Count the great changes in human history, such as agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and Internet revolution, which has not brought earth shaking changes to human society.

Zheng Feiyue unifies the seven continents and connects the hosts of the world through three platforms, which is no less significant than Pangu's pioneering work.

The dark net era conceived by Zheng Xinyue means that the global host has directly entered the Internet era from the slave society, and its significance can be imagined.


What is the dark net era?

There are many similarities between the dark network era and the Internet era. It can even be said that the dark network is a replica of the Internet.

If the Internet connects computers all over the world to form a huge network, then the dark network is to replace computers with systems to form a huge network that can only be used by hosts.

This is the design concept of dark net.

Zheng Feiyue's management system proves that systems can be connected like computers.

What Zheng Xinyue wants to do is to make this connection no longer stick to the model of the three platforms, but become a free, broad and infinitely possible gathering place like the real Internet.

It's just.

The three platforms can realize this operation because of Zheng Feiyue's system characteristics, and the dark network is a new virtual body, so we must think of a way out of nothing.

This step is very difficult. Zheng Xinyue has been thinking for a long time and has no clue.

Finally, she plans to return to the essence and study the system back to the source, which is just like if you want to learn programming, you have to master the basic language such as C language first.

What is a system?

This is a difficult question to answer, and few people have studied it.

Where does the system come from?

It is even more difficult to find out.

Hosts only know that the system will come to the brain one day, and then release tasks. The host does tasks, obtains experience and points, and then upgrades, sweepstakes and so on.

Zheng Xinyue calls this process the system operation process.

By collecting information everywhere, she also found that the operation process of this system appeared and became popular in modern times.

In the Qing Dynasty and earlier dynasties, the process of the system was very different.

Zheng Xinyue once learned from her brother that in the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as Han Shizhong, Chang Yuchun and Zhang Xianzhong, the system was a light. When it came, people had all kinds of abilities.

Therefore, people at that time called themselves God given people, implying the blessings given by God.

From the Tang Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty, the system in this period is simpler, that is, inheriting one by one, practicing Qi, refining pills, raising animals and so on.

Even the host himself didn't quite understand how to open his mind. He thought it was the memory of his ancestors hidden in the blood, and the blood woke up.

This is what Lv Bu and Zhao Yun told Zheng Feiyue, and Zheng Feiyue told Zheng Xinyue.

As for the era before the Qin Dynasty, it is collectively referred to as the pre-Qin era.

This era lasted from Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties to Pangu's epoch-making. Although many records have been handed down so far, there is no way to investigate them, which naturally can not be used as a theoretical basis.

However, Zheng Xinyue also judged that the existence of the system is keeping pace with the times with the changes of the times.

Not only the operation process is changing, but also the types are constantly refined and enriched.

The most typical example is her own Xueba system. Scientific theoretical knowledge must be the product of modern times.

In addition, Zheng Feiyue once said that although the system is born with the host, it will not die because the host dies, but will fall into a deep sleep, wait for the time to be ripe and meet another predestined person.

In other words, they can be with heaven and earth.

These are the various characteristics of the system collected by Zheng Xinyue.

The origin is mysterious, keeps pace with the times, and is with heaven and earth.

These characteristics made Zheng Xinyue have deep doubts. She told the merit golden body and hoped to get some suggestions and inspiration from another life body.

The golden body is born according to merit and virtue, and has the sharpest perception of the way of heaven.

Therefore, when reading this chapter, you may feel that it is completely serious nonsense.

But isn't the novel just serious nonsense?

This chapter is mostly whimsical principles and settings, which should not have taken a lot of time to write.

But because the next plot depends on these theories, otherwise you will feel very fake, so you have to write it.

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