I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 463 - Breaking the Protection and Growing Savagely

There are some insightful people on Earth who have seen what aliens are like, but their knowledge of extraterrestrial civilizations is too partial and their misconceptions of the outside world are misguided due to the protection of their unacknowledged ninth guardian, the King of the Immortal Palace.

They are like a group of children who are a bit too complacent and arrogant, but do not know that they have a father and a mother who are silently protecting them.

In fact, whether these people in power or those who really open their eyes to the world, there are still some people who have insight.

Nick Fury, for example, wanted to create his own protection organization called the Avengers.

But it's like a theory from a movie Sissy Young saw before she went back in time, a movie called Hancock's Superman.

In ancient times, these people were called gods, then supermen, then superhumans, then superpowers, and then they have degenerated to the point where they are called powerhouses.

It is this ungodly, modern man, who is the effect of the reality that they have created when they have faced, with their different attitudes, things that they can understand or not understand.

Some of these effects are good and some are not.

Like right now, for example, this little fleet that is staying at the height of fake space travel is actually the target of these Earthlings studying whether or not they want to do a nuclear strike?

These executives on the ground usually use some space program to fool the rich people flying to this altitude even if they flew to space for a trip, how long did it take to fool them? Even they lied to themselves.

Is it possible to have a ship that big flying over here that you can fight with a few nuclear warheads?

The key moment had to be the fake "Nick Fury", who was, after all, a man of insight, and as the former king of the Skrulls, he well understood that the merchant ships of this Shi'ar Empire, which for whatever reason had come to the vicinity of Earth, were not something the current Earthlings could afford to mess with.

So the engagement was barely kept in a constant state of peace under her maintenance.

But that peace was precarious, and of course it wasn't talking about the hawkmen leaping to attempt an attack or being on high alert.

It's talking about the attitudes of Odin and the Ancient One.

Odin's concern came from the end of the Rainbow Bridge, while the Ancient One was more direct, appearing on the bridge of a merchant ship.

"I think my attitude has been very ......"

"Look how beautiful the Earth is!"

Sith Young did not face up to the arrival of the Ancient One; his infinity-gloved hand gripped the handle of his lightsaber lightly, and he used the uninspired hilt of the lightsaber to bash his own head and neck.

This small, unconscious gesture further accentuated the state of fascination in which he looked at the beautiful Earth beyond the overhanging windows of Cambridge.

"Earth is really beautiful, and although it's not the Earth of the world I came from, it's an Earth I want to do my best to protect, even if I can't find my way home."

Gu Yi held back his words, instead. All at once, he laid them down.

Because the question Sith-Young had said was very real and there was no way he could give a normal answer.

"Will you be able to help me find my way home?"

Ancient One was silent as she was able to see at a glance, all the flowers of the world, but really couldn't do that.

Perhaps he could be like his apprentice and use the ability of the Time Gem to seek out the countless possibilities of this world, but that would be very costly, but also he meditatively had a hunch as the controller of the Time Gem that he was incapable of finding the way to the person in front of him.

So, Ancient One was silent, but the so-called silence was only an instant later before he offered his own considerations.

"All I have done is to train a successor strong man for Earth. That person is not you, and I already have my candidate you are now seriously interfering with his destiny by your actions."

Sith-Young understood, so he gave up and said goodbye to the Ancient One as the Rainbow Bridge drove up to this bridge, from which he and the Red Skull departed.

The rainbow bridge came and went quickly, and the tremendous penetration didn't cause too much serious damage to this hull.

Just a mark on it.

And Guyi chose to leave as the boatload of people seemed to be starting to regain their senses.

As for those who had already reacted to where exactly they were, they also somehow didn't know why they were here. And what is it going to take to end this ridiculous farce between the Shi'ar Empire merchants and Earth, who have already begun trading with the people of Earth? That wasn't what the Ancient One cared about.

Small things can move big things.

That was what made his selection.

Gu Yi was really a lot like Emperor Kangxi, he had suppressed Uncle Tu and personally trained an enemy for his young apprentice, then suppressed Modu and created another enemy for his young apprentice in the future.

All the paths have been paved ......

He was like a boiling eagle who, though he already had an idea in mind, was going to dominate those he could dominate according to his own ideas.

Those people, he gave hope and raw hope to crush it completely, just to pave the way to have what he wanted.

From her point of view, to be qualified enough to make an enemy of his young apprentice had been the greatest honor for Uncle Tug and Baron Modo.

The Ancient One left, and the farce in Earth's orbit entered a more absurd scene, for a mark had been made on Cambridge, which these merchants could, believing it to be an opportunity given them by the overlords of the Nine Realms.

Though let not their hearts be hardened to keep them from being anxious because the merchant ship was off the track, and because this mark and this chance showed them great wealth.

The merchants of the Shi'ar Empire were happy to give the Earthlings the shipload of "foreign junk" they had hauled, and all they wanted was the Shi'ar Embassy on Earth.

And somehow was borrowed by Odin in fact when he asked the rainbow bridge to bring the two people to his home, he had already figured out the joint.

By bringing this foul-mouthed guy over, he would necessarily have to suffer the possible collateral effects, and even if he wasn't brought over, it was expected that the foreign garbage would enter the Earth and produce a major explosion in Earth's technology.

Because whether it was learning, imitating or simply copying, it would be enough to make a big leap in Earth's technology on that basis.

And so Odin, being a very cultured God King, didn't reveal his emotions too obviously.

He looked at the two men standing before him with no emotional turmoil, and the one who posed the question was Thor, the god of thunder standing on the west side of the Cenobite throne one step down.

"You're Sith-Young, the guy who saved Iron Man, why did you get a merchant ship from the Torian Empire to come here?"

He and the Three Warriors standing on the next step further down enthusiastically introduced Sith Young, for he saw this as a warrior who had saved a world.

Though that world, in his arrogant eyes, belonged to him so that, in a sense, this was his friend.

The three warriors had their own arrogance, with only a token nod from Sif.

Thor was still spouting off to himself, "Don't tell me, you probably don't know that this Earth is under our jurisdiction in Asgard, and we have consciously ensured Earth's independence in the universe and even the independence of the Nine Commandments in the universe. You probably did get these technologies and products for the good of Earth. Don't be so reckless next time."

Odin didn't ask a single question, everything he had already brainstormed made sense.

Thor wasn't brainless, he was just really brainstorming.

Because he was trying to find a way to say something to mitigate the life of the hero in front of him who was more into his temper.

Over the course of his millennia-long career, he had seen many a heroic warrior who had laid down his life to protect others. It was still rare for him to see someone like Sith-Young who had protected New York by independently carrying an attack far beyond a world power level.

So Sith-Young made some small mistakes, and he still wanted to help cover them up.

Odin saw no way to say a chastising word, but gave a mumbo-jumbo: "The Space Gem is in Asgard now, but I won't let you take him away."

God forbid, Sith Young hadn't really saved, in Odin's heyday, the idea of taking the Spatial Gem away from here.

Wouldn't that be a death sentence?

As Odin who didn't want two gems together, being able to tolerate an Infinity Glove on her hand and having three Infinity Gems in her possession should be a limit.

After all, a god-king can't just go around attacking someone who hasn't caused harm to the world, and Asgard's god-king is even more important to focus on, and every judgment he can't convict someone who may be half-drunk, but hasn't committed a crime.

Even if his actions had indeed offended Asgard's right to rule and control over the Nine Houses.

But to give him the normal criminal law of being in such a minor issue would be to potentially force the powerful man who was already carrying the infinite gem of class to the opposite side.

At that time in the middle of the bridge of that ship, Sith-Young's words were definitely not in vain, as it wasn't just said to the ancient one, but also to Odin.

"No more questions?"

In the space between Morning Glory dispersing and Thor inviting the Sith-Young duo to join the Three Warriors for a feast and drinks, Red Skull brings up his unease.

"It's nothing, Odin, being able to open the Rainbow Bridge to bring me here already shows that he is incapable of sending me away from this world to find my original location, so the labor scene is just him keeping his authority."

The Ancient One is not so much preserving his authority.

When it is determined that there is no way to resist his presence in some of the finer points, then they will choose to let it go, but then come out and intervene when something touches their, so to speak, perceived bottom line.

This in itself is the two big brothers, the style of doing things and that is why there is a kind of normal order on Earth, with humans themselves dominating life.

It was like saying that if the Dark Monarch Domam came, the Ancient One would deal with it, and if any other cosmic power entered the Nine Realms on a large scale, Odin would not agree to it.

But they would choose to ignore the small fights.

So Sith-Young hadn't seen Odin again for more than half a month after being brought here, and he and Red Skull had instead gotten along well with Thor, who had also convinced the Three Warriors due to their own strength.

Although they were arrogant, which was more or less still able to maintain respect for the strong.

But this respect is too superficial these three Zhuo goods essence, replicated once by using various excuses such as drunkenness to challenge Sith Yang.

But in order for the scene not to be too ugly, Sith-Young never laid a heavy hand.

He repeatedly used the Force to trip the big fat guy, hit the little skinny guy's weapon with his lightsaber, and used the Desperate Force to scald Robin Hood's weapon until it was too hot to grab.

It was because of this constant teasing that they gradually realized that the gap in strength between them was still a bit wide.

So the three warriors and the others also felt that there was no point in continuing to provoke them? And then the birds and the beasts were done.

The Three Warriors went to Warnerheim in companionship, and Thor could be left alone, and I don't know what to think of it. Just remembered that he still has a little girlfriend on Earth.

So he asks Sith-Young to return to Earth, but he clearly overestimates his weight in the hearts of the Ancient One and Odin, and neither Odin nor the Ancient One are too keen on having Sith-Young produce what comes next.

So he had to go on his own, after all, it was a process he had to go through, and it was in this process that she and her brother Loki worked together to defeat the Dark Elf King, Spicy Chicken Wire.

He was only able to grow in his mindset once again.

So Odin is not going to let Sith Young sabotage her eldest son's growth.

And it was bad enough that Sith wanted the Reality Gem.

Odin had clearly felt that he could still do it if he wanted to suppress Sith-Young now, after all, there was still Asgard, which had been blessed by the God Kings of the past.

As long as he was in Asgard, his Odin's power was strong enough to ignore the danger of three gems.

But if he were to get a fourth Reality Gem, it would be a different story.

The three gems that Sith Yang had at his disposal right now, aside from the most tyrannical power that could also support other gems, gems.

The influence of the other two gems on a one-on-one matchup between high-end combatants was actually not that big.

Since Odin is not a weakling the effects of the Mind and Soul gems can be almost immune to him.

But it's different to add 1 Limited Time Gem, which is a gem that can ignore all the normal rules between universes and create rules to change reality according to your imagination.

If that was all, with just one gem power, Odin would still be able to suppress it, but with the support of a power gem, it would be different.

So as long as Odin still wanted to maintain his control and wanted to continue to train his successor, he couldn't allow this to happen, because it was out of his control once it happened.

It was no joke.

It was a matter of life and death for all of Asgard.

Odin could endure anything, and it would be enough to do what he had set out to do so that Asgard could continue.

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