Li Yun is the leader of the new generation of disciples of Ares League.

He likes fighting the most in his life and has experienced countless battle formations. He is as famous as Heisha and Maoshan disciples and is called one of the three heroes.

Among the three heroes, Heisha is the most famous, and the cultivation of Maoshan's eldest disciple is the highest. Li Yun's cultivation is the lowest, but he is the most dangerous person. This shows his actual combat ability.

Cold Star Palace and Ares alliance are the enemies of life and death. Now they suddenly meet in such an embarrassing place. How can Heisha not be shocked?

Luo Tianba, whose head was stuck in the ground, saw Li Yun coming. He grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted, "help me, Maoshan will cooperate with you to deal with the cold star palace!"

Black gauze's face changed slightly.

Li Yun disdained to smile and said, "what a big thing that Xiandong was born. Maoshan sent you to lead the team. I don't know what he thought."

Life was at stake. Luo Tianba didn't care about face and shouted, "as long as brother Li saves me, Maoshan is willing to follow the lead of the God of war alliance during this trip to the cave!"

Li Yun's eyes narrowed.

This proposal is very tempting. After all, what is left in front is the immortal family cave. If something flows out casually, it will be enough for the three forces to break their heads.

If we can eliminate the great enemy of Hanxing palace in advance and then crowd out Maoshan later, why worry about the possibility of dominating the immortal mansion?

Heisha was very anxious and even a little at a loss.

If the God of war alliance and Maoshan join hands, the cold star palace can't get to the fairy house at all, and will face the danger of annihilation at any time. After all, the fairy house is in front, so there's no morality to talk about.

Thinking of this, Heisha glared at Zheng Feiyue with cannibal eyes.

The good situation turned this guy into a dead end!

Han Shizhong wiped the blood on the knife and kindly reminded, "boss, it seems that the cold Star Palace is in a desperate situation when we are so engaged."

Lv Bu said coldly, "what does the cold Star Palace have to do with us?"

Han Shizhong nuzui to Heisha: "it doesn't matter whether you are a disciple or a girl. If you let the God of war alliance and Maoshan join hands today, it's hard for Heisha to explain when she goes back."

Hearing that these guys were still in the mood to laugh, Heisha was about to burst into anger and said loudly, "can you shut up? This time it is not only related to the three forces, but also related to the ownership of the immortal mansion. Do you know what this means?"

Several rough men looked at each other and shrugged.

Fairy house?

We have drained the immortal mansion for a long time. Well, even if you smash the forbidden mountain, you won't get any benefit.

Han Shizhong even laughed.

The black yarn had a bad mind. She racked her brains for an empty mountain, but she didn't think that the real treasure mountain was in front of her, and threw olive branches at her countless times.

"Zheng Feiyue!"

Heisha felt that she was going crazy. She gave a little girl's Jiao cry and said loudly, "give me Luo Tianba. This is the only chance for Han Xing palace!"

When Zheng Feiyue heard the speech, he lifted Luo Tianba from the ground and said with a smile, "this is a guy who will repay his vengeance. Even if you let him go, the cold Star Palace will be robbed tonight."

Black gauze was so dark that she almost fainted.

Li Yun said with a smile: "friend, you show your love to Heisha and trample Luo Tianba under your feet. It's a good man who dares to love and hate. Li Yun likes making friends best. Why don't you bring your brother to our God of war alliance and keep it. No one can bully you."

The black yarn looked slightly tight.

The Ares alliance has complex personnel and all kinds of monks. Not to mention, it is really suitable for Zheng Feiyue, a group of eccentric guys.

If Zheng Feiyue and others were recruited, there would be no hope in the cold Star Palace.

Facing the olive branch stretched out by Li Yun, Zheng Feiyue asked a question.

"Is Jiang Bin your man?"

When Li Yun heard the speech, his face changed slightly and said, "Jiang Bin is my brother. Where is he?"

Jiang Bin is Li Yun's good brother. A few years ago, there was a big war between the God of war alliance and the cold Star Palace. The two sides sent out the great friars in the Hedao period, and a fierce struggle broke out. Even the space was broken.

That is, after the battle, Jiang Bin could not see anyone alive or dead.

Li Yun has been looking for Jiang Bin's whereabouts for years, but there is no result. Unexpectedly, he heard his brother's name from Zheng Feiyue today.

"Jiang Bin is dead. I killed him. The guy who stepped on the horse stabbed me dozens of times. I always remember this revenge. You are his brother and probably not a good bird!"

Zheng Feiyue didn't save face for Li Yun at all.

In those years, Jiang Bin accidentally wandered down the world, sucked the blood essence of living people, and hit the three major forces. He almost killed Zheng Feiyue to lingchi. He will always remember this hatred.

When Li Yun heard Zheng Feiyue say that Jiang Bin was dead, his eyes turned red. He raised two black hammers in his hands and shouted, "kill my brother. You're going to die tonight!"


The hammer smashed at Zheng Feiyue with great strength.

Zheng Feiyue did nothing but blocked Luo Tianba in front of him.

The hammer came and stopped abruptly in front of Luo Tianba's face. The latter was almost scared to pee and said in a trembling voice: "brother Li, be careful, be careful!"

Li Yun took back the hammer, his face was gloomy and said, "let the man go!"

Zheng Feiyue was still smiling and said, "brother Li, righteousness is thin. Why don't the enemy do it in front? Come on, hit it with a hammer and avenge your poor brother Jiang Bin."

Li Yun said coldly, "I'll say it again and let people go!"

"Let go of me!"

Luo Tianba wriggled and was sure that Zheng Feiyue did not dare to move him. After all, there are no more witnesses like ares alliance now. It is impossible to hide the killing and destruction of corpses.

Black gauze quickly came to Zheng Feiyue and came close to him: "let Luo Tianba go. There is still a chance to save it. If we really kill him, Maoshan and Ares alliance can't resist."

Li Yun sneered: "if Luo Tianba dies, the cold Star Palace is bound to abandon you. At that time, you will surely die in the face of the dual pursuit of the God of war alliance and Maoshan! Release the people obediently, and then apologize for my brother Jiang Bin. In return, I can release your brothers."

After the words, the people of the God of war alliance slowly surrounded them.

The situation is imminent.

Heisha said anxiously, "let go. This is the only chance I can protect you. Trust me."

Luo Tianba struggled and said, "let go of me!"

Li Yun shouted, "let people go!"

Everyone is putting pressure on Zheng Feiyue. Other people may have been unable to bear the pressure and let him go.

But Zheng Feiyue is extraordinary.

For him, the so-called dead end, sometimes with a little flexibility, will become a way to live, and can always make people stunned.

Zheng Feiyue's hands climbed on both sides of Luo Tianba's cheeks and moved gently, like an intimate touch between husband and wife.

"Should I let you go?"

Luo Tianba said with a grim smile, "do you have a choice?"

Zheng Feiyue smiled and said, "yes, I have no other choice."

When he finished speaking, he twisted his hands.


There was silence.


The third shift.

There will be another one later.

If you don't say it's false, I'm sorry for the previous update. Only explosion can thank you more!

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