returned from the city and I was fighting the corpse.

I put down the letterhead, picked up the key, went under his bookcase, opened the bottom drawer and took out a locked nanmu box.

I opened the box with the key. There was a yellow book in it. On the cover of the book was a sow and a group of piglets, and the name of the book immediately made me feel that my IQ was trampled on the ground by the old man.

Sow breeding and postpartum care!!!

The old man won't let me switch to sow breeding, will he?


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