"Secretary Liu, did you hurt your waist when you were young? There are also problems in that regard. Because of the birth of children, the relationship between husband and wife has been inconsistent?"

Zhang Xiaofan saw the root cause of secretary Liu, just like pouring mung beans from a bamboo tube, and told it all.

Secretary Liu looked at Zhang Xiaofan. His heart was so bitter that he couldn't express it. Because there was a problem there and there was no son. He felt very low self-esteem and couldn't inherit his family. This heart disease tortured him to insomnia all the time.

"Doctor Zhang, do you think I can be cured?" secretary Liu looked forward to Zhang Xiaofan's answer.

"No problem. I'll give you a massage and write a prescription. You can completely cure the disease in less than three days."

"What, three days, how can this be possible? I'm sick in a big hospital in the city. I say I can't get better all my life." secretary Liu couldn't believe it.

"That's their incompetence. I say three days is three days. If three days are not good, I'm not Zhang Xiaofan."

In Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, secretary Liu's illness is not serious, but he was injured when he was young, and there is a black gas in his waist, which hinders secretary Liu's function.

As long as the black gas is sucked out, the function of secretary Liu is passed, and then conditioned with drugs, secretary Liu can recover soon.

But now Zhang Xiaofan feels very strange. Why does beauty Liu have black gas, secretary Liu also has black gas, what is the black gas, and what is the connection between it? It's really incredible.

"Doctor Zhang, that's great. Please help me treat it now!"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and put his hand on secretary Liu's waist. With strong suction, he gradually sucked the black gas into the incense burner. Secretary Liu immediately felt much more relaxed and could stand up, but there was still a little pain.

"Secretary Liu, can you tell me how your waist was injured?" Zhang Xiaofan asked this question. The faces of the people in the village changed. Obviously, they all knew about it, which surprised Zhang Xiaofan.

Secretary Liu said, "when I was young, like you now, I was full of blood. If I wanted to do something for the village, I contracted 30 mu of mountainous area and planted more than 300 apple trees. The apples are mature."

"I found that a wild wolf ate apples every night. I didn't dare to deal with the wild wolf alone, so I contacted several hunters in the village and caught the wild wolf one night."

"However, just when we wanted to kill the wolf the next day, the wolf suddenly jumped on Yang Meijuan. At that time, Yang Meijuan was pregnant with beauty Liu."

"I was so frightened that I hurried to attack the wolf. Yang Meijuan didn't have an accident. The child was saved, but I was attacked by the wolf and fell ill from then on."

Zhang Xiaofan understood when he heard the speech. Curiously, he continued to ask what happened to the wolf in the end.

"The wild wolf escaped, and then brought more than 100 wild wolves, which made my apple orchard look bad. Since then, I have never recovered, and I have no idea of getting rich again. Until you appear, I can ignite a seed in my heart again."

Zhang Xiaofan has seen strange animals, such as Zixia fairy. It's not surprising that there are strange animals here. At this time, Zhang Xiaofan wants to see the wolf and wonder if he can solve the mystery of black gas from the wolf.

"Well, secretary Liu, this is the prescription I wrote for you. It's not a precious medicinal material. You can catch it in the village health center. You can take it first. We'll go to town in the afternoon and come back in the evening. I'll give you a pill to ensure that you can achieve what you want."

After the massage, Zhang Xiaofan wrote a prescription for secretary Liu. Secretary Liu stood up happily. Everyone in the village gave Zhang Xiaofan a thumbs up.

"Miracle doctor! What a miracle doctor."

"Well, let's go! Beauty Liu comes to my room and starts the third course of treatment."

Zhang Xiaofan said that the others were scattered. Liu Meimei followed Zhang Xiaofan into Zhang Xiaofan's house. Huang Jiaojiao looked angry again.

"Sister Huang, you seem jealous!" Liu Qiaoqiao went to Huang Jiaojiao and whispered to Huang Jiaojiao.

Huang Jiaojiao glared at Liu Qiaoqiao.

"Dead girl, don't talk nonsense."

After that, Huang Jiaojiao went to her room. She didn't have a good rest last night. Now she takes a good lunch break at noon. She will be energetic when she goes to town in the afternoon.

Liu Meimei lay on Zhang Xiaofan's bed, blushing like eggplant, and asked Zhang Xiaofan whether to take off her clothes during the third course of treatment.

"Oh, no, the third course of treatment is navel and waist massage. Just expose these two parts. There is no need to take off your clothes."

Zhang Xiaofan is shameless. It takes only minutes to treat secretary Liu, but it takes seven courses to treat beauty Liu. He will not touch every place of beauty Liu.

"That's OK."

Liu Meimei said, gently lifting up her close fitting clothes and taking off some of her pants, which provoked all kinds of bad pictures in Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

Liu Meimei doesn't dare to look at Zhang Xiaofan at the moment. She's afraid that she misunderstood Zhang Xiaofan after seeing Zhang Xiaofan, which makes her not simple.

Zhang Xiaofan touched the past with a cool touch, and a faint fragrance came into his nostrils. He found it was the peculiar smell of a woman, not the smell of perfume.

"Do you have body fragrance?"

Liu Meimei replied, "it should have been there all the time. Before, it was covered by those odors, and now it is slowly emerging..."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"The scenery created by Nu Wa's great God has different tastes on each body, and this taste is different body fragrance. It works very well when giving birth to a baby."

When Zhang Xiaofan said the word "baby", Liu Meimei was ashamed and wanted to get into the ground. She wanted Zhang Xiaofan not to say such words. Suddenly, she found that Zhang Xiaofan had begun to suck her with her mouth, and what she wanted to say was swallowed in her throat.

"It smells delicious."

Zhang Xiaofan sucked the black gas and body fragrance in Liu Mei's body into her throat and swallowed it. Her saliva flowed on Liu Mei, as if she wanted to raise fish. The stimulated Liu Mei's body became more and more uncomfortable. She even wanted to turn around and suck Zhang Xiaofan back to release her inner enthusiasm.

What Zhang Xiaofan is best at is to stop when he is good, lift up and wipe beauty Liu with a clean paper towel.

"Well, the third course of treatment is over. The fourth course of treatment doesn't need to be treated in a hurry. It's OK to treat again when there is a chance."

Through Zhang Xiaofan's three treatments, the black gas in Liu Meimei's body has actually been completely absorbed by Zhang Xiaofan's incense burner. The reason why Zhang Xiaofan said seven courses of treatment is to take advantage. Zhang Xiaofan wants to enjoy the next four courses of treatment slowly. After all, is a good meal not afraid of late?

But at this moment, Liu Meimei has been ignited by Zhang Xiaofan. Now it's so easy to stop.


Liu Meimei got up from bed and hugged Zhang Xiaofan from behind.

"Doctor Zhang, I find there is still a problem. Can you please help me treat it, and we will treat it as if nothing has happened." Liu Meimei said these words and was ashamed to death, because this was the first time she took the initiative to have a baby with a man.

"Why don't I know if there's a problem?" Zhang Xiaofan, who had never heard of this meaning, was a little confused and asked Liu Meiren.

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