Blue Hole.

China branch headquarters.

A supervisor is holding a report and reporting excitedly to his boss.

"Boss, it's great news. In recent days, the number of open players of the game has decreased by 50% compared with the same period last month."

The boss was a bald American. He was shocked when he heard the speech and said, "Oh, there is such a good thing. Have you found out the reason?"

As a popular game in the whole school, eating chicken has been loved by people all over the world.

But in the last two months, the popularity of the game has shown a worrying decline, which is largely due to the opening and hanging.

Too many walls.

It has seriously affected the game experience of ordinary players. In addition, the plug-in attack measures of the blue hole have been unable to go up, resulting in the continuous loss of players elsewhere.

Now suddenly heard the news of the sharp decline of plug-in players, no wonder the boss is so happy.

"The reason has been found out."

The supervisor looked at the information in his hand and said, "according to the reaction of players in the game, forum and official microblog, a new plug-in has appeared in the game recently, which is called the end plug-in!"

"Walter?!" the boss opened his eyes and said he couldn't believe his ears.

The supervisor explained: "well, this plug-in called the end plug-in is a plug-in specifically for plug-ins! According to my investigation, it was first used by a player with ID Shengying and has not been disclosed."

"Check the game record of this ID immediately," said the boss.

Supervisor: "I've checked. Players with this ID have a very strange habit. They only start with the open and hang players in each game. They quit the game after killing. They never start with ordinary players."

"Eastern chivalry?" the boss touched his chin. "Tune out his game video. I'll take a closer look. I won't let go of a word."

The supervisor was ready and played the video with the highest number of hits on the Internet.

In the video, red boy encounters the hanging wall of more than 30 people on a plane. The two sides launch a crazy mouth gun mode. Then red boy parachutes, sets up a rocket launcher and sends it into the soul.

There are more than five kinds of videos. The real skydiving killing takes only more than 30 seconds. In other times, both sides are talking and shooting. The young voice of red boy challenges more than 30 rough guys to win!

After hearing this, the boss of Landong was suspicious of life and exclaimed, "I bought GA, has this little pot friend opened his mouth? Also, how can his plug-in hang so much that he can accurately identify the drivers and restrict them from jumping off the plane!"

Main channel: "this is what I don't understand. This player seems to master the plug-in detection technology far beyond the blue hole, and his design to restrict the parachute jumping of the driver is also a masterpiece of genius. As for the final rocket launcher bombing the plane, it's more a kind of evil interest. It can be seen that the special effects added by that player at last prove that he has a great desire to express."

"Baby King."

The boss silently read out the name and said, "contact this player immediately. We need his technology. The baby king is a great breakthrough whether the blue hole can solve the plug-in technology."



Maybe even red boy didn't expect that the plug-in he used has become a life-saving thing regarded by blue hole.

However, on the Internet, the topics of "Baby King" and "end hanging" have jumped to the top of the list.

So far, this is the only plug-in that has not been scolded but has won countless praise.

Under the strong deterrent of the end of the hanging wall, countless hanging walls died miserably in the humiliating plane explosion, and they didn't even have a chance to breathe fresh air.

Every time the fireworks exploded from the plane, there was the most vicious curse and the deepest despair of the wall hanging players.

Not only that, the popularity of the end hanging has driven a large number of folk experts. They spontaneously developed auxiliary programs similar to the "end hanging". Although they are not as bad as the end hanging, they have also added countless blocks to the hanging walls.

Even, there is a follower group in the game. Instead of eating chickens and killing people, they specially find open ones to show their sense of existence through various confrontation means.

For a time, the game experience of hanging walls fell sharply, and the orders of hanging merchants shrank sharply.

At the same time, blue hole also found red boy.

When the blue hole said that it would buy the end hanging technology at a satisfactory price, there was no fluctuation in red boy's heart.

If it had been a week ago, he would have been happy to agree and the lion opened his mouth. But he is about to leave the earth, and the money of the earth has no effect on him.

However, red boy didn't refuse, but asked blue hole to promise him one thing: always leave his ID on the login interface of the game, so that every player can see the prestige of the baby king every time he logs in to the game.

The blue hole means it's difficult.

Such a request, even the game founder dare not put forward.

The red boy said simply, "you only have one day to think about it. You can't wait after it's overdue!"

One day later, it was the day when red boy left the earth. At present, only he and Zheng Feiyue knew about the plug-in technology, and Zheng Feiyue was not interested in selling it.

The blue hole immediately held a meeting. To tell the truth, although red boy's requirements are outrageous, the game has been deteriorating by plug-ins. If it is not managed, the result is likely to be cool.

Finally, after a difficult discussion, I finally decided to engrave red boy's ID on the login interface of the game.

Accordingly, they finally got the core technology of ending hanging.

Blue hole immediately launched research and announced that the company will launch a new version in a month, which aims to create a hanging green and pollution-free environment for the majority of game players.

Of course, these are later words.

After getting what she wanted, red boy expressed great regret that she couldn't wait for the day when her ID was engraved on the login interface.

But there is no way. This day will come after all. Although the earth has left him many painful and beautiful memories, the fairy world is his home.

On the day of parting, red boy refused the big guy's suggestion to send him off together, but asked Zheng Feiyue and Wang Zihao to send him off.

Shi Zhanbo is said to have contacted the ox demon king. After receiving the person, he will send the red boy back through a special way.

Red boy holds a laptop and a row of desktop computers under his feet. In addition, there is a whole box of Apple phones.

These were all given to him by Wang Zihao.

At the time of parting, the little fat man was still very loyal. He bought a lot of high-tech products for red boy, and copied 500g hard disk games and 100g online novels.

The red boy was moved. He patted Wang Zihao on the shoulder and said, "good brother, I shouldn't have done that to you before. If you like, you and I will become brothers now. We don't want to live on the same day in the same year, but on the same day in the same month... Well, forget it. I'm an immortal. Monks don't lie."

Wang Zihao: "

The scene was a little awkward. Zheng Feiyue came out and said, "well, when you get there, practice well with master Guanyin and be good to your parents. I learned a few dishes a few days ago and gave them a taste."

After hearing the speech, the red boy was silent for a moment and said, "Zheng Feiyue, I also want to thank you. If it weren't for your harsh, cold and despicable, I couldn't understand a lot of truth. If I had a chance to meet you in the future, you and I would fight another 300 rounds!"

Zheng Feiyue: "

Here comes Shi Zhanbo's car.

Red boy picked up his computer and mobile phone and said loudly, "goodbye!"

"Well, take care!"

"Goodbye, red boy. Don't forget when you play games in the future. I took you to the road."

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