Li xiner quickly browsed through pieces of information.

Although most of the information has no substantive effect, this feeling just can't stop.

After reading the consultation section, Li xiner turned to the emotional life section again.

"Brother, I want to see this."

Zheng Feiyue wondered: "this section has no content, only a few novels I temporarily uploaded. Do you want to read it?"

"What is a novel?"

Li xiner asked.

"It's long storytelling. Let me see. You shouldn't like it. Here's a female frequency love novel, which tells the story of nine tail demon fox and monkey king. Do you want to read it?"

Li xiner was surprised: "Sun Dasheng and Nine Tailed demon fox?"

Zheng Feiyue nodded. In fact, it is a companion novel adapted from the game. It tells the story of the monkey king accidentally crossing over on a rune land and falling in love with the Nine Tailed demon fox.

Li xiner opened the book curiously.

The first sentence in the book attracted her.

"My name is Ali. The fox in the eyes of men and the snake and scorpion in the mouth of women. What I want is only a sincere love, but I can't meet the man who doesn't move because of my beauty."

Sense of substitution!

A strong sense of substitution is coming!

Li Xin'er thought that Ali was talking about me and quickly turned the page back.

"My nine tail blood is gradually covered by human blood. I am more and more eager for a sincere love. God, please give me a sincere love!"

The meteorite fell and the earth shattered.

A strange stone appeared in front of Ali. The stone suddenly fell apart. A hairy faced monkey with Lei Gong's mouth jumped out, held a big stick and shouted, "come on, the monster handed over my master!"

"What's your name?"

"Monkey King, you little fox, why don't you run when you see my great sage?"


The sun sets in the West.

Li Xin'er moved his sore neck. When he turned back, he found that there was no content.

She looked up and found that there were many more people in the yard, and each breath was not weak.

She was startled.

It was all because the storytelling was too good-looking. The plot was tortuous and touching. It was almost tearful. She was completely caught in it, but she didn't find herself surrounded.

Zheng Feiyue just came out of the room and said with a smile, "finished reading?"

Li xiner covered up his inner panic a little and said with a smile, "brother, why don't you have the content behind? And these people, are they your friends?"

"These are my brothers. As for the follow-up content of the novel, the author hasn't written it yet."

Zheng Feiyue said.

Li Xin'er reluctantly moved away from his sight and said with a smile, "in that case, Xin'er is waiting. I won't disturb my brother and brothers to rest."

"Wait a minute." Lv Bu suddenly made a noise and blocked at the door, "you're not going to go like this?"

Li xiner was surprised.

In front of him, his breath fluctuates very strongly. He is full of killing Qi. It's hard to deal with at first sight.

"What does this brother mean by stopping his heart?"

She forced a smile.

Lv Bu pointed to the fairy net and said, "after playing for so long, we leave without giving a penny. Don't we want money for our merit?"

Li xiner was stunned.

We've been working together for a long time. There's a charge!

She took out a bottle of pill and said with a smile, "it's my heart. Here's a bottle of coagulating magic pill. It should be enough to cover the cost of my heart?"

Lv Bu took the elixir, opened it, glanced at it and threw it directly to Zheng Feiyue.

Zheng Feiyue nodded uncertainly.

Lv Bu stepped out of the way and Li xiner hurried out.

The gate closed again.

Han Shizhong's face coagulated and said, "that woman is from the heart demon valley. It seems that there are great forces staring at us."

"If you want to open the door to do business in sanggui City, you can't avoid opening the bulk door. Li xiner has good strength and wants to have a good position in Xinmo valley. This time, I just borrow her mouth to explore the wind direction of the bulk door."

Zheng Feiyue said.

Han Shizhong nodded and turned to say, "but to tell you the truth, Xianwang is of great value. I'm worried that the main doors can't help but tempt us."

Zheng Feiyue picked up a piece of bamboo, fed two eggs and said, "I'm the only one who knows the technology of Xianwang. It annoys us. As soon as things withdraw to the mountains, swallow ten or eight Xiandan, shut up for hundreds of years, and dig their ancestral graves after coming out."

When they heard the speech, they also laughed.


They are now poor, leaving only the elixir.

Zheng Feiyue finished feeding the two eggs of bamboo, clapped his hands and said, "in short, don't counsellor is to do it. If you can't do it, run away, find a place to take the pill, and then do it again!"

"Ha ha!"

"The boss is powerful!"

"It should be like this. Before, I had to be a loser on the other side of the extreme magic sea!"


Xinmo Valley is located in a valley with elegant environment.

The terrain around the valley is complex, implying the array of five elements.

After Li Xin'er returned to the valley, without delay, he immediately met the speaker of zongmen.

She reported the existence of fairy net and all kinds of strangeness to the speaker in every detail.

After hearing this, the speaker expressed great shock.

In this world, there are such magical things that neither consume magic power nor use magic weapons, but all rely on the power of merit and virtue.

"My heart, what do you think of it?"

The speaker asked.

Li xiner replied, "in my opinion, whether it's Xianwang or that group of people, they all appear suddenly. It's inappropriate to make a hasty decision, and more contact is needed."

"Well, I'll leave it to you. In addition, pay attention to the movements of several other doors."

"My heart understands."

That night.

Li xiner found several familiar sisters to tell about Xianwang, and invited everyone to have a look tomorrow on the grounds of "completing the task".

In fact, Li Xin'er is thinking about the book review.

Are men and women together at last? Can the infatuation of the Nine Tailed demon fox keep sun Dasheng on the continent of varolland? In the face of learning scriptures and love, how should the great sage choose?

Unable to see the answer, Li xiner felt like a dozen cats scratching.

It's hard.

The next day, it was dark.

Li Xin'er took her sister to the residence of the iron and blood 18th battalion and knocked on the door.


Zheng Feiyue opened the door in his pajamas and found a large group of beautiful women standing outside, each making eyes at himself.


Several Meigong bombed here. Who can stand it?

But fortunately, there are still men at home who can stand it!

Lv Bu came forward and looked the same in the face of several flattering skills. He almost reached the full level of Lang Xin's iron like skills.

"Come online?" he asked.

Li xiner nodded repeatedly and said, "I'll take my sisters to see Xiaxian net."

Lv Bu stretched out his hand and said, "one person has a bottle of condensation magic pill."

"So expensive?"

"Handsome brother, look at us weak women. Where are we rich?"

"Be accommodating."

Lv Bu sneered.

No money?

No money, you say


The women in the heart demon valley were mercilessly rejected.

"Fengxian, is your heart made of iron? It's too ruthless."

Zheng Feiyue shook his head, threw two magic pills into his mouth and chewed them.

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