This kind of gameplay is really showy!

I have to say that, as a member of the previous generation of Yinhuo, Xingying is really a good business man. This is a speculation, and he did a pretty good job of sewing.

After this doubt appeared in his mind, Yang Ming seriously felt the world. Through the effects of the soul gem and soul gem, he found many pioneers who came here almost effortlessly. Delivery and sales under the two elders of the universe.

A large part of people directly send some designated raw materials out of this world.

And this involves another complete industrial chain, logistics.

How long has passed since, between these two worlds, there has been a specialized logistics industry set up, operated, and dedicated to speculate those speculators.

And the operator who digs into this is actually Gao Tianzun's cousin from Saka Star?

So this is a deliberate indulgence?Is it really better to lose than to block?

Although I know that the circulation of these materials can revitalize the economy, increase the trade between the two worlds, increase market value, increase GDP, and stimulate tariffs...

But seeing these actions of taking out his property without passing through his hands, Yang Ming felt distressed every minute.

He gave these people a chance to make money, but these people actually stole him!

Obviously Yang Ming didn't care about these things at all, because all the resources and all the treasures were worthless in the face of reality.

But after seeing someone steal him, a subtle change occurred in his heart, and it was obvious that these dozens of people were completely different.

The little bit of compassion that I had to let this group of people die has now completely disappeared. I originally planned to leave one or two of this group alive. After all, they will eventually defeat the queen bee and save face. What we have to do is look good, and we can't die together.

Now in his opinion, the same approach is a good way, and it will even happen several times. In the hearts of all the pioneers, it is clear that the hive is a resource point that they cannot afford to provoke.

It should even be artificially increased, the difficulty of all resources, so that the battle damage rate of these thieves soared.

"It's the opening in front, we are here!"

With an excited shout from the looking treeman in the forefront, the whole small group of trees remembered the shouting one after another.

This also interrupted the small abacus in Yang Ming's heart, who was aggrieved, and he also changed his posture with everyone.

The huge tree-man with physique from the sky to the earth, shrinking rapidly, still maintaining the crown of the tree, almost all of the tree rooted, and it just happened to enter the cave.

The team entering the underground jungle has become relatively compact. Under the premise that the treant's coercion can effectively see the monsters in the jungle, they have tossed all the way to the outside of the hive.

After arriving here, various hornets, dragons, hornets and hornets stopped giving way, but began to travel in the air with inexplicable and regular movements, distributing pheromone to drive the tree people.

And the Treant didn't advance anymore. This was not under Yang Ming's control, but the tacit understanding formed between acquaintances and these underground jungle creatures, and no one would break through the opponent's bottom line.

And the leader of this team seems to be accustomed to this situation, and seems to have researched the treants' abilities and limitations in the jungle.

Then everyone lifted the arson equipment from the tree canopy to assemble.

The humidity of the underground jungle is too high, and ordinary trees can't be ignited with fire at all. They brought them the flamethrower modified from the engine on the small spacecraft.

And because the hood is too large, they disassembled them and placed them on multiple treants. They rode these hornets. Long Mafeng would not attack them who were standing under the canopy assembling equipment, so they dared to open their eyes. Lu's doing so.

I have to say that their method is indeed very targeted. From this point, it can be seen that the last time they were able to come back alive, it was not accidental that they encountered a hive and ventured out.

It should be after others have paid their lives, as the price, and they have made a summary and research before formulating a special plan.

In addition to the installation of the seven of them, the others are also gearing up to prepare their weapons. It seems that this team is full of energy and momentum!

However, Yang Ming, who was mixed in the crowd like a monkey show and asked the flying ghost to make some coordinated actions, didn't think so in his heart.

The things these people prepared were indeed enough to force them to disperse the hornet and dragon hornet who came out to defend their homeland, so that they could have enough time to let the dozens of cannon fodder pay their lives. Enough honey.

This kind of honey has been tested and proved to be the best antioxidant in the MCU world. It is purified and injected into the human body in sufficient amount, which can make any person rejuvenate.

Even continuous use can live forever, so that's why they have to pay such a high price and secretly engage in it.

However, his current equipment does not pay attention to achieving the effect Yang Ming wants, so it still has to do some promotion and decisive work this time.

In fact, after learning about the content of their conversations through the Shuren, Yang Ming scoffed at it.

I thought what to do to get this kind of honey?

After doing it for a long time, but just rejuvenating?

Let’s take a look at time travel and make sure that there are no side effects. The science and technology in the universe is clearly ahead of the earth so much. Why are some conceptual things not as good as those researched by people on earth?

At this time when Yang Ming complained, the flamethrower had been erected, and the thick blue and white "blade" that came from the west like a sword pierced and waited for the defense in front of them.

And the sting was almost straight, without any falling energy stream jetting the pillar of fire for a few sweeps, and all the wasps in front of him were cleared.

Is this still burning?Directly vaporize!

The rest of the predators with various weapons rushed into this cave which was repairing, obviously not repaired yet.

After running into this huge yellow abundance nest, they discovered that the depth of the hexagonal channel is surprisingly large, and the honeycomb is also surprisingly large in proportion!

After running forward at least a hundred steps, the few cannon fodder at the front felt that they suddenly entered a huge wide world, and then slipped down the entrance of the cave.

He fell in a short panic cry.

This honeycomb is hollow, and the bees live in a tunnel. At least half of the hollow spherical body is thick honey.

The few people who fell at first were about to fracture!

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