Chapter 135 Stone Pillar Maze


As a result, things dragged on again and again, and for half a year, this rich man still had no news…

It is strange to say that his family members did not even make a sound, nor did they go to the supervisor to ask why he disappeared.

Even someone who saw the disappearing rich family members did not see the sadness on their faces, as if he disappeared like a small thing that was accustomed to happen, and it would not bring any waves to their lives. .

In this way, half a year later.

The regulators, who have been busy for a long time, finally freed their hands to toss the case of the disappearing rich man.

In fact, it is very fast.

The technology in the first district is very advanced.

Infrared radar monitoring is basically all over the first zone.

As long as the regulators want to check, there is nothing they don’t know.

Even ordinary cultivators can’t stop it.

And the cultivators who can prevent surveillance will not expose their identities because of a surveillance.

This is obviously a detrimental behavior.

They are people who are hidden behind the scenes. If they act rashly, they will definitely be targeted by the regulators. In addition, the status of the practitioners in the first district is inherently low. Even if their masters want to protect themselves, they will also let the regulators. Without a fart, in the end, he would be put on the hat of disrupting the peace in the first district by the supervisors, and he would be publicly executed.

Even your own family and children will be implicated by yourself.

Although cultivators have abilities that ordinary people cannot possess, they still belong to the category of normal people. Most of them also have families. They cannot have such consequences because their privacy is violated.

First of all, this is very unwise.

This is the saying of the Jiu Clan in ancient times, but it is still applicable in the first district.

Because here, the regulator is a sovereign person.

Objectively speaking, what the regulators say here is no different from the imperial edict!

In just half a day, they found the group of practitioners who killed the rich and determined their identities.

Without the warrants of the rich, this group of cultivators would not be able to leave the first area at all. Therefore, in the first area that was monitored everywhere, the regulators easily found a hiding place for this group of cultivators.

In one afternoon, all the cultivators took a break from food, and they were all taken away by the dispatched supervisors.

None of them escaped arrest.

Moreover, in this arrest, the supervisors did not hide it, or even swaggered it, directly in front of everyone, and even used a live broadcast to put them to death in public.

The reason is that this group of people are involved in murder.

There is indeed no problem with this charge, and everyone has no doubts about this punishment, but when this matter reaches the ears of cultivators, it is extraordinary.

With their feet, it is not difficult for them to guess why these cultivators killed the rich man behind them.

If it’s not for their own lives that are threatened, ghosts will do this kind of thing.

At the same time, the cultivators were also brooding about this matter, fearing that this group of cultivators would be their own future.

The cultivator is dead and no one cares.

And if the rich man is dead, the cultivator who killed the rich man will be captured by the regulators and executed.

This is unfair to their group of cultivators. Why can the rich and powerful kill cultivators casually, and we can’t do something to protect our own lives?

So, now in the illusion, they heard the word new king, even if they didn’t know what it was, they still got together.

It is to get away from their current living environment, so that the people in the first district no longer regard cultivators as pigs and dogs, and they will fight and kill at will.

“Li Xun, we don’t want to fight with you now. I believe that since you are here, you must also be interested in the things in the cave. If this is the case, then why should we both lose and let others take advantage of it?” Ning Hun said quickly when Li Xun was about to leave the cave.

“Why don’t we do it like this. How about going against each other after we get the inheritance of the old king?” It seems that Ning Hun said a compromise method. The probability of Wang Chuancheng is much greater than that of Li Xun alone, and if he obtains the Old King’s inheritance on his own side, is Li Xun still his opponent? At that time, even if Li Xun didn’t want to fight him, Ning Hun would not let him offend his hatred outside the cave.

And Li Xun’s reason also told him that now this is not a good place to fight, with so many people around, it will inevitably be picked up by others.

Moreover, I came here with a purpose. Li Xun respected his boss. Zhang Debiao was not like other cultivators. Therefore, Li Xun always put his boss’s affairs first.

But just now Li Xun did not find in the crowd the appearance of the person the boss asked him to look for.

Is that person here?

Li Xun whispered in his heart. According to the boss, Ling Yun should be right here. How could he not be here?

Li Xun didn’t know that Ling Yun, who Zhang Debiao asked him to find, was being transferred out of the cave.

“Damn, we are not lost, and why are there so many stone pillars suddenly here!” The fugitive complained whisperingly.

Ling Yun didn’t know what was going on, but after the ancient voice sounded, the cave experienced an earth-shaking change.

Moreover, at the same time, his contact with the outside world was also interrupted.

It seemed that at this moment, it had become an independent small space, and even the portal could no longer lead to the outside world. The system also informed Ling Yun that it had been shielded, and people outside could not see what happened inside.

By now, even stupid people know that important things are about to happen.

Moreover, the interference here is so strong that the portals are not functioning properly anymore, but Ling Yun can still hear the sound at the entrance of the cave.

He knows that there are a lot of people outside now, and they are all ready to come in. If no accident, they should have heard the same thing as himself, so he wanted to come here to hunt for treasure.

Don’t tell me, these eight characters alone are very attractive to cultivators.

What is the purpose of cultivating, isn’t it just to keep getting stronger, and then make yourself invincible in the world?

Although this is just a beautiful dream, it is impossible to see it, but for a cultivator, who doesn’t have this idea in his mind?

If this is to say that you don’t have such an idea in front of other people.

Then others will not say that you are your duty, they will only say that you are not sincere.

But for this messy stone pillar, Ling Yun couldn’t think of a good solution for the time being. He could only go around the maze, go around left and right, and finally return to the original place.

After several twists and turns, Ling Yun also stopped his thoughts of continuing to go around, and began to stand on the spot thinking about ways to break the game.

Although it seemed that the layout of these stone pillars was irregular, Ling Yun vaguely felt that these stone pillars seemed to imply something about him after so many circles.

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