Wang Zihao likes the matter of boss Yeren. At present, only the party concerned and Zheng Feiyue know.

It's like you have a secret hidden in your heart that you can't let people know even if you're killed. Suddenly, someone will know it one day. What's your mood?

Wang Zihao now felt that there was an invisible thread that bound him firmly, and the end of the rope was in his uncle's hand.

In the past two years, as he grows older, his physical development tends to mature. As a host of Shenhao system, he will soon usher in his comprehensive "take-off period."

But at such a crucial moment, his uncle came back, hid in the statue and shamelessly knew his biggest secret.

"Brother-in-law, I miss you during your absence."

Wang Zihao showed a flattering smile.

Unfortunately, this little means is not enough in front of Zheng Feiyue. He has two beautiful women in his building. He looks up and down at Wang Zihao and says with a smile: "you have grown well in the past two years."

You're growing well!

Wang Zihao scolded in his heart, showed a more flattering smile and said, "brother-in-law, it's mainly your good care and your blessing."

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a while. I've learned to be polite. It seems that you've really grown up."

Zheng Feiyue sighed.

Wang Zihao accompanied him carefully and nodded repeatedly.

Zheng Feiyue sighed and said, "Xiaohao, your days with me are not short?"

"Yes... Yes."

Wang Zihao began to panic. The title "Xiaohao" has never been heard of. It may mean that his eldest brother-in-law is going to clean up a moth.

"In recent years, because you are the host, no one at home can restrain you. With me, I haven't played a good duty of supervision. I'm ashamed. Now that you're growing up, someone should take care of you."

Wang Zihao stammered, "I'm alone... Very good."

"How can I do that? I have to save you before you are completely corroded by money. What, new moon, what is the little fat man doing recently?" Zheng Feiyue asked.

Zheng Xinyue sneered: "usury. This little boy relies on his own system to lend money everywhere on the platform. I can't control him!"

Hearing the speech, Wang Zihao blushed and said, "nonsense, you know wronging me!"

Zheng Xinyue took out his tablet and knocked it a few times. The news about Wang Zihao's debt lending on the platform clearly appeared in front of Zheng Feiyue.

Zheng Feiyue glanced and said in surprise, "shit, did you put all your debts in Dubai?"

When Wang Zihao saw that the matter had been exposed, he did not hide it. He whispered, "I have some friends in Dubai, including some Jews who are very business minded. They said that the common point is the new pass economy in the future, and they also told me to establish a financial empire under the new economic system. I promised that I was accumulating original funds, that is, raising interest and lending."

Everyone was surprised

A little boy and several foreign friends have such an idea of moving forward.

Zheng Xinyue is proficient in dozens of knowledge, including economics. In addition, she controls the circulation trend of global common points. After listening to Wang Zihao, she is completely possible to achieve this.

Most importantly, whoever can first establish a financial empire under the general point economy will master half of the host lifeline of the world.

And it was half of the country forcibly robbed from Zheng Feiyue.

Zheng Feiyue also realized that what little fat people do unintentionally can even affect the host pattern in the future.

"Listen, listen. You're not as good as a little boy. People put the pattern in twenty years."

This is mainly for Tony and Thor.

At present, one of them is an employee of the Research Institute (studied) and the other is a base generator, barely a temporary worker.

Tony looked ugly and said, "Mr. Zheng has a lot of talents. I admire him."

"Ha ha ha."

In this sentence, Zheng Feiyue didn't float, but Wang Zihao floated first.

In fact, he doesn't know that doing something casually has such far-reaching significance, but does the tough life need to be explained?

Brother is really a genius!

"Genius, where are your Jewish friends?"

Zheng Feiyue asked.

The floating Prince Hao didn't think about it and said, "in Dubai, I paid them to rent a presidential suite in a seven-star hotel for a long time."

Zheng Feiyue nodded and said, "crescent moon, contact the agent in Dubai, bring those Jews back, and set up the first general point bank, and I will open corresponding permissions for you on the platform. In addition, any private similar institutions are illegal, and those found will be beheaded!"

"I see, brother."

Wang Zihao looked left and again and said blankly, "brother-in-law, are you going to embezzle the fruits of my labor?"

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile, "what are you talking about? You call me brother-in-law. We are a family. Isn't yours brother-in-law's?"

Wang Zihao said, "you are so shameless."

"I'm for your good. From today on, not only your company will be managed by the base, but also your expenses, diet, recreation and work and rest time will be managed."

"Shit!" Wang Zihao felt that he was hit hard by a sledgehammer. "Why? Why do you take care of me so much? Even my parents can't take care of me!"

Zheng Feiyue squatted down and said in a voice of only two people: "in fact, there is a problem with me, that is, my mouth is big. You don't know. When I was in college, my classmates gave me a nickname, Zheng Dazui."

With that, Zheng Feiyue pointed to his mouth.

Wang Zihao said angrily, "you are so mean that you even threaten your little friends!"

"Although I know it's a little shameless to say so, it's all for your good. Look at you now, you don't work at a young age. You eat takeout all day, play games and watch animation all night. If you go on like this, something will happen sooner or later."

Zheng Feiyue said.

Wang Zihao said loudly, "I'm not afraid. I bought a lot of props to supplement energy and prolong life. I'm not afraid at all!"

"Are you afraid of the dark night?" Zheng Feiyue came to Wang Zihao's ear and whispered like a devil. "If you let her know that you like her, even if you have color heart but no color courage, do you think she will let you go?"

Wang Zihao stared and said, "it's too much, brother-in-law!"

"Of course, even if the dark night wants to kill you, she doesn't dare to move you for my face. But if everyone knows that your secret love object is a woman older than you... Well, don't know how old you are, can you still raise your head?"

Wang Zihao clenched his apple phone tightly: "why is it so vicious?"

"For your own good!"

Zheng Feiyue nodded the little fat man's forehead and left with two confidants.

Zheng Xinyue came to the little fat man with a cold smile and said, "little fat man, your good day is over."


Wang Zihao uttered earth shaking screams.

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