What is the demon army camp like?

Before Zheng Feiyue came in, he thought he would see the scene of ten thousand demons galloping. Unexpectedly, after coming in, he found that it was fundamentally different from what he imagined.

The scene inside is almost the same as that outside. It is full of wind and sand. The demon shadow in the wind and sand is abundant. For a moment, it is difficult to detect whether it is inside or outside the camp.

At dusk, a gentle voice sounded: "the demon emperor flag has a function, that is, it can turn the demon family army into an existence between substance and illusion."

Zheng Feiyue went to the airport.

In the deepest part of the yellow sand, slowly came out a young man in yellow robe, of medium build, but with red lips and white teeth. If it weren't for a pair of golden eyes, which young man would it be.

"Demon emperor?"

Zheng Feiyue asked. He heard Xiao Zhou mention the appearance of the demon emperor. He just suddenly saw a real person, but he was still not sure. After all, he looked too... Cute.

"My name is lie Tianyang." the handsome young man introduced himself with a smile. "When we first met, Lord Zheng was really elegant and extraordinary."

Zheng Feiyue laughs. He secretly says that he can't compare with your Kawaii image.

The demon emperor, that is, the fierce sun, smiled and waved. There were more tables, chairs and stools around them. There were some steaming tea on the stool: "please sit down."

Zheng Feiyue sat calmly, picked up the tea, smelled it, tasted it again, and praised it: "although the fragrance of this tea is insufficient, the aftertaste is strong and domineering. It has a different taste. I don't know where it comes from?"

"Great wilderness specialty."

"They say that the wilderness is barren and desolate. I don't think what they say is true."

"It's funny that this tiny thing can be taken out in a poor mountain and water."

Kneeling as the demon emperor, the king of the wilderness, and the Honghuang alien with the root of Miao Hong, all kinds of auras are superimposed together, which should be as dazzling as the sun, but there is no trace on lie Tianyang.

He sat there like a clear spring, but his attention was not dazzling.

The more so, Zheng Feiyue couldn't underestimate the fierce Tianyang. Since he had finished his gossip, he came straight to the point and said frankly, "I don't know how brother lie thinks about the peace talks?"

Lie Tianyang: "you shouldn't ask me about it."


"I'm fighting in the wilderness because the spiritual pulse here will be abolished. In order to continue the race, we have to raise the flag to fight. Lord Zheng wants us to stop, we have to show sincerity first."


Zheng Feiyue pondered for a moment and said, "the poisonous root that destroys your spiritual pulse is called Tianluo vine, which is an extraterritorial thing brought by extraterritorial demons."

Lie Tianyang said with a smile, "I've passed on the lie family so far. Why don't you know Xiaotian Luoteng? If this is the sincerity of Lord Zheng, I can only express my regret."

Zheng Feiyue continued: "since brother lie knows tianluogen, do you know who put tianluogen in the wilderness?"

"Lord Zheng knows?"

Zheng Feiyue: "tongtianmen did it."

After hearing the speech and being silent for a long time, lie Tianyang said, "although our family has multiplied in the wilderness for generations and doesn't hear about the outside world, the name of tongtianmen has also been heard, but I don't understand. Tongtianmen always likes to fight against your human friars. Why should we aim at the wilderness?"

"Because the world is going to be chaotic!"

Zheng Feiyue's voice was unequivocal.

As soon as the fierce Tianyang looked tight, he shook his head and said, "what about chaos? Even if there were two fairy and demon wars, the war did not spread to the great wilderness..."

That's the truth.

In the two immortal devil wars, the main battlefield did not affect the great wilderness. First, it had no strategic value. Second, as the camps of both sides of the war, no one paid attention to the great wilderness.

As Xiao Zhou said, since the Terran has become the protagonist of heaven and earth, the demon family has become a foil, and the Terran's attention is not on them at all.

However, this time is different from the ordinary. Zheng Feiyue sighed: "to tell you the truth, I have internal information. This time the world is in chaos, and the level of disaster is far higher than that of the previous two fairy demon wars."


Strong Tianyang felt a little funny: "where did you get the internal information?"

Zheng Feiyue smiled: "believe it or not... Brother lie, the world is in chaos, and the fire is on the wasteland and the east bank. This statement is by no means alarmist!"

The fierce sun is silent.

No matter whether the world will be in chaos or not, the great famine is facing a great crisis. The tianluoteng is destroying the spiritual pulse day and night. After three or five years, the great famine will be really "famine"!

Thinking of this, strong Tianyang put away his heavy mind and said, "since tongtianmen has set its goal on the wilderness, I wonder if Lord Zheng has a way to solve the current dilemma?"

Here comes the big play!

The key to the success of the peace talks lies in Zheng Feiyue's ability to solve the current difficulties faced by the famine. If not, what about the chaos in the world? The 100000 troops in the wilderness are the vanguard of chaos!

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile, "there's no way. You have to see the Tianluo vine."

Strong Tianyang also said with a smile: "it's simple. The place where the poison root is located is not far from here. With the speed of the demon emperor flag, it will be there in the blink of an eye."

Zheng Feiyue blinked: "the demon emperor flag is so precious. It is also the camp of 100000 troops. I don't want to bother it. It's the same when we walk over."

Strong Tianyang laughed, but Kawaii's face was old-fashioned: "there are two ways for Lord Zheng to leave the camp. First, help our family solve the poison root and send you out with 100000 military gifts."

"What about the second?"

"Naturally, kill it."

Zheng Feiyue sighed, "I thought you were a good talker. Unexpectedly, there will be a big war! In that case, let's... Go and see the poisonous root first."

"Interesting, let's go!"

"Can you send a message to my brother outside before you leave?"

"Someone will inform him."

"Won't you kill him?"

"I can promise that he won't die until you die."

"That's good. I expect him to meet me outside the camp."

"Ha ha."

Outside the camp.

Xiao Zhou Zheng and lie XingKong were talking about the mountain. Suddenly, they were surprised that the evil spirit swept like a tornado in front of them was moving up, and they went to the east very quickly.


Xiao Zhou scolded, subconsciously took out the killing God knife, but the strong XingKong opposite him was not different. He said, "don't worry, the demon emperor took Lord Zheng to a place and told us to follow."

Xiao Zhou was quick thinking and immediately said, "they're going to find poisonous roots..."

Strong XingKong smiled and nodded.

Xiao Zhou secretly gritted his teeth. He knew more about poison root than anyone. At the beginning, the old man turned into poison root under his eyes. It was impossible to resolve it.

But on second thought, he was relieved again. It was just a fight. Where did he do it? The place where the old man died was, at least, one of the few beautiful places in the wilderness. It's good for two (or three) to accompany him underground.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhou got up to tidy up his clothes and smiled brightly: "let's go."

Li XingKong thumbs up.


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