"You, you dare to hit me. Do you know who I am?" the woman covered her face and said coldly to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan was also very angry. He felt that his heart was too soft, so Li Xiaodong appealed to this matter. He should be hard and shut up those rebels completely. That's the best practice.

"I don't care who you are. I remove Secretary Bai indiscriminately. Then I ask you, is secretary Bai married?"


"That's right. Secretary Bai isn't married, and I'm not married. What happened and what law did I commit with Secretary Bai? Besides, we haven't had that relationship yet."

"Also, I threw Li Xiaodong to the toilet. It's entirely my personal behavior. These things shouldn't be managed by a director of the district government!"

"Li Xiaodong colluded with a gang of gangsters, coerced the villagers to elect him as secretary, and prevented the city from merging. I eliminated the harm for the people, responded the voice of the people to the township government, and let the government make the right decision. What's wrong?"


The woman was speechless when asked.

"What's the matter with me? You're going to lock me up, aren't you? I'll wait today and ask your people to lock me up quickly. I want to see how big your background is and whether the tiger's ass can be touched."

Director Wang bit his lips, took out the phone and dialed a number. Soon the police came and controlled Zhang Xiaofan.

"Officer Li, the villager has violated the law by beating people in the district government. Take him down and lock him up."


Zhang Xiaofan was taken away by police officer Li and Bai Ling was suspended. Li Xiaodong was very happy. He didn't expect to complain so smoothly in the district government. At the moment, he was a little complacent.

After deciding to go back, we will clean up the villagers, so that they don't listen to him and want to merge with the village.

As a party concerned, Li Xiaodong knew that the complaint went well. It was not his reason, but someone behind the scenes wanted to clean up Zhang Xiaofan. Li Xiaodong just found an excuse.

The news of Zhang Xiaofan's detention reached shangguanziheng's ears, and shangguanziheng immediately responded to young master Tang.

"Young master Tang, I've finished what you told me. That bastard, as you said, we're locked up in prison. What's next?"

"To find a way to kill him and dare to rob my girlfriend with Tang Wen is the rhythm of looking for death."

"I see."

Shangguan Ziheng heard the speech, hung up the phone and explained the meaning of Tang Wen. The following shows that he must complete the task.

Xiao Qing saw that Tang Wen answered the phone and came back with a smile on her face, as if something great had happened.

"Tang Wen, how strange is your expression?" Tang Wen sat on the sofa and drank a cup of coffee.

"No, it's normal."

"Oh! We'll go to Qinchuan city tomorrow. That's where I used to work. I still miss those colleagues at the moment."

Tang Wen was very upset when he heard Yan. If he hadn't met an official the day before yesterday, he didn't know Xiao Qing's destination. It turned out that Xiao Qing was using him, which made him particularly angry. Therefore, he decided to deal with Zhang Xiaofan.

Now Zhang Xiaofan has been in prison. It's just an easy thing for him to destroy Zhang Xiaofan. When Zhang Xiaofan dies, he wants to see how Xiao Qing refuses him. When Xiao Qing goes to bed, let Xiao Qing know his strength.

Fang Yanan took a group of villagers to the district government. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan was taken away by the police, he had to protest to the district government. Li Xiaodong came to laugh at Fang Yanan.

"Manager Fang, do you see the end of fighting me now? I'm still the same as before. As long as you listen to me and go to bed with me, I promise you everything will be smooth, otherwise... Ha ha."

Fang Yanan glared at Li Xiaodong. Now she didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Xiaodong. All she thought was how to save Zhang Xiaofan. Li Xiaodong thought Fang Yanan was afraid of him and became more bold.

When he came to Fang Yanan, he was going to play hooligans for Fang Yanan. Yang Hu stood out from the crowd and stepped on Li Xiaodong's crotch. Li Xiaodong covered his back and looked at Yang Hu fiercely.

"Who are you? You dare to hit me."

"Your mother, what are you? You deserve to ask me Yang Hu's name. If you fucking dare to harass Lord Zhang's woman, you will be dead."

Li Xiaodong was frightened when he heard the speech.

"Are you Yang Hu, Ma paoquan's bully?"

"It's your master."

Yang Hu said, waving his hand, dozens of people came out and surrounded Li Xiaodong.

Those of Li Xiaodong's men were known when they were security guards. They usually used to pretend to be forced. But they really fought. They all had no strength like their grandson. They were scared and retreated directly at the moment.

"Lord Yang, stop fighting. I admit defeat."

Yang Hu was angry when he heard the speech. In the two districts and five counties of Qinchuan City, only Huang Jiuye and Zhang Xiaofan dared to call him ye.

Other people dare to call him ye there. Li Xiaodong calls him ye Yang because he wants him to be hacked to death by random knives! Such people must not be spared.

"Brothers, fight me to death. It's not too much to call me Lord Yang."

After a few minutes, Li Xiaodong was beaten and broke two ribs. He couldn't get up from the ground in pain. He shouted for help to Director Wang who passed by. Director Wang was still in charge of this, so he left as if he hadn't seen him.

Yang Hu used to kick Li Xiaodong.

"Where did your injury come from?"

"I accidentally hit it myself."

Yang Hu nodded.

"Go away. Don't let me see you again, or I'll see you once and beat you once until I'm killed."

Li Xiaodong couldn't stand up. He rolled a few meters to the side. Several of his men came and hurriedly carried Li Xiaodong to the hospital.

Fang Yanan called Mr. Jiang now. When Mr. Jiang knew about it, he immediately called the police station, which revealed it to Mr. Jiang.

It was said that someone above wanted to deal with Zhang Xiaofan, so they had no choice but to lock Zhang Xiaofan first, but they promised not to let Zhang Xiaofan have an accident.

Jiang Lao hung up the phone and went back to Fang Yanan. Then he was thinking about what the Public Security Bureau said and why they had to deal with Zhang Xiaofan. A series of problems made it difficult for him to figure out.

Zhang Xiaofan stayed in prison and had nothing to do, so he took out the martial arts script Lin Aoxue gave him on the island.

In the past, he didn't believe what was said in the martial arts script. When he achieved great success, he flew into the sky and fled to the earth.

However, he believes it now, but he doesn't believe it all. However, he believes very much that cultivating the mind method in the martial arts secret script can enhance the green energy in his Dantian.

Therefore, at the moment, he is idle anyway, so he just practices. Maybe this cultivation method is better than that of Maoshan school.

After he practiced his kung fu, he could still defeat Li erhu without the help of the incense burner.

Zhang Xiaofan thought so and began to practice.

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