I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 191 Prestige (2/3)

Bill began to struggle. Although he didn't know what was going to happen, he felt it was definitely not a good thing?

At this moment, it was Bill's tribe who came through the woods, apparently seeing them falling from the sky.

"Your Excellency Yang Ming, if you blame my spying, please don't involve the innocent!"

When Yang Ming looked at other people's eyes that looked like a dead object, Bill understood.

Yang Xiaoming shifted his focus to him, "No one is innocent in this world. If it weren't because they were threatened, you wouldn't have come to be a spy!"

The hand plunged into the ground, and when it penetrated into the ground, it turned into a cluster of deep rhizomes, spreading radially toward the ground.

As this continued to deepen, the arm fell off the shoulder, and when I stood up, the hand grew again.

What he planted was one of his only abilities in the use of the natural godhead, "assimilation."

This is also the trick of the living planet Ego.

At this moment, Yang Xiaoming feels that he is divided into two parts again, one is him, and the other is rapidly diverging and growing through the mantle, piercing the roots in the core of the star.

The underground roots quickly form a package, enveloping the planet's core, penetrating the earth's crust in the opposite direction, and connecting to the rhizomes of all the plants on the surface.

No matter small grass or big tree, as long as it has long roots, it is linked by his roots.

With this connection, Yang Xiaoming felt as if his countless nerves were touched, and the feeling of Gaia consciousness came again, and everything on the planet entered his mind in no small detail.

The local wind blows over the treetops, grass stems, and can have the feeling that the wind blows on the lips after the first time when the hair is scraped off the lips in the teens, it is delicate, stimulating, and natural.

He is the master here, and he can clearly distinguish who the horse-faced Thor's tribe is. There, even if he wants, he can change this planet no longer suitable for the horse-faced Thor's tribe to survive.

In response to the interview I saw before crossing, global warming will not destroy the earth, it will only destroy humans.

He can change the oxygen content and carbon dioxide content of the entire planet, or even change the temperature of the planet to become no longer suitable for living things.

All lies in his will, this is mastery.

When a new sprout grew from the ground, grew up slowly, and grew up to become a brand-new him, Bill suddenly understood.


"No, it's useless to beg me, people should always pay for what they do."

As soon as Xiao Yangming's voice fell, the weeds on the ground entangled the people of the horse-faced Thunder God, and more and more entanglement strang him.

The corpse was also absorbed nutrients by the plants until it turned into ashes.

"Why? It has nothing to do with him!"

"I don't want to correct your opinion anymore, but even if it has nothing to do with them, just have a relationship with you.

You watched them die as punishment for you. Are you satisfied with the result?"

The vines bulged under his feet, and the struggling horse-faced Bill was wrapped up and surged, even though he was full of electricity and crackling.

From the perspective of the sky, Ma Mian Bill saw with his own eyes all his tribesmen were strangled by plants, and there was no last survivor of the whole tribe!

He screamed hoarse, and his spirit collapsed. He tried to struggle, but the surrounding plants absorbed as much energy as he could.

Yang Xiaoming and his planet clone stood beside him, seemingly fair to say: "Don't talk about bullying you, I won't let the instigator go."

Countless branches rose from the ground to protrude from the atmosphere, and the forces in the two battles on the planet's orbit did not even have time to react before they were filled with green plants.

From the perspective of space, it looks like Pac-Man, suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the "bean" in front.

All the battleships were wrapped and pulled down, and all the struggles became futile.

Even Gao Tianzun himself was confined to his luxurious spaceship and not let out.

Yang Xiaoming's tentacles-like thick plants penetrated the defenses and entered the battleships of the Dark Order and were madly absorbed. The whole process was as gentle as possible to reduce damage to the battleships.

The screams never stopped, but it ended soon.

The surviving Saka Xing rogue army looked nervously at the cruising vines around like cold-blooded animals, the vines exuding the coldness of death.

For fear of being broken in by a large plant, they can only look through the window and wait, like waiting for the verdict of fate.

"Ah! Great Yang..."

Yang Ming didn't wait for Gao Tianzun to finish speaking, so he pierced the horse face Thor with a vine.

When the green spiked vine penetrated Thor on the horse face, Gao Tianzun rarely showed anger.

Yang Xiaoming also rarely looked at him seriously, neither of them spoke, but within a few seconds, Bill, the horse-faced Thunder God, was absorbed into a pile of undigestible rust.

Gao Tianzun's expression also changed and eased again, "As for?"

"As for!"

Gao Tianzun's expression was silent, he burst into laughter, and said to the person behind him: "Go back, find out who betrayed the tr world, and then find me."

The huge vines that were tightly entangled were released, and the survivors of Saka immediately lifted into the air, and left the planet through the jumping point as if to escape for their lives.

"Is this close to the earth?"

Yang Xiaoming doesn't understand the concept of universe and space as well as the ontology. Even if the distance between the two can be seen through the map attached to the system, there is no way to quantify it.

Gao Tianzun looked at the dark cult fleet left on the ground as well as possible. He nodded and curled his lips, "It's mine."

After that, I took out a communicator and contacted the Saka Star headquarters, arranged for people to be picked up from the earth, provided training and repairs, and helped them move these fleets to the Earth's space station.

After doing all this, Yang Xiaoming was almost unable to stand it up. He was not Ego after all. Although this assimilation had the planetary core energy supply, he himself couldn't stand it.

After Gao Tianzun's last group of people left, Yang Xiaoming attacked all the creatures on this planet. The thick vines accurately pierced all the creatures, and this was almost all energy control.

The last gleam of life was taken away, and the plants began to wither. All the plants connected to his roots on the entire planet died, and the roots of the trees passing through the earth gradually decayed.

With infinite gloves, he inserted his left hand into his heart without gloves, and huge green branches pierced through between the two.

With the excess of energy, he, who was connected to the earth, slowly turned into a branch and was collected into his body with infinite gloves.

After Gao Tianzun and the others left, there was only a dead planet left, and there was no more vitality.

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