Zhang Xiaofan opened the perspective, looked at the changes of the ten fish for a while, and took the ten fish to his room.

Found three different containers and put ten fish in them respectively. Xiao Qing watched Zhang Xiaofan concentrate on his work and released bursts of happy smiles on her face.

At this time, Wang Yumei came in from outside the gate. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan's room door was open, she came in and scared Xiao Qing to get up quickly.


Xiao Qing called her mother. Zhang Xiaofan was surprised, and Wang Yumei was even more surprised, because with their understanding of Xiao Qing, it was really not easy to squeeze the word out of Xiao Qing's mouth.

Wang Yumei saw Xiao Qing as like as two peas in her marriage. She turned around and went outside, calling Zhang Xiaofan out.

Zhang Xiaofan looks at Wang Yumei and behaves like a primary school student. Wang Yumei has a cloudy face and pretends to be angry and asks Zhang Xiaofan.

"Smelly boy, to be honest, do you take Xiao Jinghua..."

Zhang Xiaofan felt that there was nothing to hide. Besides, he didn't want to hide from his parents, so he honestly answered Wang Yumei.

When Wang Yumei heard the speech, she picked up the broom and chased the goods. Zhang Chengcheng stopped it and grabbed the broom.

"The child's mother, since this has happened, we should go to our in laws to solve it and do the child's marriage early. Otherwise, when we have children, it will be difficult to do. We won't be clear to others at that time."

Wang Yumei glared at Zhang Chengxin and turned her eyes to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Little bunny, prepare today, take us to our in laws tomorrow, make it clear, and get married earlier."

"Now our family has money and gives them millions. They don't have any choice, but from now on, you give me some peace and don't have an affair with other girls, or I'll break your leg."

Zhang Xiaofan is very embarrassed. Xiao Qing's family is a super existence of the whole China. It's good to have hundreds of omnipotent solutions.

"Mom, millions don't work at all. You'd better save your worry. When the time is ripe, I'll deal with it myself."

Wang Yumei was surprised.

"What, millions can't do anything. Can they earn millions as a daughter of a policeman?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Let me tell you, Xiao Qing's family is unattainable and more powerful than senior official Hu."

"Millions, even my current value, is not even a dime in the eyes of others."

Wang Yumei almost fainted when she heard the speech. I didn't expect Xiao Qing's background to be so big. She sat down on the ground and couldn't return to God for a long time.

Zhang Chengcheng helped Wang Yumei up.

"How is this possible..."

"Nothing is impossible," Zhang said honestly

"What do you say now, old man?"

"The child's mother, up to now, we don't care about his son's marriage. Let him handle it by himself."

"Trust our son and take good care of our daughter-in-law. If you are pregnant, don't let others work and let others rest."

When Wang Yumei hears the speech, she will go to find Xiao Qing and let Xiao Qing have a good rest. Zhang Xiaofan holds Wang Yumei.

"Mom, Xiao Qing is not pregnant. These days are Xiao Qing's safety period."

Wang Yumei is so angry that she picks up the broom and hits Zhang Xiaofan. Xiao Qing comes out from inside to protect Zhang Xiaofan.

Wang Yumei happily pulls Xiao Qing aside and speaks well to Xiao Qing, just as her mother treats her own daughter.

Zhang Chengcheng whispered to Zhang Xiaofan at this time: "smelly boy, what do you do with Xiao Qing now? What about boss Huang and manager Fang? They are all good girls. You can't live up to others."

Zhang Xiaofan was surprised that his father would ask such a question.

"Dad, I have nothing to do with them. You think too much."

"What? I think too much. I tell you, although you're with Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing's family is unattainable. Your parents don't necessarily agree with you, so you can't hang from a tree, do you understand?"

Zhang Xiaofan is speechless. Do you think this kind of words can be said by his honest father?

"Dad, I think you're bad."

"Smelly boy, I'm not saying this for your own good. I'm not good for my son without that father."

Zhang Xiaofan replied honestly, "Dad, I see. There are still things to do. Go and find an aunt to dance!"

Zhang Xiaofan then walked to the room. Zhang Chengcheng was stunned first, then reacted and scolded Zhang Xiaofan.

"Smelly boy, stop! Is your father like that?"

Zhang Xiaofan disappears and Zhang Chengxin shakes his head.

"Hey, hey, it's still my son who knows my father! It's really suffocating people in the countryside these days. It's good to think of the old woman in the city."

Zhang Chengcheng muttered and glanced at Wang Yumei.

"My wife's is still good. I'll close the door later and play the game of giving birth to a baby later. I'm affected by this smelly boy."

Zhang Xiaofan went to the room and added green energy, holy water and anti sky feed to the three fish containers.

The ten fish in the three containers began to change. The most active one was the one with green energy, followed by the one with holy water, and finally the one with anti sky feed.

More than ten minutes later, the crazy growth with green energy increased from one kilogram at the beginning to more than two kilos.

It continues to grow. The fish in the other two containers are also growing, but they are not very obvious.

"It seems that if you want to raise Southern fish, you should raise them with green energy, so that the fish will grow fastest."

After muttering, Zhang Xiaofan added some energy to the anti sky feed. He wanted to see how obvious the change was. If he could succeed, he would raise Southern Fish in this way.

It can save a lot of green energy. After all, cultivating green energy yourself is not as fast as the incense burner.

But this is the case. In the future, we should make more raw stones, and then cultivate green energy, so as to raise inverse sky fish, as well as inverse sky watermelon and inverse sky strawberry. It is estimated that they need green energy again.

Zhang Xiaofan is muttering. He hears Zhang Xiaofang's voice ringing in the yard. Zhang Xiaofan walks out of the room.

Zhang Xiaofang said anxiously, "brother Xiaofan, it's not good. The anti sky watermelon and anti sky strawberry in the big basin are about to die."

This Zhang Xiaofan has expectations.

"Come on, let's go to the big basin."

Zhang Xiaofan finished and went to the plastic basin with Zhang Xiaofang.

After more than ten minutes, they went to the big basin. Zhang Xiaofan looked at the dying watermelon vines and strawberry seedlings and asked Zhang Xiaofang to find the workers to pick up some water.

Zhang Xiaofang fell to the ground in a hurry and broke her knee. She screamed with pain and couldn't get up on the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan hurried over to check Zhang Xiaofang's wound. Zhang Xiaofang looked at Zhang Xiaofan quietly, and then kissed him while Zhang Xiaofan didn't pay attention.

This product didn't expect Zhang Xiaofang to suddenly have this move. He hasn't reacted yet. He is addicted to being kissed by Zhang Xiaofang, and his lower body becomes dishonest.

The thought is not as healthy as before, and the idea of giving birth to a baby is extremely strong.

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