I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 117 Coaxing Tony (Shelf Explosion More Seeking Subscription 14/30)

Shelter the Inhumans?Lao Tzu is not the black bat king.

By the way, the abilities of the Black Bat King are really similar to those of Skye.

However, Yang Ming still verbally agreed. After all, Director Furui who integrates the Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is different from Director Coleson, a poor cancer patient in the plot.

Fury’s overall view does not focus too much on alien races at all. Are there still few capable women in the Women’s Federation and the Earth Protection League?

Even the ability enhancers in the Defender Alliance of the Earth Protection League are stronger and more powerful than Jiaying's Inhuman Race.

After getting a positive answer, Jiaying's family left.

Yang Ming's small building was really clean, and after taking Carl and Chen Haoran away, Lena's eyes became more gentle.

"Don't think about it, I'll give you a task later."

Stark Clean Energy Company, the living room.

Reina, who had changed her professional attire, was holding an S.H.I.E.L.D. work permit and was in an interview with Pepper to discuss how to deal with Mr. Stark's heart problems.

"His stubbornness and caution will not confide in a strange psychotherapist, not to mention that he will not accept psychological intervention at all."

Knowing that this is the truth, Rena, with a confident and infectious smile, curled up her hair, put on a nano mask and a wig, took out her clothes from her bag and put it on.

Big change Hapi.

The security chief, Hapi, who was checking the badge outside, dropped the badge in the hands of it directly.

"Are you planning to pretend to be Harpy to enlighten Tony? I can only say that your idea is unrealistic. If Harpy can enlighten Tony suddenly, he will be seen in an instant."

'Hapi' smiled and looked very weird, "I am not going to pretend to be Hapi, but to be someone who can contact Mr. Stark."

Now Harpy is strictly speaking a strong man, not a big fat man, and this kind of charming smile also makes people shocked with goose bumps.

Pepper calmed down, covered his heart with one hand, and emphasized with one hand spread out, "According to you, you can only pretend to be me, because Tony is not accepted by anyone now! And there is Jarvis here, yours The simulation will be seen through."

"It seems that I can only join the life assistant of your company. Jarvis can indeed do a lot of things, but it is not enough to clean the room and cook, right?"

Reina's decision surprised Pepper. She tentatively asked, "What are your chiefs going to do? Are you still such a clear candidate for placement?"

Lena didn't hide at all: "My boss is not Fury. I work for the Preservation League. My boss is very worried about whether Mr. Stark's mentality is a problem."


"When Harpy told me there was one more Harpy was chatting with Pepper, I thought there was a problem!"

A ghost of Tony appeared in the room: "I'm fine, you tell Yang Ming I thank him for his concern."

"Don't rush to refuse, don't plan to see what my boss brings you?"

Reina's confident charm came up, "This is what my boss showed you."

The projector in her hand showed a reflector with a diameter of more than two meters, showing tidal-like variables and breathing rhythm-like activity.

"It's like thinking, like brain neurons firing? What is this?"

Lena smiled: "Don't you think this is very similar to Ultron? Only this kind of intensity thinking mode can be regarded as artificial intelligence."

"You know Ultron? Yes, it's easy for your boss to know everything."

Tony was obviously moved, but as arrogant as him, how could he be led by the nose?

"I have independent research and development capabilities, and thanked your boss for your kindness."

Lena didn't panic at all, "You are the smartest person in the world. This is my boss's evaluation of you. I know you don't need my flattery, but I have to think about it for my boss."

"For your boss? He still has problems that can't be solved. He needs help from a mortal like me?"

Lena’s technique worked, just like she had convinced others countless times: “This is the scepter that Loki held during the New York War. It came from the first villain in the universe, the crazy Titan Thanos. The scepter was sent to attack the earth after being confused."

Tony got interested, he couldn't help but not care about the truth about the alien invasion war, but he was still not forgiving.

"Why, does your boss want to use this scepter to control others?"

Lena began to create a community of interests and forced a win-win situation in her language. She said with a sad expression: "My boss got this scepter from Sokovia fortress and was printed on it by the jewel on it. Mei Xin, he has been studying for a long time but there is no way to figure out why."

"So he found me to help?"

Tony is very proud. Of course he is not gloating, "Then I want to see if I have time to help him study this thing recently."

"If the boss doesn't say that we also know that he is worried about being controlled by the mad Titan Thanos," Rena pretended to be very worried, as a request.

"Now I found that you are studying artificial intelligence and found that this gem should be able to help you. Of course, he didn't say that he wanted you to help him solve this thing on his head."

Tony pretended to be inadvertent and said, "Of course your boss wants face, isn't this crazy Titan Thanos just trying to invade the earth? Is your boss afraid of being controlled?"

Reina showed extreme horror and whispered: "I hope my next words will not spread out. The mad Titan Thanos is promoting population control theory in the universe with his Dark Order.

Every time he arrives on a planet, he kills half of the population. It is also known as helping the universe to lighten the burden. He has killed an unknown number of planets!If the boss..."

"If your boss is controlled by him, I am afraid that not only the earth will suffer! This is a crisis for the entire universe."

Tony took the conversation unconsciously, he was shocked by the possible sight, not only him, but Pepper and Harpy who was videoing with Tony were also shocked.

"So your boss hopes to help me study artificial intelligence as a pretext, let me help him study whether the gems on his head are harmful?"

Tony Stark has his own tone. After quickly suppressing the shock, he pretended to ask in a relaxed manner: "He has Dr. Liszt under him, and SHIELD can definitely help."

She looked broken for the boss again, "The boss is a strong person. This is a common problem of the strong. S.H.I.E.L.D. is studying the Terrigan Crystal, which is a time bomb hazard by the Cree people on earth. It's huge, there is no energy to help him study the gems on his head."

"According to you, he can look to me as a worthy person?"

"Although I don't understand what it means, the boss once said that you are good friends in another timeline, so he wants to ask you for help, right?"

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