In minutes, a group of ice wolves went to the iceberg and knelt in front of Zhang Xiaofan for wine. These health wine can improve their cultivation. Naturally, they want to discuss health wine with Zhang Xiaofan.

"What a lovely group of wolves, give them my." Zhang Huanhuan threw his health wine to the ice wolves.

The wine of wine gourd is limited. They can only get a little each, but Rao is this, which is enough for them, because these quantities can make them break through. They come to Zhang Huanhuan with gratitude one by one and lick Zhang Huanhuan's feet.

It's good to have martial arts. Even these wolves are not afraid. Like ordinary people, they are scared when wolves appear.

Let alone feed the wolf with wine. This shows a problem. People must require a skill to live in the world. If they don't have skills, life will be very painful.

What Zhang Xiaofan sees now is Zhang Huanhuan's love, which shows that Zhang Huanhuan is a kind girl, which makes him remember those stray cats on the earth.

Aren't there good girls to feed them? They are the most lovely people. In the eyes of those animals, they give them the love they want, just like their parents.

After a while, the ice wolves left. Zhang Xiaofei turned to look at Zhang Huanhuan, smiled and said to Zhang Huanhuan, "I didn't expect you to have such a kind side. I admire you."

Zhang Huanhuan stood up with a smile.

"What kind is this? It's not so much called kindness as making friends. I lived in that place since I was a child. I don't even have a friend. I'm so lonely. Sometimes I complain about my parents."

"They fell in love, lived in seclusion, did not contact with people outside, and lived a happy life, but I, alone, didn't even know what it was to play."

"Is it very sad? Are they selfish? So I especially like animals, because I can only spend my childhood with them."

"I remember there were some ferrets near our house. They were very cute. I became friends with them and often played together. Suddenly one day they didn't appear again. I felt very strange."

So I wanted to find them, but I found that they were killed by the hunter. At that time, I was very angry and wanted to revenge the hunter, but when I found the hunter.

"When I found that the couple were also living in seclusion and had a child much younger than me, I gave up the idea of killing them and felt that the child was as poor as me."

Zhang Xiaofan has a different feeling about which pot is full of energy. I remember when I was in high school, there were divine carving heroes on TV. Finally, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv went to the ancient tomb to live in seclusion. Many people envy that kind of life.

But now when I listen to Zhang Huanhuan's story, I really feel that they are very selfish and ignore their children and grandchildren for their own happiness.

Let them live in such a cold place at such a young age. If they don't go out of the ancient tomb and have no chance to marry for a lifetime, it will be a sad thing.

"You let me feel a kind of human temperature, a kind of children who need to pay attention to. Ni you are really great. It's great to have such a lively character in such an environment."

"Pull it down. I don't think it's great. I think it's not impossible for people who like to live in seclusion, but they need to enter the society once every other time, so they can integrate into the society, otherwise people like me."

"It's really pathetic. If I wasn't the descendant of a recluse, I might have seen all the things you said before, but I'm surprised to hear it just because of my life experience."

Zhang Xiaofan agrees with this. In fact, in Zhang Xiaofan's view, living here can only be regarded as half a recluse, not a complete recluse, because a complete recluse.

There should be no other people, but there are many people in the ice city. In Zhang Xiaofan's opinion, the most important thing here is the lack of development, living in poverty and having nothing to eat, so life becomes very boring.

In other words, the lack of competition here makes people live without hope and unhappy, which is fundamental.

"In fact, it can be changed here. If there is food and more things to live on, people can have competition and live much better."

Zhang Xiaofan thought about this before saying that it is certainly not possible to develop agriculture here, but the unique natural environment here can develop some other industries, such as trying to build the largest fishing ground here.

For example, develop the storage industry here, develop it into a natural storage site, and bring some things on the earth that need to be refrigerated here, where ice caves need to be built.

As long as people can take action, they are not afraid of being poor.

Zhang Xiaofan's idea is really good. If Zhang Xiaofan becomes the master here, he will develop here, but he is nothing now. It is impossible to build here as he wants, so what he says now is Utopian.

"Cluck, you said it could develop like you. How could it be possible? It can't grow food here. What can it do, so it can't develop like this."

"How dare you bet me that if I develop here, what will I do?"

Zhang Xiaofan is rich. As long as he can have the land use right here, he can build an airport here, transport some materials, and then start his development route, the world.

Who stipulates that development must rely on agriculture, but can't rely on industrial development? God created every place, which gives him the potential for development.

As an old saying goes, we rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water. Here we rely on ice to eat ice. As long as we make ice, we can become very rich.

Maybe when tourism starts here, a large number of artists will come here to do ice carving, and patients who like recuperation will come here to recuperate. In short, earth shaking changes will take place here. It will be the same as now.

"If you develop here, I'll marry you."

Zhang Huanhuan didn't say this for a moment, but thought about it for a long time. But Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to accept it, because he really couldn't provoke any girl again. Even if they were beautiful, they didn't dare to provoke. This is the reality.

"Forget it. I didn't dare to marry you. To tell you the truth, I have several girlfriends besides Tang Xinyue. I don't want to be involved with any girls. That's good for myself and responsible for other girls."

Zhang Xiaofan said it honestly. Zhang Huanhuan likes Zhang Xiaofan more. In fact, Zhang Huanhuan thought of this long ago, but he didn't say it. It's not surprising that an excellent man like Zhang Xiaofan has several girlfriends.

"You're quite honest. I'll joke with you. I won't let you marry me, but we can be friends."

Zhang Huanhuan began to set up for Zhang Xiaofan. There are many kinds of friends. Many young couples, at first, are boyfriend and girlfriend. In the end, they came together for a lifetime, just like Zhang Huanhuan's ancestors.

At first, she and her boyfriend were enemies. In the end, they could become husband and wife. Because of Jincheng, gold and stone are open. As long as they are willing to change, there is no relationship they can't change.

This topic is a little bigger. Even between a system and a system, it can alleviate very large contradictions and become a good relationship. The key is to see whether you are willing to change these.

"Friends, don't we have become friends now, so this doesn't count. Let me develop here. You go to my hometown with me and have a look at the scenery of my hometown."

Why does Zhang Xiaofan feel reluctant to give up Zhang Huanhuan? He is afraid that Zhang Huanhuan will separate from him after finding his father. He also knows that this is a dangerous signal. There really shouldn't be such a signal.

But he just couldn't control himself and wanted to be with Zhang Huanhuan. He was not a person who liked the new and hated the old. He knew how to refuse, but he said such words at the moment.

"Ha ha, that's all. It's too simple, but I don't believe you can change here at all."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

"Let me tell you, I want to buy the iceberg here and change it. What do you think I should do?" Zhang Xiaofan said, looking into Zhang Huanhuan's eyes.

Zhang Huanhuan shook his head.

"The time is not ripe. Let me tell you, if you want to realize your wish, you must first let most people here recognize you, including ordinary people here. This is the fundamental point. If they don't recognize you, everything you do is in vain."

Second, you should conquer the three ice owners and let them listen to you, or they attach great importance to your opinions and are willing to do as you say, so that you can realize what you say to buy icebergs. If you can't reach this point, buy icebergs.

Opening up the iceberg is nonsense. Without a good social environment, you can't be your own.

Just like you rob those people's clothes, you may be robbed back by those people at any time, depending on whose fist is hard. "

"Third, what you said needs to be in line with the development here. If it is not in line with the development here, it is even more impossible."

Zhang Xiaofan really didn't expect that what Zhang Huanhuan said was really clear and reasonable, and his analysis was particularly good. He didn't expect some aspects.

He has seen the strongest brain of girls in the future. He thinks that if Zhang Huanhuan knows some science and technology, he can also become the strongest brain.

"Awesome, I have to give you a thumbs up. Is it my honor to invite you to become a master of development here?"

Zhang Xiaofan must be very happy to find a mind like Zhang Huanhuan and cooperate with Zhang Huanhuan to develop here.

Zhang Xiaofan is really a talent. When he goes there, he wants to develop there. How can such a person go anywhere without being supported and welcomed by people.

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