"Yes, how can I not need it."

Old Tang was excited. Although he was also engaged in historical research, he was different from his granddaughter. He ate more salt and saw more strange things. He still believed in the theory of ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, he would not have made big locust trees in the yard, and the stone lion would suppress Taisui.

It's also a good thing for him to get an amulet now.

"OK, I'll make an amulet for Old Tang."

Zhang Xiaofan then turns his eyes to Tang Xiuzhi, reaches out his hand to hold the jade on Tang Xiuzhi's neck, gently pulls it, and Tang Xiuzhi bends down.

The spring light of the large area is exposed from the V-shaped collar, which immediately reminds the goods of the beautiful scenery of last night.

"Big coyote, what are you doing? Grandpa is watching. How dare you bully me?"

Tang Xiuzhi said these words and felt her ears burn badly. Now she is really confused by the goods and speaks in a mess. What did she say just now!

Zhang Xiaofan laughs and Tang Laole laughs.

"Hey, hey, you young people can do whatever you want. Just think my old man doesn't see it. I don't mind."

Tang Xiuzhi glared at Old Tang.

"Grandpa, you're not serious. I said something wrong just now. Did you treat your granddaughter like this? You don't care if your granddaughter is bullied by others."

Zhang Xiaofan quickly explained.

"Miss Tang, I didn't bully you. I think the jade pendant you are wearing is good. It just makes an amulet for your grandpa. Won't you disagree?"

"Of course I agree, but you need a jade pendant. Why didn't you say earlier? I'll get some back for you."

Tang Xiuzhi said, turning to go out for a while. When she came in, she held an antique box with dozens of jade pendants in her arms. Some jade pendants were obviously handed down from ancient times, with dragon and Phoenix marks on them.

"Rich man, I can't compare. Since you have so many jade pendants, I'll make you an amulet by the way."

Zhang Xiaofan chose two pieces of jade from the box, drew some strange runes on it, injected a little aura into the jade pendant, and gave the jade pendant to Tang Lao and Tang Xiuzhi.

"It's best to carry it with you. You can protect your life when it's critical. Give me the jade pendant next summer. I'll get you two snakes in. Upgrade the jade pendant and the quality of the amulet will be much improved."

Old Tang excitedly took the amulet. Tang Xiuzhi doubted Zhang Xiaofan's words, but she still put the amulet on. Tang Xiuzhi can't feel anything at the moment, but old Tang has an obvious feeling.

"Great, my head doesn't seem to hurt as much as before, and my heart disease is better."

Tang Xiuzhi doesn't believe what Tang Lao said.

"Grandpa, you have a psychological effect! How can a jade pendant reduce your headache and improve your heart disease?"

"Hehe, don't I know my body? Living at this age, I don't even know these things. It's a white life."

Tang Xiuzhi spit out her tongue lovably.

"You just like him, so you think everything he does works."

"Well, granddaughter is going to the museum to continue her work now. Take your time."

Tang Xiuzhi said and walked outside the house. Zhang Xiaofan wanted to talk to Tang Laoduo about some things. After all, Tang Laoduo's knowledge is far from human.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaofang called and said that Hua Yunfei, Jiang Bingkun and others had arrived. Zhang Xiaofan decided to hurry to Shangshui village.

So he said goodbye to Old Tang and went out with Tang Xiuzhi.

Outside, Zhang Xiaofan went to Huangcheng hotel to get a car and went to Sheung Shui village.

Sheung Shui village has become more and more lively in recent days. Big people from all walks of life have flocked to it. In front of the dilapidated old classroom, rows of luxury cars are parked, which is extremely incompatible with the old school.

One by one, the beauties who can amaze the whole Qinchuan city get together in this place. It's really crazy.

Forty minutes later, as soon as Zhang Xiaofan's car arrived at Shangshui village, Wang Cuifang came out to block in front of the car.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the beauty in front of him. He was annoyed by Tang Xiuzhi yesterday. Suddenly, he couldn't bear it. He parked the car on the roadside and entered Wang Cuifang's house.

Wang Cuifang didn't see the goods for several days. She also wanted to be tight. As soon as she entered the door, she took the goods to bed without saying a word.

The mobile phone of the goods rang at this time. The goods simply hung up the mobile phone and continued to kiss Wang Cuifang. The phone called again.

Zhang Xiaofan releases Wang Cuifang. Seeing that the phone number is Xiao Qing, he doesn't dare to hang up again.

Remembering the last time I sent the wrong text message, the goods were inexplicably afraid.

"Hey, Xiao, don't say you've arrived at our village. I'm going to pick you up at the police station!"

"Pick you up. You're allowed to come to the big plastic basin in ten minutes, or you'll wait to go to the police station with me."

Xiao Qing said her killer mace and hung up the phone. The goods dared to hang Xiao Qing up again. They were worried that Xiao Qing would be in a hurry and could do anything.

Zhang Xiaofan put the phone in his trouser pocket.

"Sister Cuifang, I've been too busy these days. I have to go now. I'll find a chance to see you in the evening. You're also a member of the company. Don't stay at home all the time. Go to the old school to help. It's estimated that there's a lot of work!"

Wang Cuifang doesn't want to go, but she doesn't have a good relationship with Wang Lina and others. Those people think she is a widow. She has killed her husband and doesn't want to associate with her. She has to associate with those people.

"My sister-in-law has a bad reputation. I'm afraid I'll give you trouble in the past. If you don't go, you'd better not go. As long as you have a sister-in-law in mind and take the time to see her, you'll be satisfied."

Zhang Xiaofan is also a rural man. He knows about the drowning of spittle stars in rural areas and can understand Wang Cuifang, so he doesn't force Wang Cuifang.

But in his heart, there has always been Wang Cuifang's position. After all, half a year ago, only Wang Cuifang stood behind him.

Up to now, he can remember the scene of taking Wang Cuifang to dig wild Panax notoginseng in the mountain. It is estimated that he will never forget that doubt in his life.

"Sister Cui Fang, have you seen the wild Panax notoginseng in pig head mountain again? We'll go and see it again tonight when we have time. We'll get some to dry and cut into pieces and put them in small plastic bags to sell to the city people who come to the village."

Zhang Xiaofan's words brightened Wang Cuifang's eyes and felt that Zhang Xiaofan was right.

Now, Shangshui village is going to hold an annual meeting. Many rich people have come. Those people must be very interested in wild herbs.

Selling wild Panax notoginseng can not only be realized directly, but also win the reputation of wild medicinal materials.

Driving city people to travel to Shangshui village is not just in line with Zhang Xiaofan's Shangshui village tourism dream?

"Brother Xiaofan, your suggestion is very good. You are busy. I'll go to see how wild Panax notoginseng grows over there."

"If it grows well, I will do as you say. Isn't it just possible to publicize the wild medicinal materials of our village and promote our village's tourism dream?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect a moment of nostalgia. Instead, he found a good way to stimulate tourism. He was also very excited. Looking at the familiar Wang Cuifang, he couldn't control it.

"Chui Fang elder sister, those things are not urgent, I suddenly discovered that your breast cancer has committed again, I help you first treat." Zhang Xiaofan said, he stretched out his hand.

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