When Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan were reluctant to separate, the monster finally appeared. He brought Zhang Xiaofan HA and Zhang Huanhuan very strong pressure. Zhang Huanhuan saw the monster in a picture. He was called the holy king by the people in the ice world.

It is said that the father of the iceberg snow wolf has a very high position in the ice world. Everyone should kneel down to it after seeing it. The inheritance is because a demon God wanted to destroy the ice world a long time ago.

The situation suddenly changed, and the dark clouds shrouded the whole ice world. To destroy the ice world, it was the holy king who appeared, defeated the demon king and continued the ice world to the present.

But this is completely a legend. No one knows what the real situation is. It is said that thousands of years have passed, and the holy king has never appeared again. Unexpectedly, she and Zhang Xiaofan saw it today. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"Holy king, meet the holy king."

Zhang Huanhuan pulled Zhang Xiaofan to kneel down. How could Zhang Xiaofan kneel down to a monster? It's impossible. He insisted on not kneeling. Only Zhang Huanhuan knelt down alone.

"You're so brave that you won't kneel down. Then I'll kill you."

The voice of the holy King spread and wanted to fight with Zhang Xiaofan. Zhang Xiaofan also wanted to fight. He was also a peerless strong man. He really wanted to see how strong the holy king was and try it with the holy king. Otherwise, he would be sorry for her strength.

How can Zhang Huanhuan let Zhang Xiaofan take such a risk? She knows that Zhang Xiaofan is powerful, but she can't defeat the holy king.

In order to let Zhang Xiaofan live, Zhang Xiaofan's attitude is very strict. She really can't watch Zhang Xiaofan take risks. She really wants Zhang Xiaofan to live well.

"Zhang Xiaofan, don't you know what height you are? You're tired of that strength and want to fight with the holy king. You want to annoy me."

"Kneel down quickly and admit your mistake to the holy king. For the sake of your younger generation, the holy King won't care about you. Otherwise, you will die today. What will I do then? Have you thought about it?"

Zhang Huanhuan said it very seriously. He took Zhang Xiaofan's arm and didn't let Zhang Xiaofan freeze water.

Zhang Xiaofan is very helpless. He is not so impulsive. If he thinks he can make a move, he must be qualified to make a move. Zhang Huanhuan doesn't believe him seriously.

Seriously, now even if someone in the ice world is with Zhang Xiaofan, it will stop Zhang Xiaofan, because anyway, the holy king has become famous for so long. Zhang Xiaofan wants to compare with the holy king. It's not to seek death.

None of them thought that Zhang Xiaofan could defeat the holy king. Was that an international joke? If anyone was so powerful, it was unbelievable.

Zhang Huanhuan, please believe me. I really have the ability to fight that monster. Even if I lose in the end, I will seriously hurt it and can't be completely crushed by him. "

Zhang Xiaofan thinks that this world with martial arts as its reverence is. Any begging for mercy is useless. It's just looking for reasons for others to bully you. If begging for mercy is of any use in this world.

There are not so many bullies. The more serious you are bullied, the worse you are beaten by the other party. That's really pathetic for you.

"Shut up. If you don't listen to me again, I'll never talk to you."

Zhang Huanhuan was really sad and turned to Zhang Xiaofan. Zhang Xiaofan sighed. Although he was dissatisfied with it, he was willing to admit defeat and not fight with the monster, but wanted him to kneel down and go to the next life.

"OK, I also have a bottom line. I apologize to him, but I can't kneel down."

Zhang Xiaofan said and hugged the monster. The monster still had the meaning of cheating Zhang Xiaofan. How could this happen.

What is this operation? In this world, there are people who refuse to obey him. This is the biggest challenge for him. If he doesn't teach such people a lesson, he will never make sense.

"Your boy looks very dissatisfied, and I don't know where you come from. However, judging from your breath, it seems that you really have some strength. In this case, we'll go out and have a good fight, and I'll convince you to lose." Zhang Xiaofan despised the strange beast.

"Don't be so hypocritical. Can you die? You obviously look at my friend and won't let me do it with you. You have to compete with me. Do you want me to give way, or use my friend to crush me? I tell you, if you think so, give up your idea quickly. I can't send it to you."

Zhang Xiaofan is also very helpless. This feeling of being pressed by his girlfriend and unable to make a move is really too oppressive. He has never met such a thing since his debut. He is really oppressive and wants to cry.

"What, you think I'm using your girlfriend, young man. You underestimate me. When did I want to use her? Now I'll shut him up and let her see how I beat you."

The monster said, releasing the powerful pressure, which directly pressed Zhang Huanhuan speechless. Zhang Xiaofan felt such a powerful momentum, although he had to adapt a little.

However, how scared he is is is not at all. From his debut to now, he has experienced countless battles. Even if he meets an expert much better than himself, he will not admit defeat, let alone a monster.

If you want to crush him, you must have the ability to crush him easily. He didn't feel this from the monster, so he was not afraid at all.

Zhang Huanhuan advised Zhang Xiaofan for so long that she even broke up with him. Zhang Xiaofan refused to obey the holy king in her heart. She doesn't know what to say now. Maybe she really wants more.

We should let Zhang Xiaofan suffer and let Zhang Xiaofan fail. Otherwise, Zhang Xiaofan is too proud. She thinks Lao Tzu is the first in the world and doesn't pay attention to anyone. Now she wants to understand and let Zhang Xiaofan fight.

As for the final result, it's not her concern. If Zhang Xiaofan is crushed and killed, it's also Zhang Xiaofan's life. In the end, it's a big deal that she dies with Zhang Xiaofan. What's to be afraid of.

Just keep an ordinary mind. In this world, how many people don't want to die or not. Everything has a fixed number. If there is no fixed number, what should we do? So he should also change, support Zhang Xiaofan, trust Zhang Xiaofan, let Zhang Xiaofan let go of the competition and don't worry about her. This is the only thing she can do.

"Zhang Xiaofan, since you want to have a good fight with that elder, I also support you. I hope you can be happy. I don't want to put a lot of burden on your heart because of my suppression. This is what I don't want to see, and I believe you don't want to see."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect Zhang Huanhuan to agree to fight with the monster. He was a little excited. He is worthy of being his best comrade in arms. Wen can help him make a fortune in the ice world, and Wu can accompany him to fight with the monster.

Such a woman is really the best woman in the world. He is praised. The more recognized and praised, the stronger his strength will be. He believes that one day, he will let all creatures in the world cast respectful eyes on him. He is Zhang Xiaofan. He has such strength.

"Zhang Huanhuan, thank you for your support. I will not let you down and defeat the monster." Zhang Xiaofan said, glancing at the monster.

"If you want to be happy, just follow me to a place no one has found. This place is too small and too close to the place where human beings live. If we fight, it is bound to disturb him, so you understand!"

The holy king also has this intention. This ice world is protected by it. All the people here should be his younger generation. He doesn't want to destroy their home because of his war with Zhang Xiaofan. What a bad thing.

"OK, you come with me."

No one is more familiar with this ice world than the holy king. It has lived here for thousands of years and has mastered this place very clearly. It took a few minutes to jump out.

It's already a world of flowers. The Millennium snow lotus that can't see the boundary at a glance here surprised Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan. They've never seen such a beautiful place.

"It's so beautiful here. It's the same place where immortals live." for people in the ice world, the holy king is their immortals. The holy king likes it here. Naturally, this is the place where immortals live.

Zhang Xiaofan is also very excited. He doesn't think the same as Zhang Huanhuan. In his eyes, it's white silver. If he sells the Millennium snow lotus here, he will really get rich.

You know, the Millennium snow lotus has arrived in their other systems. It is a very precious treasure. There is nothing more precious than the Millennium snow lotus.

"Old brother, let's make a deal. If I beat you, you'll give this place to me. If you beat me, I'll let you handle it."

Seeking wealth and wealth, Zhang Xiaofan now sees these treasures and his eyes shine. He really likes these treasures. As long as he gets them, it's really beautiful.

Zhang Huanhuan is about to faint because of Zhang Xiaofan's anger. He really feels that Zhang Xiaofan doesn't appreciate it. He competes with the holy king, which is to give him face and give him a chance to show. Zhang Xiaofan is good and wants to defeat the holy king.

Isn't this a bad idea? I don't know why heaven and earth are thick at all, but he said before that it's very unreasonable to believe Zhang Xiaofan and attack Zhang Xiaofan again now. That really hurts Zhang Xiaofan's self-esteem.

"What, you young man want to beat me, you really dare to think, but I really admire your courage. After all, when I was your age, I didn't dare to say such words to my predecessors, because I knew it was definitely looking for death."

"I didn't expect you to dare to say such words to me. It really impressed me. In that case, if I don't give you a chance."

"It doesn't make sense, so I promise you that as long as you can defeat me, I will give you the whole ice world, including here, of course. From then on, I will leave here and travel around the world."

Zhang Xiaofan heard this sentence, although very excited, but also laughed it off. In his opinion, all of the ice world are the three ice masters.

As for this monster, it's just pretending to force in front of him. What he said just now is also very funny. Now it's a joke.

"You gave me the whole ice world. It seems that you didn't position your identity properly. As far as I know, the leaders of the whole ice world, but the three ice masters, don't you think it's funny that your decision can make the three ice masters listen to you?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought he had exposed the holy king and laughed.

The holy king didn't speak any more. There was no point in explaining too many things. His strength was exposed in this place.

What are the three ice masters? They are just his younger generation, but he doesn't want to say it now. Even if he wants to say it, it is after Zhang Xiaofan defeated him, but he seems that Zhang Xiaofan can't defeat him at all. He still has this confidence.

"What else do you say? Do it."

The monster said, shaking and soaring. In just a few seconds, it has been as high as kilometers. At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan are a very small existence in his eyes.

It gently raises its feet and can trample Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Huanhuan to death. Of course, as a big man, he will not fight innocent people. Today, Zhang Xiaofan provokes him, so Zhang Xiaofan is dead.

"It's over. What else can I do? I'll step on it and become an ant," Zhang Huanhuan looked at the holy King's body and couldn't help worrying about Zhang Xiaofan.

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