More than an hour later, Wang Lina stopped the car.

"Aunt, the road ahead is too small for our car to pass. Can you park the car here?"

Wang Yumei is a little disappointed. If she parks her car here, it will be difficult to move things. Her eldest brother's family may satirize them, but the road is too small. Even if she wants to drive the car over, she can't help it.

"Well, let's stop the car and walk over."

"OK, aunt."

Wang Lina parked the car, and Zhang Xiaofan and his four people went from the path to Wang Dajun's house.

Wang Dajun's son, Wang Erniu, graduated from high school and went to a technical school in Qinchuan city. After graduation, he worked in a factory in the South and found a girlfriend in the south.

Last year, the factory opened a branch in Qinchuan City, and Wang Erniu followed him. He was regarded as a technical worker and was valued by the boss in the unit. This made Wang Dajun look bad. When he saw the villagers, he said how capable his family Wang Erniu was.

Half a year ago, the woman proposed to get married, but she had to buy a house in the urban area. Wang Erniu earned four or five thousand yuan a month. It was not easy to buy a house. The family took all the money accumulated over the years and paid a down payment of more than 100000 yuan.

Then the woman asked for another 100000 betrothal gifts, which ruined the Wang Dajun family. She worked hard to collect 80000. There was still a shortage of 40000. She said she would give them slowly after marriage. The woman's family was reluctant.

Today, Wang erhu invited the unit leaders and some friends he made in the city, waiting for the woman's family to get married.

As soon as the four of Zhang Xiaofan arrived, Wang Dajun's wife saw that Zhang Xiaofan brought few things and began to satirize.

"The four talents brought so much food and drink. It's really unlucky to have poor relatives like you."

Zhang Xiaofan will turn around and leave when she hears the speech. Wang Yumei looks at Zhang Xiaofan with praying eyes and hopes her son will give her face and don't go.

After a few seconds, Zhang Xiaofan calmed down slowly, and Wang Yumei took back her eyes at ease.

"Wang Yumei, what are you doing? Go to the kitchen and help."

"And Zhang Chengcheng, you hurry to chop firewood. Later, when all your relatives arrive, people are noisy and use a lot of firewood!"

Zhang Xiaofan was so angry that he could not bear to let his parents do so much work in his family. He sent his parents to the city and let his parents work at Zhang Dajun's house. This is unbearable.

"Uncle's woman, we came to your house to attend your son's wedding, but we didn't come to work. If we want to find work, go find workers."

Wang Dajun's wife was angry and began to ridicule Zhang Xiaofan.

"Nephew Da Jun, if I remember correctly, you should be 28 years old! You haven't married yet. Are you too poor to find a daughter-in-law?"

Zhang Xiaofan is too lazy to pay attention to this relative. This relative is even more excessive.

"I told you earlier that it's no use going to college. Let you go to technical school with my second cow, and then find a job. It's five or six thousand a month. It's easy. What a good thing. You still don't listen to it. Now you can't find your daughter-in-law."

Wang Lina can't help it now.

"Who says our boss doesn't have a girlfriend? Our boss's girlfriend can't stand in a street. They all kneel in front of our boss for adoption."

Wang Dajun's wife laughed.

"Ha ha, it's a joke. A poor man is still the boss. You really can pretend. You rented a young lady from outside to our house for the sake of face. You really think highly of our house."

Wang Lina wanted to scold when she heard the speech, but she was held by Zhang Xiaofan. She was so angry that Wang Lina turned her body around.

Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to take care of the relative at the moment. He went to several guests playing cards and watched them play cards.

Wang Yumei went to the kitchen to help. Wang Dajun came in and said to his wife, "wife, it's bad. My mother's family comes too much. We can only take five taxis, and two people have nowhere to sit. People say that if we can't find another car, we won't get married."

"How can there be such a helpless family? Our family has spent 80000 yuan. Their family is too much. I'll go to them to argue."

"What are you talking about? Now that all your relatives have arrived, is it time to talk to others? If they don't get married, what face will our family have in the village in the future?"

"But I can't help it now! My son rented the taxi through a relationship. It costs 1000 yuan a day. Now even if I have money, I don't have a car willing to come to a place like us!"

"If you think about our relatives who have cars, we can pay for them to help."

"One of our relatives has a car. My eldest brother's family has a tricycle. It's estimated that people don't want to take it."

"Isn't that nonsense?"

"Then there will be no more."

Wang Yumei listened to the conversation between her eldest brother and her sister-in-law and summoned up her courage to come to her.

"My family Xiaofan has a pickup truck. It is estimated that people don't want to sit. He knows a lot of people in the city. Why don't I go to him and ask him to find some Mercedes Benz and BMW."

Wang Dajun and his wife don't believe Wang Yumei at all. They think Wang Yumei is talking nonsense.

"Sister, our family is burning! Can you not make trouble, I don't know the situation of your family?"

"At that time, my parents didn't want to, and I opposed it. You just said that Zhang Chengcheng wanted to marry in the past. Now think about whether you have had a good day since you married in the past."

"I also took hundreds of yuan from home. It's all small money. We don't want it. Don't make trouble again!"

"Brother, what I said is true. Why don't you believe me?"

"Wang Yumei, shut up and get out of here. We don't lack food and drink."

Wang Yumei is very sad, but she can't help it. Her parents died early. Her eldest brother is now her only relative. If she breaks up with her eldest brother's family, she won't have her mother's family. It's a very sad thing.

Wang erhu ran in at this time.

"Dad, mom, have you found the car? People will arrive in two hours. Our village is far from the city. We have to start quickly!"

Wang Dajun and his wife were very embarrassed. Wang Er was so angry that he scolded them.

"I'm so lost. With your incompetent parents, why did I run to this small city from the South and ask you to pay the down payment? I almost died. I can't find a car now."

"Brother Erniu, there is a pickup truck parked at the head of our village. It is top matched. It should be the relative's. You should have no problem asking the relative to come."

Just then, one of Wang Erniu's hair trotted in.

"A top equipped pickup truck, really or not?"

"Of course it's true. Can I lie to you when it's time?"

Wang Erniu turned his eyes to Wang Dajun.

"Dad, who owns that pickup truck? Go and help me deal with it. If you can't do it well, I'll go back to the South and never come back." Wang Erniu said and went out.

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