I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 419: Checking Calculations and Two Blossoms

The method Yang Ming gave them to judge whether he was hypnotized or controlled by some means was still effective.

Especially when they hadn't seen the appearance of the evil dragon Smaug who appeared in Gushan during the Hobbit of the Ring.

It also proved how helpless they are in front of this higher level of power.

"Good fellow, I should have nothing to do with him!"

The US team knows it well and is not afraid to admit it.

The golden-red dragon with a body length of more than 200 meters and a wingspan of more than 300 meters is simply an incomprehensible giant.

The Zhenjin shield flew over, and there was a high probability that even a single scale would not be knocked off.

At the same time, the U.S. team also began to rejoice that Yang Ming was waiting quietly in this world with him. If you really let him stay in their world, as long as you do something indifferently, then Will definitely change the ending.

This guy is too powerful.

Of course, if it hadn't appeared when he went back to fetch the gems, there is a high probability that his existence might directly change, the so-called sunset snapping.

"A blunder!"

The American team was a little confused for a while. It was they who went back to get the gems and brought him directly to the final battle, which caused him to miss the things after 2012, and thus missed the normal time, which may change what they have experienced. Opportunities for that great decline.

It was because of his rebellion that she had to prevent his behavior from destroying the reincarnation they had finally reached.

Although it was a tragic victory, although many people would never come back, the result was what he wanted to protect.

This entanglement has never come so intense at this moment.

Yang Ming didn't know what he thought and felt in his heart at this moment, the hero who was always used to bear.

But his wife knows what kind of entanglement her husband is now in.

Ms. Page gently stroked Captain America's shield holding arm with her hand, giving support to this tangled man.The tacit understanding of their husband and wife at this moment seems to be saying that no matter what you think in your heart, it doesn't matter, I will support your decision.

As a result, Captain America gave up the reverie that he shouldn't have in his heart, and calmed down completely.

In fact, he didn't want to think about it.Changing time may make the world unable to walk on the closed loop, but that is just a parallel, another timeline that appears again. The previous closed loop has been closed.

He chose to hide himself for the whole life he wanted. It was a selfish decision, and his decision must bear the consequence that after the closed loop has ended, he may not be able to return to his former comrade-in-arms.

So if he can really let go of the last bit of entanglement in his heart and let Yang Ming take action, maybe many people who have been sacrificed and injured can be saved and saved.

But all this does not matter, because their entanglement here is meaningless.

Captain America didn't know that Mr. Yang Ming in front of him was not his complete self.

There is another one that can be called the main body, which has the ability to block, and is flying up and down in the MCU world.

Yang Ming Traditional's ability to copy this clone that was placed in the tr world is not a division, so Yang Ming originally had a completely defiant existence.

He stayed in the MCU world and didn't idle, and he really went to find the strangers who were not in the world of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent branch.

It can be said that the world of this TV series has embarked on a path of different worlds since the third episode of the Terrigan Crystal incident.

There are not so many strangers in the main movie world, but judging from the fact that they still coexist, these strangers are just not stimulated. They should have potential.

Eye of Medusa, Flogging, Absorbing Carl...

Needless to say, it’s not clear just how strong these three people are?

Colombia, Bogota.

The captain of an assault car is this unworthy male version of Medusa.

Yang Ming has the ability to enlighten and persuade foreigners, and what is enlightened by his parasites is the ability to directly control a confidant.

Yang Ming spotted the "slave captain" who was petrified, and found Karl Kriel, the absorber who had fought and worked in the dark.

For these two people, let them know what is an alien base fleet and what is an alien base?After establishing their own alien bloodlines and being inspired by him.(Actually, the absorber is not an alien)

Whether these two are out of honor.Because of being assimilated, he has become Yang Ming's most loyal fan.

Returning to the moon base, Yang Ming finally thought about how to pull his mind to the state of a bystander like the frog map.

He always likes to intervene, but he doesn't want to be too public, that is, he doesn't want to be causal, what should be done?

So he made a model with realistic ability, which was inspired by the man in black.

In the Man in Black movie, the Milky Way is a glass ball that was carried around his cat’s neck by an alien.

Then the man in black fought hard to protect the galaxy.In the end, this galaxy was played by an alien kid as a glass ball.

So Yang Ming made a model of the Milky Way and even the Virgo Supercluster in the Moon Palace.

This model is like a visual window, which can be stretched and zoomed at will, and if Yang Ming intervenes through this visual window, it will have an impact on reality.

For example, he found that the villains of the Dark Order were balancing their races on a planet. Yang Ming condensed a handful of fine sandstones. These sandstones, which were not as large as rice grains, were lifted into the window by Yang Ming. The target was this planet. Those spaceships parked in orbit.

Of course, this planet itself is also within the scope of being hit, because if Yang Ming doesn’t take action, at least half of them will die. Yang Ming raised this fine sand and converted it into a stream of meteorites several kilometers in diameter. Basically, it is roughly equal to that this planet is no longer suitable for living creatures.

At least hundreds of thousands of years can't be delayed.

The sudden appearance of the quantum meteorite belt was detected by the fleet too late. Those who remained on the spacecraft almost saw with their own eyes countless meteorites suddenly appeared in the form of quantum leaps tens of kilometers away, and then tended to It hit them at a speed close to the speed of light.

In other words, they were hit the moment they saw the meteorite shining. After all, the process of passing the light to the brain is enough to make up for the gap between the meteorite and the light.

The absorbers Carl Creel and Medusa were both stupid, because Yang Ming's opened mirror projection was cast on the giant screen, which just happened to reflect the simultaneous occurrence of things.

At least thousands of meteorites attacked the huge fleet, and the fleet that originally occupied hundreds of kilometers of sky in orbit was instantly destroyed.

And they didn't form any obstacles to the advancement of these meteorites. They exposed a lot of sparks when they came into contact.

Then when the meteorite barely reduced any speed and passed by the planet, the atmosphere of this planet was captured, and friction that shouldn't be generated, because the atmosphere was attracted and captured, it produced a siphon effect.

It is almost visible to the eye.

This large piece of meteorite is cutting through the planet's orbit at high speed, and the atmosphere is rolling up from the stratosphere and is attracted by the meteorite flow. Suddenly, the atmosphere is over.

Maybe Thanos and the others did not look up on the surface of the planet.The absorbers Carl Creel and Medusa could see clearly.

But almost everyone on the surface of the planet felt it, the heat.

Because they provide combustibles and combustion-supporting materials, on this side, apart from the severe lack of oxygen, the temporary problem is not big!

But when the meteorite passed the sky dome of the planet, the meteorite was surrounded by the burning atmosphere, and the friction and violent combustion produced a high temperature of nearly 6000 degrees.

The meteorite, the sandstone, has been transformed.

The meteorite that was supposed to pass quickly was melted by the heat of the atmosphere burning up.

Because of a series of complex transformations, the angle of these lava advances is deflected and captured by the planet’s gravitational curvature, and from the initial straight line passing without being affected by gravitational force, it may produce a curvature slingshot effect, to being completely captured by the planet’s gravity, to moving from orbit Falling from a height to the atmosphere.

The whole process happened extremely fast.

When this one stretched for more than ten kilometers and moved quickly for only 4 seconds, the "sandstone" that crossed ten ecliptic angles finally turned into magma falling from the sky, and began to pour into an ocean that was more east from the angle of contact with the fleet.

Huge tsunamis and typhoons are brewing, and the fall of these magma also brings flames into the atmosphere.

It is as if the flames of the lighter stably output flames returned to the gas pipe and entered the storage bin for storing liquefied petroleum gas.

The result is self-evident, this one-dollar "lighter" will explode, and the destructive power of the explosion is not certain, but it will definitely explode.

Thanos and the black dwarfs and Ebony Maw of the two Obsidians that he brought with him started a short-distance teleportation device after discovering that something could not be done. When a huge light was visible in the line of sight, when it spread from the east, we finally Passed away in that blue and white light.

"The fleet is destroyed, father, you have to come back, what hindered your plan?"

Nebula was on the bridge of the Thanos main ship, seeing Thanos sitting back on his floating throne in a panic, then he let out a sigh of relief. His heart was very complicated.

"It can be judged that it should not be artificial."

After years of polishing, Thanos had been able to produce enough fear in his heart, and he gave himself an excuse.

Because it is a pure natural disaster, it is really not human power to contend.

"Manpower, contend?"

Thanos looked at the same frightened subordinates, the light in his eyes no longer flickered and turned firm.

"It seems that we must obtain infinite gems. In order to find the power that can resist natural disasters with human power, after all, I am God's will!"

Yang Ming's unintentional move actually gave Thanos a firm determination to go to Xandar Star to obtain the gem of strength.

Can the Dark Order defeat Xandar Star?Yes, but the reason why the new star empire is strong is because their new star army is tyrannical.

Originally Thanos planned to wait a bit longer. He wanted to see what kind of chemical reaction the Kerry Empire would have on the death of the accuser Ronan and the destruction of his fleet. What countermeasures would the Kerry Empire have against this?

The original Thanos was to confirm that the Kerry Empire did not attempt revenge because of the death of the accuser Ronan, but instead further promoted the so-called peace plan after the Millennium War.

Some disappointed Thanos did it himself.

Now there is no need to wait for this process. After experiencing a natural disaster that may take his life in, Thanos is very eager to have the most pure six rules in the universe, the power gem .

He believed that if he could control it, that power would not "explode" with the planet in the face of that huge natural disaster, but would have the ability to resist.


With Thanos retiring halfway, he didn't see the result of the whole incident differently.The absorber Carl Creel has a complete view of the entire process of destroying the planet from the perspective of the miniature world and the giant screen.

The absorber Karl Creel has always felt that he is quite powerful. After Medusa determined that no one else except Yang Ming, his leader, would be disturbed by his ability, he was pretentious for a while.

But now both of them are scared.

They witnessed the whole process with their own eyes.

After the magma enters the sea, the atmosphere evaporates instantly, and a huge amount of seawater is converted into oxygen and hydrogen.Then it was instantly ignited in the flames that had almost burned into the sea.

The huge ocean, instead of becoming a cooler for these magma, was turned back and burned and the atmosphere was ignited and vaporized while generating combustion.

The explosion occurred at the moment when geological changes have occurred after the accumulation to a certain extent in this early stage.

There was a boom.The entire planet was blown up to no longer look like a sphere.

Almost a third of the volume was thrown into space, and the planet became a rotten apple that had been bitten.

This planet, which seems to be more than ten times larger than the Earth in volume, has become the biggest killer in its orbit.

The one-third of the projected volume was pulled by its own gravity and became his satellite again.

We have formed our own revolution on the different tracks of far and near.This is the birth of a large broom, brushing on this orbit with a radius of almost 0.015 light-years.

In this explosion, who is left on this planet?

Naturally will remain.

However, due to the evaporation of the largest ocean on the planet, violent crustal movement, and a large amount of tissue were pumped away.

In this explosion, which is no longer known whether it can be measured by human nuclear weapons, only the relative position, millions of people in the west survived.

However, the situation they are about to face is definitely not optimistic. From now on, it is an irresponsible assumption that they can survive.

Because they have to face a series of geological changes, resulting in survival crisis.

Absorb what people really want to say, but they are just speechless.

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