I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 298 Resource Planet

From the angle of the sky where the huge celestial body appeared before, thick flames flickered, dragging long tail feathers to the ground.

These are all burning, and the huge monster that looks like a meteorite falling from the sky looks full of burning lava, and the color in the golden red is even a little light green.

It can be said that it has been heated to the extreme!

These monsters that fell on the ground quickly dried the place around them, and the huge water vapor spread around as they landed and rose rapidly.

And the earth under their feet began to soften and smelt because of their temperature.

Small magma pools appeared at the feet of these giant monsters tens of meters to 100 meters in height. However, due to the tsunami that washed away a large number of trees on the mainland of the island, they were not taken away by the sea water returning to the sea. , Nature was also ignited.

These monsters have landed on almost all the land on this planet, and the livable planet that originally focused on the wonders of the forest has become.

Look at this planet from its orbit, this planet is actually glowing!

The burning monster slaughtered almost all the survivors, and only a few lucky ones were able to escape and take everything that happened here to the distance.

The same is true for the next habitable planet, which is also the goaf, the simplest forest transformation, the same tourist resort habitable planet, the same tsunami, the same burning legion...

The same few survivors fled in a hurry, everything seemed so natural and real.

Those "fire men" of the Burning Legion seem to have a huge amount of heat, and they can easily melt the bottom shell into the ground.

With the joint efforts of tens of thousands of heat sources, planetary bodies were quickly penetrated and the inner core of the planet was ignited.

The planet exploded with a bang.

Of course, those who observed this scene didn't know that Yang Ming took away all the flame giants at the last moment, and also took away most of the volume of the box of stars and the heat generated during the explosion.

Those who have observed this scene also don't know that the two planets will have surprisingly similar endings because they are underneath the resource mined areas, which are basically empty.

So it's not the flame giant, the heat is high, and it can melt in quickly, but it is empty in itself.

Yang Ming had heard of a theory called Dyson Sphere before he crossed the road. In fact, in the MCU world, let alone applying the energy of stars, applying the power of planetary cores is also a very common behavior.

So is this resource empty? That also means that the lifespan of this planet is very short.

Originally, if nothing happened, this planet would not fall apart, and it would continue to play its role perfectly as a tool planet, contributing to the cause of Sovereign non-racial informers.

However, being bombed by Yang Ming's troubles like this, invisibly exaggerated the strength of the so-called Burning Legion.

This is interesting.

It is impossible for the high priest of the Sovereign people to cast his gaze on the resource planet in this remote star field, so although the always noble Sovereign people already know that such a living comet is constantly passing by one by one. Star field.

But it didn't say anything.

"How far is that planet from us?"

Sovereign sent the team leader on Resource Planet to ask his only employee with a long face.

"It's not very far, he will reach us in about three days at his forward speed."

Today, the employee obviously has something to say. He doesn't understand why, as the ace pilot of the empire, the big face was sent to the resource planet to supervise mining.

Although the Sovereigns implement planned ethnic deployment, they are naturally proud to believe that any so-called people should not be engaged in any labor or work by themselves, so most of the resources on the planet are their nerve transmission technology. The product, and the real person supervises, often one officer and two team captains monitor a large resource area.

The so-called division of responsibilities is born, but it is like the difference between the imperial legion pilot and the imperial mechanical pilot.

The long face touched the blonde hair, and he curled his lips in disdain: "It's not what the tourists made. They over-exaggerated the impact of the neighboring planet."

The big face seems to have not recovered from Ego's failure to destroy their tracking spacecraft more than a year ago.

Because her life has been smooth and smooth, and there are no waves in her planned life, even the people in Yinhu who have not done anything since then have experienced a very rich life.

But Dachangface still failed to come out of his previous failures, and the whole person had the most emotional issue that affected him.

Among the Sovereigns, he failed to pass several important indicators for regular evaluation of legion drivers.

Because of negative emotions and some normal humanized psychological problems, they are considered unqualified appearances.

Therefore, he was released from the Legion, and for more than a year, it has not been able to get out of the emotions, but more serious.

Dachang's face frowned. Although he didn't agree with him, he was also very reluctant, but as an instinct that was cultivated since childhood and his genes were set, he still made the most optimal treatment.

"All the equipment is put into storage, and lead back to the space station to accommodate the dock, and do standard two evasion operations."

So under his order, everything methodically began to enter the preparation sequence that can receive the disaster, and now all the work of mining the resources of this planet to make energy batteries has been stopped.

While the machinery is in the warehouse, all the mining vehicles transported to space enter the dock to bring resources, while dispersing the risk of loss of the exploited resources that the mining site needs to bear in the following natural disasters.

After three busy days, the living planet still entered the star orbit of this resource star as expected. The moment it was connected, huge high-frequency sound waves swept the entire planet.

Like the electromagnetic pulse generated after a nuclear bomb exploded, the huge sound waves almost affected all Sovereign’s equipment in terms of signal.

Before the tidal problem caused by gravity had not yet become apparent, the equipment on the surface of the planet that had been hidden deep underground collapsed in the library.

The people in Sovereign who were online found that the connection was cut off and faced the problem, their level jumped directly from the second level.

It should be an instant that the Sovereigns lost all the equipment within one year of this one. Their most valuable thing is this remote transmission technology. After being destroyed by the high-frequency wheeze, they basically cost it all.

The loss of these equipment is far more valuable than the total energy that the planet can extract.

This is a big loss!

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