What can we do in these three days of testing? The president of the cooperative asked Zhang Xiaofan.

"In these three days, you have two things to do. If you have confidence in fish fry, you begin to think about processing fish."

"After all, when the fry grow up, they can't be eaten directly. You have to process the fish. I can give you the technology of processing the fish."

"Second, if you don't have confidence in the fry, you don't have to do anything. Just wait. If you fail at that time, it will fail, and we can't help you."

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't believe it will fail, because the objective conditions here are in line with indoor breeding, even if it can't succeed.

It's also a small link that has a problem. As long as you seriously eliminate the problem, you will succeed, but if these people don't have self-confidence, they will disappoint him. After all, people without self-confidence can't do anything big. "

"We are very confident in fish fry. We hope Mr. Zhang can help us. We will not let Mr. Zhang down. Please pass on the technology of making fish to us."

The president said excitedly that other people are also excited to learn technology. These people are afraid of poverty. They really want to learn technology. If they can't learn technology, they can't make delicious even if they have mature fish.

"OK, look at you so excited, then I'll pass on the technology to you."

The technology mentioned by Zhang Xiaofan is mainly baking and pickling. The focus of these two processes is the seasoning. The health wine in Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

Is one of the important ingredients, but now tell them the brewing method of health wine, it is also lack of raw materials, and health wine can not be configured at all, so this is a very important problem, which is difficult to solve.

The only solution is to airlift health wine from China, so the cost will increase. When I think of these things.

Zhang Xiaofan has another idea, that is to make the health wine into something like salt through treatment, and then transport it here with water, but it seems difficult to do it. The key is that the current conditions are not mature.

When Zhang Xiaofan thought of this, he remembered another problem. There are many practitioners here. They should need medicinal materials. They can make health wine with medicinal materials. How can we say that there are no raw materials? It should be appropriate to have sufficient raw materials.

Zhang Xiaofan turned his eyes to the president and asked him such a question. It was not a confidential speech. Everyone here knew it, so the president immediately answered. Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan listened carefully.

"Well, all the practitioners here go to a pharmacy to buy medicinal materials. The medicinal materials there are very complete."

"As long as there are enough ice crystals, you can buy good and enough herbs, but the price is frightening, so it is difficult for us ordinary people."

"What is the source channel of their medicinal materials?"

"We don't know. It seems to be shipped from outside, so the price is quite high."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded. He really wanted to see the pharmacy. If this matter could be solved and the problem of health wine could be solved quickly, it would be a fundamental solution to the problem. It would be a good thing for everyone.

"Where is the pharmacy? Can you show us?" Zhang Xiaofan said to the president.

The president nodded. He was helping them with their work. They had no reason to refuse, but one thing was that it was more dangerous. Going to the pharmacy, the identity check was very strict, so the chance of being exposed was very high. If it was not exposed, it would be over.

Although the president was eager to go to the pharmacy, he had to tell Zhang Xiaofan what was bad. After all, Zhang Xiaofan helped them. They really didn't harm Zhang Xiaofan. That was quite immoral. It was too much to do.

"You mean that the pharmacy is in the hands of ice king, and the identity is checked by ice king's men?"


The president nodded.

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while and turned his eyes to the president. When he had an idea, he asked the president.

"President, now in Suoyang City, how many people are willing to believe me and get rich with me."

This is a key point. If there are many such people, Zhang Xiaofan is not afraid at all. This is everyone's voice. Who can stop everyone's voice and who can prevent everyone from getting rich is everyone's enemy.

Even the ice king can't. his strength is very strong and he has enough ability to defeat the ice king, so he is not afraid of the ice king at all.

As long as everyone is on his side, what is an ice king? If you respect him, he is an ice king. If you don't respect him, he can't even be a shit. That's such a truth.

The president is very confident in this aspect, because many people visited what they did one night, and they all expressed their willingness to work together. Such a crowd has accounted for 80% of the people in Suoyang city.

Only 20% still hold a wait-and-see attitude. He believes that as long as the fry are mature, those who wait-and-see.

They will also join their army. After all, there is a person who can't live with and live a good life. It's really uncomfortable when people look down on him.

"Eighty percent of the people in Suoyang city are willing to follow you."

"Well, give us the map to the pharmacy. We can't go to the pharmacy. We'll simply expose our identity, but I won't involve you. Don't worry about that."

"It's absolutely forbidden. If you expose your identity, you will be arrested and probably killed. I'm sorry to let you take such a big risk because of our business."

"So I don't agree with you to take risks. We really can't. We don't need those accessories. Just test the fish well. Even then, it's a good sentence for us. You know, in the past, we didn't even eat."

"Yes, we don't need accessories. That's too dangerous. We can't watch you die."

These people's words made Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan feel very warm. After all, they only knew each other for two days, so they trusted them from the bottom of their hearts.

This is really rare, so in his mind, he has regarded these people as their brothers. With these brothers, why don't he worry about big things.

"Don't worry, we don't want to find it. If we dare to go, we naturally have some self-confidence. Look at us, we don't look like such reckless people, so please believe us, and we won't let you down." Zhang Xiaofan insisted, and everyone was even more moved.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think this is good? Go first. If they really catch you, even if we kneel down and beg them, we will let them release you."

Zhang Xiaofan thanked these people for their intentions and knew that this was the only thing these people could do, but Zhang Xiaofan never advocated asking for help, because it was useless. There was no one in the world who would sympathize with a weak person.

Even if you want to help someone by chance, it is also because you have use value. If you lose use value, you are nothing at all. Asking for someone will only be despised by others, and no one will really help you.

"I can understand your mood, but it's really unnecessary to ask for people. You should remember that in this world, everything depends on yourself. Asking for people doesn't work."

"Take us for example. We know each other. I just pass on our technology to you. If you really want to get rich, you have to work hard. I can't help you at all. I'm like a star. I just illuminate your way forward. I didn't play a substantive role in helping you. That's the truth."

"Seriously, if the two of us are really caught, all you have to do at that time is not to know us. Then the king of Suoyang may let us go, but you go to kneel down and beg the king of Suoyang. The king of Suoyang will kill us. This is absolutely true. You can understand when you think about it."

"Just imagine, the king of Suoyang is not stupid. You go and plead with me to prove that I play a great role and pose a threat to his rule of the whole Suoyang city. Who will let a person who poses a threat to Suoyang city live? If I were the king of Suoyang, the first thing to do is to behead these two people in public as an example."

Those people were stunned when they heard Zhang Xiaofan's words, but they soon figured out that it was really such a situation. To seek the king of Suoyang in such an environment was tantamount to seeking death.

"What should we do? Anyway, we can't watch you die with your eyes open. We can't. let's go together. We share weal and woe."

"Yes, share the blessings and share the difficulties." Zhang Xiaofan was really moved by these people's words. He didn't expect to know each other for only two days. He was willing to die for each other, which made him feel full of blood. He felt it was worth meeting these people here.

In the final analysis, this is driven by interests. If Zhang Xiaofan can't bring benefits to these people, these people will not be so sincere and willing to die for Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan.

"Don't get excited. As I said before, there may not be danger, so you must be calm, or things will get out of hand."

When Zhang Xiaofan finished, the people nodded. Zhang Xiaofan was silent for a few seconds and finally made a decision.

"Have you elected a vice president? If you have, please stand up. If you have not elected a vice president, choose a vice president right now. This problem is very important and must be solved now."

There are also tens of thousands of people in Suoyang city. To implement such a thing, it is not possible to have only one president, let alone no vice president. Therefore, they have long selected the vice president, and their organization is being further improved.

"I'm the vice president." at this time, a young man stood up and said he was the vice president. Zhang Xiaofan looked at the young man and thought he was very capable and should do well.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Yang Wu."

"Yang Wu, it seems that your parents want you to be a warrior. You should be a member of the cultivation family. How can you mix with ordinary people?"

Zhang Xiaofan is really a great person, just a name. He can analyze a person's background. It's really strong. If ordinary people can't distinguish these, they have to admire Zhang Xiaofan. He is really strong.

Everyone looked at Yang Wu. Do they all live in the same place? Many people understand Yang Wu's family. It's a huge family. Many people in the family practice. Yang Wu should also be a cultivator.

However, he was born unable to practice, so he was worked out by the family and became an ordinary person like them. This is a sad thing for people of a martial arts family, but it is better.

None of the people here will bully him. They treat him as a friend, which makes him feel very warm. You know, in other places, abandoned children of his family, but no one can afford to look at it and scold him as waste.

"No matter what I do, I can't cultivate the Qi of Dantian. I doubt I don't have Dantian."

A cultivator must have a necessary condition, that is, he can condense the Qi of Dantian. If he can't do this, he is a waste.

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