I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 424 Li Wei: The Drowning of Fish

"Are you sure you want to peel it off?"

Yang Ming's voice was transmitted mysteriously into Duke Pigshark's already extremely chaotic brain.

This voice is very suitable or appropriate to stop the self-defeating behavior of the Duke of Pig Shark.

So that after this moment, he even felt that the pain could be endured.

But how could Yang Ming be so good?

The pain escalated!

The burning sensation is no longer a sensation, but a kind of pain and real injury that can give substance and can affect changes in a static state.

The Duke of Pig Shark grabbed his heart and scratched his liver, and continued to bury his head on the road, seeing that he had already crossed the equator. If he continued at this speed, he might have seen Yang Ming in five minutes.

Its appearance has begun to appear, severe scalds, burns.

But the huge pain seemed to generate motivation, as if the epidermal nerve was completely burned and he could no longer feel the pain from the epidermis.

But an invasive injury has already occurred in every part of his body that attracts you.

This is a painful tug of war in our factory, because on the road, Yang Ming irritated him: "How much pain you have now, the next moment your believers will be painful, and those who are waiting for your believers in reality After everything turns white. On the sea. You will witness all this happen."

Yang Ming is really a character who can do what he says. He really controlled it. Coming on this road is the group of believers on the way forward for the Duke of Pig Shark, so that these things cannot survive in the ocean.

Sea water is a deadly corrosive to them, a fatal injury.

So Duke Pigshak saw countless believers jumping out of the sea along the way, but had to fall in.Falling into the sea will cause huge damage to the body, and when it jumps again, it will no longer look like it was before, but there are many abilities and opportunities that have not been provoked again.

This is really amazing.

The Duke of Cinnabar didn't know, did believers in other places also suffer such harm?

Moreover, Yang Ming never asserted that the stimulus of verbal communication is really ubiquitous.

For example: "You still don't understand, you can never reach my side to retaliate against me. Because I can decide that, for example, you have lost the ability to discern directions now."

Really speak the law.

In fact, it was not that the Duke of Pig Shark lost his ability.

But Yang Ming actually turned the whole planet away, and actually kept everything normal, and did not form the so-called dust storm or big hurricane that rushed the whole planet.

Therefore, Duke Cinnabar made a bend with his instinct.Go back to the way he came again.

Suddenly he said he had deviated from the direction, but Yang Ming gave it enough face.

As she returned on the way, all the fish were brought out of the water, and then they formed into a ball in the air within his sight.

But such a process is too scary.

"Who is your excellency?"

Duke Zhusi was really scared.

Yang Ming did not stop attacking him, nor did he answer his questions.It's just an aunt for him.

"It seems that you still haven't been able to understand my ability, I haven't changed the sea and the other thing I changed is you. I prevent you from living in the sea and the air.

If you still want to live, you might as well venture into a vacuum."

The Duke of Pig Shark gritted his teeth. Although he didn't know if there were any traps in the sky and was waiting for him, he still flew upward without hesitation.

"And the business person is Jun. You take the initiative to move up. I let your followers go. Originally I could let them dissolve in the sea water, but now I give you the right to choose.

You have to live selfishly, or choose a real channel vacuum, in exchange for your believers to live."

This is not a multiple choice question at all?

It's just showing humanity.

Slowly double burning!Being able to be thin and opposite to the air, so that the Duke of Pig Shark can continue the pain until it really rushes out of outer space.

He didn't expect this, but Yang Ming planned it.

The Duke of Pig Shark felt the long-lost comfort, but in fact it was no longer in pain.

While he was not at the painful point, he looked up, but found something unexpected.

There was obviously a Tianhe in the vacuum, which he didn't expect, and the wise Duke Pig Shark actually thought that this was the place Yang Ming planned for him.

Yang Ming proved to him that it was too early to be happy, he was excited and hasty, and it was too late.

Why is there a Tianhe in the sky?

That's because the sun god Ra needs to sail in the Tianhe River and be able to drag it away in the water.On the one hand, it is because of the light and heat of the sun itself.

On the other hand, it is in this river.

This river water is all fuel-supporting materials, almost as if the liquid oxygen is purified and then purified.

And that one encountered hydrogen and oxygen.The Duke of Pig Shark, who could burn his skin and burn, swam in.


A ball of flames is undetectable.

After all, this is a liquid river that can accommodate the sun in a concentrated tour, so the pig shark really did it by itself.

Immediately after Yang Ming's voice and Duke Pigshark died, this scene was sent to the minds of all those believers who once believed in Duke Pigshark.

What kind of concept is this?

The creatures that already had wisdom saw it, and after this period they knew their beliefs, and they collapsed.

Then attached is another sentence of Yang Ming, warning.

"If it weren't for the fact that there are no fish in this world, I can only punish you slightly, such as drowning for ten minutes. How much you can survive depends on you."

So all the devotees of the Duke of Pig Shark are like this before him.Even those sea monsters with indescribable images drowned at the same time.

This thing is really troublesome.Many people have already discovered it.

Controlling the ocean to launch an attack is already known to many people.Almost everyone on the entire planet knows it.

Now the following chain reaction, as long as it is strong enough, people know.

This is really scary!

Let the Duke of Pig Shark die, and let this kind of fish grow in the ocean and drown.

This is not over yet, Yang Ming has something to say when the drowning is over.

As the believers of the Duke of Pig Shark, you are the original sin.You are all saltwater fish.I now let you only accept fresh water.

This is forcing them to come out of the sea into the fresh water on land.

However, this persecution is very effective.

Because many have already landed to prevent drowning, even those who cannot land have already figured out how to sail.

After this the sea emptied.

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