I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 326 Trial of Carol

The unfavorable double star impact, met an opponent for the first time.

The energy shock sent by Captain Marvel was actually resisted, and at the same time, the shock wave formed from the end point where the two energies were hedged spread to all directions.

The huge explosion power almost annihilated everything near the center of the conflict.

Even the emptiness of the universe seems to be torn apart, generally falling into an absolute blackness.

This kind of absolute black is more like a black hole being blasted out by the power of two people, everything around has formed a very chaotic state, both being pushed outward by the shock wave, and the space formed by the pushing is fast. The downward pressure.

The center of the explosion was collapsing, and the energy emitted by the two of them was instantly absorbed.

This huge suction is a temporary black hole, and even the two of them must be kept away.

This move was unexpected to many people. Everyone on the battlefield did not expect things to develop to this point last time. Fortunately, this temporary black hole absorbed a certain amount of energy and matter, and then disappeared.

Strictly speaking, it is not called a black hole, but a torn space.

The entire battle situation was destroyed because the torn space needed a large enough place to swallow it, and when the two sides were completely separated, there was no courage to gather again and continue fighting.

Judging from the current situation, it was the Nine Realms that had the upper hand, but the Sovereign's spacecraft was quickly replenished, and a new wave of vigorous forces joined them, making them as if the war had just begun again.

The fleet of Trailblazers was actually disabled and could no longer be disabled.

But in terms of high-end combat power that can't stand, there are Hela and Adam.

Hela no longer wants to fight, and Captain Marvel does not want to continue from his heart.

Those who are still eager to try, in fact, are the Sovereigns who don't really pay the price of population damage.

One is because they don't really die, and the other is because every battle ends, they will lose a lot of fighters, and that's all money.

So the Sovereigns have become the ones who really can't afford to play, and are still eager to try.

But at this time, Captain Marvel, Hela and Adam were all suddenly dragged away by an irresistible force.

When their sight became clear again, they found that they were on the top floor of a building.Captain Marvel realized that the place they came to was the earth with the giant A-letter logo of the Avenger erected from the direction close to the outer wall.

Upstairs in the Avengers Building.

At the same time waiting on the rooftop, there were Thor and others, and everyone noticed their return.

Those who returned to Earth were also the pioneers who remained on the battlefield at that time.

They were sent directly to the space station for adjustment. The entire battlefield was emptied almost instantly, and even the spacecraft of the Sovereign people were sent back to Sovereign by the power of the space gem.

The so-called satellite defense system that neighbors are proud of did not play any role at all. It was almost breached in an instant, and the fleet returned in an instant.

Regardless of how surprised the High Priest Ayesha was, the situation on the earth was not pleasant.

Captain Marvel showed absolute aversion to the fact that she was forcibly sent back to the fund. However, Captain Marvel felt an angry and terrifying message before her resentment broke out.

It was her instinct that made her feel the existence of danger, and at this time, a questioning voice came, so that a cloud of smoke was left over everyone's hearts.

"Your name is Carol Danfoss? You have been wandering in the universe for too long, and then you don't identify with the identity of a human being on Earth?"

This question made Carol very disgusted, but she found that she suddenly became very weak. It seemed that the powerful double star power in her body was erased?

This made her very frightened, and she also found that she seemed to have returned to that strength again, and could only be regarded as an average pilot among ordinary people.

"To answer my question, I need to know the original intention and starting point of your attack on the forces of the Nine Realms, so as to determine your punishment for you."

When it comes to punishment, many of the Super Leagues present are a little moved. Maybe they are used to being superheroes and have forgotten something that can cure them. They have forgotten their behavior and may be punished.

At this time, it was not only the Avengers, but also Yang Ming's loyal defenders, especially Wanda and Pitro, who were jealous and hated.

The two of them watched the live broadcast here. During the whole process, Yang Ming faced the people in the Bunker League and the Avengers live.

Of course, this live broadcast started after Ms. Carroll was dispatched.

It's not against her, Yang Ming really doesn't like her behavior like the International Mother.

My country does not want to recognize it, my planet does not want to recognize it, but the entire universe goes to the so-called helping the weak to find a sense of existence.

It cannot be said that the things she has done over the years are meaningless, and even many of the things she has done over the years are very correct, but she is unwilling to admit her identity and origin.

Just because he denied his own planet, Yang Ming didn't like it very much, no matter he went to the universe to fight for justice.

Coupled with her Shi Lezhi's behavior today, Yang Ming really hates it.

Yang Ming felt impetuous again, and he was murderous.

This kind of goods, although they have justice in their hearts.But Yang Ming might cause trouble in many things in the future, because this is a natural disease, that is, he can't tell the inside out.

Carol was silent, because of course she knew what Yang Ming meant, but he just followed his own heart and didn't want to see the strong bullying the weak.

She naturally wanted to speak, but Yang Ming interrupted her: "You know the identities of the two fighting parties, but you still have to help outsiders attack our army. As a soldier, you said What do you think? How should you be punished?"

In fact, Yang Ming didn't intend to talk nonsense, but these words were not for Carol, nor were they what he wanted to express. He just wanted to block the leisurely crowd.

At this time, the legion sent by Yang Ming had been blocked, but there was also a voice coming up. It was the voices of the former Secretary of State Ross and the salted egg, which were transmitted through a loudspeaker.

Air bans have been set up near this building, and their planes can't get there at all. The two obviously came for Carol because they were also broadcast live by Amway.

Yang Ming is no longer as domineering as he used to be. It can be said that he is relatively perfect in doing things, and he has paid much attention to blocking their mouths.

It also shows that it is murderous.

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