Faang Yanan retracted her hand.

"Don't move, since I was young I have always loved watching wuxia movies, worshipping heroes that can fight, when you defeat Zhang Xiaofann I will naturally throw myself into your arms."

Jia Yongliang seemed to have already seen the moment Faang Yanan threw herself into her arms, his entire person had a foolish smile plastered on his face.

"I will definitely be able to beat Zhang Xiaofann."

I have an appointment with Zhang Xiaofann to give birth here. Zhang Xiaofann will be here shortly, and when the time comes, I'll fight with whoever is strong.

"Wahaha, that's great."

"Cough …"

Just at this time, a wild boar ran down the mountain and drank some water. This frightened Faang Yanan, so she hurriedly hid behind Jia Yongliang and took out an axe to protect Faang Yanan.

After the wild boar finished drinking the water, its gaze turned towards Jia Yongliang and Faang Yanan. After hesitating for a few seconds, it suddenly rushed towards Jia Yongliang and Faang Yanan.

Jia Yongliang pushed Faang Yanan to the back, facing the wild boar, he now wanted to show off in front of Faang Yanan, the axe in his hand flew all around, forcing the wild boar to retreat step by step, while wounds appeared on the wild boar's body, and fresh blood flowed out from the wounds, dying the black boar in a blood red color.

"This Jia Yongliang really has a trick or else he would have been killed already."

"Cough …"

The wild boar was heavily injured and started to go berserk. It rushed to a high point and violently charged towards Jia Yongliang. This time, it directly knocked Jia Yongliang down to the ground.

When Zhang Xiaofann got there, he instantly appeared in front of the wild boar and smacked the incense burner on the wild boar's head, causing the wild boar's head to explode and die on the spot.

Jia Yongliang crawled up, and suddenly punched towards Zhang Xiaofann, his speed was astonishing, Zhang Xiaofann did not know what happened, and immediately retreated.

"There's something wrong with you!" "You don't know how to thank me for saving me, but you still attacked me. Was your brain destroyed by a wild boar?"

"Zhang Xiaofann, I want to compete with you. Whoever wins will have children with the beautiful village official." Jia Yongliang had always wanted to obtain Faang Yanan, but now that he saw Zhang Xiaofann, his entire body seemed to be ignited in flames.

"There's something wrong with my head."

Zhang Xiaofann rode on the tricycle for a few hours, he did not want to waste words with Jia Yongliang, so he threw a punch at Jia Yongliang, causing Jia Yongliang to fly out like a giant boulder, falling onto the ground while screaming miserably.

Faang Yanan ran over to Zhang Xiaofann and hugged him as they cried. Zhang Xiaofann thought that Jia Yongliang had bullied him and pushed him away.

"Faang Yanan, don't worry. If that bastard dares to bully you, I will go over and teach him a lesson." Zhang Xiaofann said as he walked in front of Jia Yongliang and lifted him up. Before Jia Yongliang could even regain his senses from his shock, he was nearly beaten up by Zhang Xiaofann again.

At this moment, Jia Yongliang could not understand how Zhang Xiaofann, who looked like a weak scholar, could be so powerful with a single punch.

"Wait …"

Zhang Xiaofann stopped and looked at Faang Yanan.

"Zhang Xiaofann, you misunderstood, it was Jia Yongliang who saved me, Jia Yongliang did not bully me."

Zhang Xiaofann shamelessly put Jia Yongliang down.

"Zhang Xiaofann, you caused me to lose my wife, so you have to return her to me, or else I will go to your house and eat and drink."

Zhang Xiaofann was speechless.

"You're a great young man, how could you be a lousy scoundrel? When did I cause you to lose your wife?" Zhang Xiaofann did not understand, but Faang Yanan explained what had just happened to Zhang Xiaofann. Zhang Xiaofann secretly praised Faang Yanan for her quick thinking as a village official.

"Hehe, everyone misunderstood, that Jia Yongliang is it! "Since you can't beat me, then you can't blame me for losing your wife. Let's just end it like this!"

"No, you have to return me a wife." Jia Yongliang was dependent on Zhang Xiaofann now, and felt that since Zhang Xiaofann was a university student, if he heard that he grew another heaven defying vegetable, he might be able to get a new wife.

Zhang Xiaofann said helplessly: "Then what exactly do you want to do?"

"Let me follow you, you give me my salary."

Zhang Xiaofann felt that he was wrong, and wanted to teach Jia Yongliang a lesson, but Faang Yanan suggested to keep him here.

"Zhang Xiaofann, Jia Yongliang's skill is not bad, and you're growing a heaven defying vegetable garden now that you lack someone to look after the garden. I think it's not bad that I'll let him look at the garden for you."

Zhang Xiaofann thought about it, and felt that it was feasible.

"Then are you satisfied with the five thousand yuan a month that I give you?"

"What? Five thousand …" Jia Yongliang never thought that Zhang Xiaofann would give him a salary of 5000 yuan, this was more than the salary of a worker in the south.

Zhang Xiaofann thought that Jia Yongliang was unsatisfied.

"Hey Jia Yongliang, although you have some martial arts skills, you can't even beat me. It's definitely not appropriate for me to hire you as a bodyguard, so I can only give you a job as a security guard. A salary of 5,000 yuan is already very high for a security guard, don't be unsatisfied."

"Boss, I'm very satisfied with the five thousand!" I'm willing to take the job. "

"Alright, then go back and get your greetings. After that, find me to report in at my place, and I'll take it that you're at work."

"Thank you, boss." Jia Yongliang thanked his and ran home happily.

Zhang Xiaofann retracted his gaze and looked at Faang Yanan.

"Where's the Mountain Spring Water, quickly bring me there."

Faang Yanan nodded and brought Zhang Xiaofann to the Mountain Spring Water. At this moment, Zhang Xiaofann could not even say a word of thanks.

"Faang Yanan, I don't know how to thank you. In short, you saved my life.

Faang Yanan shyly lowered her head and said to Zhang Xiaofann: "It's not that serious.

"That might not be the case, now that we have Mountain Spring Water, we should just make money and plan it out properly."

Faang Yanan nodded: "Mn! Just as we had planned, we would set up a cooperative, with you as the president, and then let the villagers join the cooperative voluntarily. You would sign a labor contract with them, and then, they would be protected by the law and they would not do anything rash. "

"Good, this is a good idea. Now, let's take some Mountain Spring Water and go back. I will begin to nurture the holy water." Zhang Xiaofann said as he took two buckets from the tricycle, filled it with two buckets of Mountain Spring Water and loaded it onto the tricycle.

"Zhang Xiaofann, although the water source I found is close to the mountain road, it would be more convenient to use a tricycle to pull water, but in the future, every time you pull water like this, it would not be good, so I recommend that you build a small reservoir, build a big reservoir, buy some water pipes to guide the Mountain Spring Water into the small reservoir, and then cultivate and channel the holy water into the big reservoir, that will reduce a lot of trouble."

"I've thought of this before. Now that we have to set up a cooperative society and our fortunes have slowly matured, we have to start preparing."

"That's good."

With that said, Faang Yanan got onto Zhang Xiaofann's tricycle. Zhang Xiaofann saw the wild boar that he had beaten to death, and immediately hoisted it onto the tricycle.

"The game is pretty good, go back and have Xiaofaang make us wild pork, we want to have a taste." Zhang Xiaofann got on the tricycle, started a fire, and asked Faang Yanan at the same time.

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