"An external connection device has been detected. Is it connected?"

The huge sea was stunned.

What happened?

"An external connection device has been detected. Is it connected?"

His system sounds again.

Huge sea subconsciously looked at Zheng Feiyue and Zheng Xinyue and replied, "connection."


"Successfully connected to the system."

On Pang Dahai's system interface, a sub interface suddenly appears. After the drop-down, it is the interface of Baidu search engine.

Zheng Xinyue and Tong Yan have the same system interface.

"Lying trough!" huge Hai was shocked and his fat was trembling. "You really got this thing out. You can connect to the Internet of the system. It's against the sky!"

Zheng Xinyue said with a smile: "it's successful, but the influence of dark net is limited to Zheng city. As long as the golden body grows, it will cover the world sooner or later."

Huge sea nodded repeatedly and entered a line of text on the baidu interface of the system.

"What if the stepson is rebellious and disobedient?"

Search content is empty!

"No Internet connection?"

The huge sea was surprised.

Zheng Xinyue said speechless, "this interface is just what I do. At present, the dark network is still poor. A lot of information needs to be uploaded by the hosts, which is the same reason as when the Internet was first created."

To put it bluntly, the dark net is still a white board.

The huge sea pursed her mouth with regret.

"Why, my son is not obedient?"

Zheng Feiyue smiled.

The huge sea was frightened and roared, "do you peep into my privacy?"

Zheng Feiyue shrugged helplessly. The source of the dark net was from him. Pang Dahai didn't do anti snooping protection. Naturally, it can be seen clearly here.

"Crescent moon, you can't do this dark network. Customers have no privacy!"

The huge sea was dissatisfied.

Zheng Feiyue likes to pry into his privacy. When they first met, they both soared or didn't change.

"Later, I will set the encryption code for each port. If you set the password through your own system, no one can steal your privacy."

"That's about the same!"

Huge sea hehe smiled. He didn't know what obscene things he thought. He put down the food and ran away.

Zheng Feiyue shook his head speechless.

Three people had a meal.

Zheng Feiyue put down the dishes and chopsticks and said, "I've been down for more than half a month. I can't delay any more. I have to hurry back and find a way to straighten out the dark net. This thing is of great use to me."

"Brother, what interesting things do you think of?"

Zheng Xinyue has a wonderful way. In fact, she really wants to go to the upper world. However, the world is blocked. She really doesn't have the bad luck of her brother and can't go to the upper world.

"Hey, hey, I won't tell you until I get the dark net out first. Well, it's called the dark net on the earth, but it can't be called that in the fairy world. It has to be called the fairy net!"


Zheng Feiyue touched his sister's head, said a few intimate words with Tong Yan, and began to communicate his sense of separation.

The fairyland.

Forbidden mountain.

Two eggs were sleeping in their master's arms. Suddenly they felt the master tremble, and then a cold voice came.

"I asked you to protect the Dharma. Did you run to my arms to sleep?"

Two eggs open their bear eyes.

What came into view was a pair of cold and cruel eyes.


Zheng Feiyue kicked the two eggs up.

"Roar, you're paralyzed. Get up and train the devil until the sun sets!"

In half an hour.

Two eggs ran miserably in the mountains, chasing three monsters back to the virtual realm.

Really dead!

"Run faster!"

"What does it look like to slow down!"

"What have you been doing for half a month? Look at the fat on you. There's no dinner until you lose weight!"

The two eggs roared.

If it can speak, it will say: my master is ill!

Night fell.

A small fire was lit in the depths of the forbidden mountain.

Zheng Feiyue sat by the fire, holding a piece of spirit jade, and was carving something on it with his spiritual strength.

The exhausted two eggs lay by the fire and looked pitifully at the master, trying to arouse the master's pity and reward it with a piece of meat.

Unfortunately, Zheng Feiyue is very absorbed in carving. He talks about the relevant instructions of C language, and the code can fly.

Unknowingly, it was bright.

All the jade on Zheng Feiyue's body are engraved with codes.

If you inspire these jades with merit, within a specific range, all practitioners can see a forum he created as long as they master specific formulas and gesture guidance.

Yes, Zheng Feiyue spent an all night working out the basic framework of the forum.

The forum is tentatively named "Xiantan 1.0". It initially plans to build four plates: Xiantan forum rules, the latest information, emotional life, and the final trading plate.

In the following days, Zheng Feiyue buried himself in programming while training two eggs. From time to time, he would go out to buy some jade and come back to continue his code farming career.

that day.

It's not dawn yet.

Zheng Feiyue was tired and dizzy after programming all night again.

It takes a lot of energy to carve a code on a small jade with mental power.

After a few days and nights, he felt a chill on his head.

If the earth's programmers come, it is estimated that they will be able to bald themselves all night!

The other side.

The two eggs groaned up.

It carried the big stone prepared by Zheng Feiyue for itself and began its own devil training.

Zheng Feiyue was busy programming recently and didn't have time to train Er Dan himself. He put a big stone in his residence and on the mountain far away.

Er Dan's daily task is to exchange the two stones within the specified time.

If you can't finish the task, you will not only be severely beaten, but also be punished for not eating or sleeping, and you can't even touch the eggs. It's very cruel!

Another tough day.

The two eggs picked up a big stone and put it on their back. When they were just ready to start, they suddenly heard the voice of their master.

"Two eggs, come to me."

The two eggs turned in doubt and found that the master was looking at himself gently.


Zheng Feiyue smiled and said, "put down the big stone, lie down to me and let me touch you."

Two eggs took a step back quietly.

"What are you doing? Come to Dad. There's a sweet pill." Zheng Feiyue smiled like a loving father.

Two eggs hesitate.


The iron gnawing clan is the most intelligent race. You can't fool me twice with the same moves... But the pill smells good. I feel my limbs don't work at all.

So tired.

Forget it. Practice again tomorrow. Take a day off today.

The two eggs threw away the big stone on their back and rushed to their master with their limbs and ground.

Another happy and sweet day.

The next day.

Two eggs were still immersed in their sleep and heard the cold voice again: "did you train yesterday? Why was the stone the day before yesterday?"


The second egg, who was still lying in the host's warm arms a moment ago, suddenly found himself flying in the air.

"Pick up the stone and roll to training. You have no food for the next three days!"


The two eggs collapsed.


Today, we will start with two chapters to improve the following outline and make it more exciting!

Hey, hey, hey.

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