"I knew it was."

The flower fairy was not surprised by Zheng Feiyue's answer. She said, "little guy, like a person I knew a few years ago, he tied everyone together by interests, but guess what his ending is?"

Zheng Feiyue said, "people betray their relatives. All the people who kill him are his partners."

Once the black robe mentioned the whole person to him.

"So you know." the flower fairy showed a surprised expression. "It seems that someone told you, little guy, someone walked along your road, but failed."

"I know."

Zheng Feiyue nodded and said, "but my path is different from that of him. My partners and I distribute interests not by external plunder, but by mutual help. We firmly believe that peace is the last word of development, and killing will only bring destruction and pain."

His last words greatly touched the flower fairy.

The woman was stunned for a long time and murmured, "yes, killing will only bring destruction and pain. Oh, honey, I feel I can't breathe anymore."

The magician hugged the woman and said in a deep voice, "don't think about it anymore. You're very tired today. Let's go back."

"Please wait a minute." the woman pushed away the man and turned to Zheng Feiyue, with inexplicable pain and sadness on her face, "can you tell me about your concept of peace?"

Zheng Feiyue's spirit was shocked.

This expert seems to be interested in his idea of peace. In that case, why not pull them into this boat?

Zheng Feiyue didn't ask them to protect his boat from the wind and rain. As long as he could push it along with the trend, it would be enough for his boat to benefit infinitely.

So, next, Zheng Feiyue turned into a professional salesperson and talked about his ideas, even the existence of trading platform and task entrustment platform.

The couple was a little dull at first, but they looked a little shocked when they received the trading platform and task entrustment authority opened by Zheng Feiyue.

"Flower fairy, look at this trading platform. Just exchange some general points in advance, and you can buy all kinds of things you like."

Zheng Feiyue is no different from the guy who sells insurance on the street at the moment. He said: "here, all the people who trade with you are hosts. As long as you like, you can also sell something you can't use.

And you, Mr. handsome magician, this task entrustment platform is a very good choice. If one day you worry about what gifts to give your lover on Valentine's day, just publish a task on the platform and pay some general reward, and many people are willing to give you advice.

This is an ecological construction. The more users, the more active the ecology, the bigger our platform will be.

The two predecessors are all hands and eyes. The friends they know must also be high-end customers. Pull them over. We have something to talk about, do tasks, and have a platform to ensure that there is no falsehood and deception. "

On the other side, Pang Dahai and others stared at Zheng Feiyue. At the moment, he was just different from before.

"Brother-in-law is really an iron head. He even promoted it!" Wang Zihao looked shocked and admired, and subconsciously wanted to shout 666 again.

The huge sea was also stunned and said after a long time: "the most coquettish thing is that this guy wants those two people to help him pull his head. This model seems to be familiar..."

Xu Mu said two words without expression: "pass · sell."


Pang Dahai and Wang Zihao screamed.

The other side.

After hearing Zheng Feiyue's endless introduction, the couple were obviously confused.

After a while, the flower fairy said, "husband, this little guy's system is fun."

The man thought more than she did and said, "the most valuable part of this system is not the variety of tricks, but that it does provide a platform for peaceful communication for the host."

The flower fairy said excitedly, "such an interesting thing was invented by the host of Zheng city. I don't want to see it destroyed by the night blade."

"Honey, have you forgotten our original agreement? We will never ask about things outside Zheng city."

The woman's mood suddenly fell down and said, "but it reminds me of my Xiaobao. If this system could come out earlier, my Xiaobao wouldn't die."

"We said not to mention Xiaobao." the man's face suddenly showed a deep color.

Zheng Feiyue listened carefully. Xiaobao, one of the two people, should be the one who was very close to them. Maybe it was their son, but he died.

As for how to die, Zheng Feiyue speculates that it may be related to the dispute between the host.

This is also normal. The host circle of the previous generation is full of killing and death. If two people have a child or something, they are really prone to accidents.

Maybe that woman's mental illness was also caused by this reason.

On the other side, the couple whispered a few words, during which they saw the flower fairy playing coquettish from time to time.

The man seemed helpless, but finally chose obedience.

He turned to Zheng Feiyue and said, "you offended Yeren. Even if you escaped today, Yeren can't let you go."

"I know that."

Zheng Feiyue became worse and said in a muffled voice, "I'll find a way to solve it."

The man said, "you're just a new host. You can't fight the night blade. I didn't want to take care of it, but my wife is very optimistic about your system and wants me to help you."

"Oh?" Zheng Feiyue raised his head and asked, "how can you help us?"

The man said, "we can guarantee your safety in Zheng City, but if you leave Zheng City, your life and death have nothing to do with us."

Zheng Feiyue was surprised and said, "thank you very much."

The man waved his hand and looked at his wife. She ran to show off her ring with others. She looked complex and said, "I just don't want her to be sad anymore."

I can see that compared with that woman, men should be normal.

"We like the ring you gave us very much. The most important thing is that she is very happy. Since we lived in seclusion in Zhengshi, I have rarely seen her happy from the bottom of my heart."

The man spoiled and looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "also, we look forward to you changing the chaos of the host circle. Now we protect you to make up for your regret."

"Regret?" Zheng Feiyue asked carefully.

The man probably hasn't talked to normal people for a long time. At the moment, when the conversation box opened, he couldn't stop. He sighed and said, "do you want to hear our story?"

Zheng Feiyue nodded hurriedly: "the elder is willing to say that the younger generation is naturally all ears, and promises to keep his mouth shut and never spread it!"

The man smiled and said, "don't keep it a secret. Many people know our things. People outside call us crazy. They're not right."

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