Shen Xiurong felt that Zhang Xiaofan began to talk nonsense. People's attitude was so bad just now. How could they kneel for recruitment? It's a dream!

"Doctor Zhang, there's still some time to go away from school. You're not in a hurry about recruitment. Don't scare me. If you get paranoia because of recruitment, you'll be in big trouble. I really don't know what to do at that time."

Zhang Xiaofan is very helpless, but what he says now is really a little difficult for Shen Xiurong to believe.

Deputy director Chen and others went to the VIP reception room of Qinchuan normal school. Liu Zhijun asked them to sit down. Before the wine and dishes came up, those from the education district asked deputy director Chen.

"Director Chen, is the man we just saw at the school gate really Mr. Zhang? Is there a mistake? You should know that Mr. Zhang is a big man who can connect with the sky."

"Yes, I heard that a senior official offended Lord Zhang some time ago and was removed from office within three days. Finally, I learned that I went to Shangshui village to avenge my nephew. When I met senior official Hu, it was over in a word."

"What's that? Some time ago, a leader of a Public Security Bureau Brigade offended Mr. Zhang. Three helicopters landed. Dozens of militants came down from above with black toot machine guns in their hands. They forcibly took the captain of the Public Security Bureau away. Up to now, they haven't come out. It's estimated that they have been secretly executed."

Deputy director Chen said, "do you think I can recognize the wrong person? At the beginning, when we carried luggage for Lord Zhang's family, I was the smallest official and could only take some small things. I remember Lord Zhang's face clearly."

"But I don't know why. It's strange that Mr. Zhang won't recognize his identity when he meets me today." deputy director Chen said, saying it was difficult to understand.

"People are experts. I'm afraid they think there are many of us. If we talk to you, you will introduce us. People think it's troublesome."

"Well, it should be."

Liu Zhijun listened to the conversation of several friends in the education area and felt a little uneasy.

"Do you mean Mr. Zhang, dressed in rags and leading a beautiful woman, looks like a smelly farmer in his twenties."

Director Chen was surprised at the speech.

"Yes, yes, yes, Dean Liu, you know Mr. Zhang. Introduce him to us quickly, so that we can also have a chance to go up some steps. As for your entry into the education area, it will be up to us."

"Yes, yes."

Director Chen thought Liu Zhijun and Zhang Xiaofan had a good relationship, so he said to Liu Zhijun now.

Liu Zhijun regretted helping his nephew just now and said what had happened just now. Director Chen's face immediately changed.

"What, your dog offended Lord Zhang and dared to ask us to have dinner together, just to frame us!"

"If you want to die yourself, don't pull us on the back and ask us to drink again. Don't blame us for ignoring our past feelings."

Director Chen and others said that they didn't dare to be friends with Liu Zhijun now. They stared at Liu Zhijun one by one and walked outside.

Liu Zhijun couldn't even say a word. In a few minutes, several people left.

Liu Zhijun remembered what those people had said before. At the moment, his legs were scared soft. Muren stepped down and spit out black machine guns. These words, like a magic spell, lingered in his mind.

He decided to find Zhang Xiaofan. Even if he knelt down for Zhang Xiaofan, he would invite Zhang Xiaofan back and recruit in their school.

Zhang Xiaofan and Shen Xiurong each ate a bowl of fried noodles and felt very full. When they went to the street, they were in a much better mood.

At this time, Liu Zhijun ran from the front, knelt in front of Zhang Xiaofan and begged Zhang Xiaofan to go to their school for recruitment.

Shen Xiurong became stupid directly. I can't believe this is true. Zhang Xiaofan said this before.

She thought Zhang Xiaofan was ill. Unexpectedly, what Zhang Xiaofan said had become a reality in a few minutes.

Zhang Xiaofan is no exception. Just now director Chen explained that he was looking for Liu Zhijun. If Liu Zhijun didn't come back and beg them, it would seem abnormal.

"Dean Liu, since you invited me, let's go back!"

Liu Zhijun didn't expect Zhang Xiaofan to talk so well. He knew he wouldn't have to kneel. But now he knelt down and didn't lose his job. It's also very good, but his face turned green when he heard the second half of Zhang Xiaofan's words.

"But you said before that you didn't see your nephew bullying my friend and didn't take the initiative to beat me. Everything is my fault."

"I don't want to go to your school to recruit again. I think I'd better forget it. Anyway, with my ability, I believe I don't have any problems if I want to get some excellent teachers for our village."

Liu Zhijun quickly apologized.

"Mr. Zhang, I was wrong. I didn't understand the situation just now. Afterwards, I learned it again and found that it was all my nephew's fault."

"I think my nephew's crime is unforgivable. You should beat him all over the ground looking for teeth. It's appropriate to fire him immediately."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"You're right. Now for your enthusiasm, I'll go to your school to recruit and finish today's work."

Zhang Xiaofan said that the three went to Qinchuan normal school together. As soon as they got to the gate of the school, they ran into Liu Shao again.

Liu Zhijun winked at Liu Shao and told Liu Shao to go away. Liu Shao didn't understand what Liu Zhijun meant and stood in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

"Smelly farmer, isn't my uncle's warning enough? You came to our school again. Are you trying to die?"

Zhang Xiaofan laughed and turned to look at Liu Zhijun.

"Dean Liu, who do you think I and your nephew want to die?"

Liu Zhijun took a step forward and slapped Liu Shao in the face. Liu Shao looked at Liu Zhijun in surprise.

"Uncle, are you mentally disabled? Don't beat that smelly farmer and beat me?"

Liu Zhijun was really angry with his nephew. He hinted like that. It didn't work. He was really mentally disabled.

"Go away, you have been expelled from Qinchuan normal school. I Liu Zhijun have no nephew like you since then."

"Security guard, come here. I tell you, from now on, don't let this bastard enter Qinchuan normal school."

Liu Zhijun finished and took Zhang Xiaofan into Qinchuan normal school under the surprised eyes of the five security guards.

When Liu Shaozhi and Liu Zhijun disappeared, they didn't understand what was going on. How could his uncle remove him from Qinchuan normal school for the sake of a smelly farmer.

Zhang Xiaofan and Shen Xiurong entered the recruitment site. More than 100 people sat in the classroom. The applause rang for two minutes before they stopped.

Zhang Xiaofan went to the podium.

"I won't say anything superfluous. Our Shangshui village hope primary school recruits five rural teachers, and the salary is completely borne by our Xiaofan company."

"Interested students must have learned about our Shangshui village. Let me ask Mr. Shen to show you some hardware facilities of the school."

"Interested students can come to us for an interview. In terms of treatment, it is 10000 plus a month."

"Mr. Shen, show you the PPT you made." Zhang Xiaofan said, get out of the way for Shen Xiurong, and Shen Xiurong came on stage to show you the PPT.

Since Zhang Xiaofan and Shen Xiurong came in, Li Yitong couldn't believe that their teacher contacted the job fair.

Logically speaking, there is absolutely no problem with authenticity, but how can the boss of the job fair be Zhang Xiaofan.

And Xiaofan company, are you talking in your sleep? Zhang Xiaofan, a farmer who grows medicinal herbs in rural areas, how can there be a Xiaofan company.

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