I'm stacking cubes in Marvel

Chapter 470 Seeing the world (a reward for me not seeing who it is and how much it is)

"...This is not the most powerful place, the most powerful place is. This world can be a multiverse world, there are many similar worlds, and we are only entangled in this small area, this small The scope can be repeated, and it can be the same single world!"

With the effort of speaking, Sis Yang took them to one of the connecting points between Yang Ming's real name and the multiverse.

Looking out from the ordinary deep space of the universe, you can’t actually see anything, but if you really want to look carefully, you can connect Odin, who is what the origin of the world is like, and masters the ancient one of the origin of the world. It should be a bigger and more regular universe to be able to see outside.

This was something he hadn't done in his previous timeline, and even, he never thought about taking these two to see what the multiverse is like outside.

In fact, if you want to integrate the forces in this single universe to fight against the pressure of the outer single universe that may exist, then this is a good way.

But this has always been regarded by him as meaningless because what he wants to solve is to leave, this multi-universe approach, without having to care too much about what can be done in this single universe.

This is equivalent to a statement that I have seen before crossing.

When the tide receded, many fish were left in the shallow pit by the river, and a child threw the fish into the water.

An adult said: "Don't worry about them, but just some fish."

But this child thinks that for every fish, this is all they have.

If it can arouse the thoughts of these two big brothers, maybe it can provide some help to him in the life of an abandoned son who is already in an experimental state.

Even pessimistically speaking, even if his ontology has left the multiverse as an abandoned child who has been thrown into this world at will.He didn't know it himself.

As far as Yang Ming is concerned, he is one of many clones, saying that it can be taken back.

But as Sith Young, he is also an individual with his own independent character and in a different situation from others.

Now I want to convince him that her existence is for the sake of others, let alone such a situation that his own may not be able to agree.

So take these two big guys to see what the universe looks like outside?This matter has become very urgent.

"Do you know? The three different worlds that I have experienced before have now become this world again, because you may not know what it is, because they have not dealt with what will happen next, I It’s not alarmist talk, I can take you out to see what the world is like?"

While talking, the Dark Lord Domam appeared.

It is embarrassing that this Domam is not the real Domam, because as one of the dimensions, Domam does not restart with the past of this world.

This Domam is Yang Ming.

Gu Yi seemed to be able to feel that he was different.

And this Domam used this interface window to question Sith Young, "!"

Haven't questioned them that the two of them got in sync as soon as they touched this thinking.

Domam, one of Yang Ming's many distractions, was very hung, not being influenced by her emotions, but being transformed by his consciousness.

It feels hard for two people to really split into two individuals now, just like those clones before.Both thinking and behavior can be unified.

"Are you going crazy? You actually want to betray us."

Odin didn't know the difference between this Domum, he was only confirming one thing now, and this one was indeed a visitor from outside the sky.

Now the subject who has received universal education is not this Odin. After all, he is a divine king who can let go of everything as long as his heirs thrive.May Day is different, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to ask for death, he can live as long as he wants.

So in terms of growth potential, Gu Yi is still long.

Odin is old.

Sith Young explained to these two in front of Domam, who is he and who is the dark lord Domam on the opposite side?

There is no need to persuade.

Three people shot together and easily contained the clone of Domam.

They came outside of this world with the dark dimension, and saw the multiverse that was constantly rotating like a precision instrument, and their world was just a drop in the ocean in the multiverse.

Moreover, the appearance in the universe seems to be a destroyed machine, because there are countless huge pillars...

Pillar, the word is a bit wrong.

That is how many huge supports wider than a certain world.

This IQ comes from an invisible angle, and goes away from an invisible angle.

It was beyond their sight and the limit that they could reach. They only knew that this pillar seemed to be interfering with the operation of this world.

Before being separated.Sith Young had this trick in his memory.

I just didn't think why this trick not only failed to converge, but expanded.

Now it seems that eight huge columns have been built.

These eight pillars have seriously interfered with the movement of the world, but what seems to be the adjustment of the pillar itself?

The world seems to be turning around.

In other words, whether it has been running with the original regularity or irregularity, it is slowing down.

After the speed has slowed down, the reversal will take place. This is something you can imagine with your eyes.

Sith Yang suddenly understood that Yang Ming's real name seemed to be advancing this matter.

She wanted to reverse the situation in the world to find the original situation.Who is the mcu universe group connected to, and where did he come from?

But there is an obvious loophole in this idea, that is, in the process of forcibly doing this, many world temperaments can no longer be restored to their original positions, because in the process of evolution, there are constant rebirths, constants, and destructions, only in the pluralism. Only when the cosmos level possesses the power to control can achieve complete recovery in these recovery.

Now it is almost like nailing a nail into a precision watch, hoping that the nail can move the precision flying rudder, so as to achieve physical intervention and make the watch reverse.

Yang Fa seems to be fine.It can even be said to be reasonable to some extent.But this intervention is too noisy.

Doing so may not be able to achieve the desired effect, or even a generous operation.But it seems there is no better way than this. This native way is ridiculous, but it is worth a try.

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