
Wang Cuifang was angry, but when she came to the black butterfly, there was another bamboo stick, which woke the black butterfly from her infatuation.

"What do I say about the first point of being a good woman? The man who can't seduce master, what are you doing now? Get up immediately and practice again."

Black Butterfly gets up from Zhang Xiaofan's legs, puts on her high heels, and then practices twisting her hips.

Zhang Xiaofan was distressed. He shook his head and went outside the yard to wait for the black butterfly. After about half an hour, the black butterfly twisted her body and came out with a light pace, which really stunned Zhang Xiaofan.

"It seems that sister Cuifang is really a beauty maker. Let's go."

Zhang Xiaofan then gets on the tricycle. Black butterfly sits next to Zhang Xiaofan and leans against Zhang Xiaofan. Zhang Xiaofan secretly praises black butterfly for learning fast. It's only half an hour. He has learned how to seduce men.

The faint fragrance emanates from the black butterfly and enters Zhang Xiaofan's nostrils. Zhang Xiaofan's mind is slightly rippling.

He immediately controlled his mind, screwed the accelerator on his hand, and the tricycle went to Maiji town at top speed.

Black Butterfly slowly pillowed her head in Zhang Xiaofan's arms and made Zhang Xiaofan warm like a child sucking milk.

"This killer, just learned a little skill, used it all on men. This is to make me roll over!"

The goods thought about turning over and really turned into the wheat field beside the road. Both of them had Kung Fu and fell out with some minor injuries.

The black butterfly had crooked her feet before. She couldn't get up at all. The meat and silk stockings were also scratched. A trace of blood flowed into the green wheat field, which looked particularly obvious.

"Black butterfly, are you okay?"

Black Butterfly shook her head.

"What is this injury? I can kill even the most serious injury."

Zhang Xiaofan secretly screams that it's terrible. This time, he throws the black butterfly back to the past, and he is ready to kill.

"You show me your wound."

Black butterfly's eyes release some fierce light, as if to dig Zhang Xiaofan's eyes. Zhang Xiaofan doesn't believe it yet. He can't teach black butterfly to be a gentle and lovely woman.

"Black butterfly, I just threw you into a problem! I forgot all the women's killing skills I learned before."

"Now review quickly and come and clean up the wound for me, or I'll hit your little ass."

Black Butterfly stares at Zhang Xiaofan.

"I promised to be your servant, but I also have something I don't want to do. If you go too far, I'll make you a eunuch."

"Grandpa, you're flying to heaven. You want to make me a eunuch. I'll untie my pants and belt and let you fuck me."

The cargo said, pretending to untie his trousers and belt. Black Butterfly really took out a dagger, which made the cargo tremble.

"If I go, I don't believe I can't win you."

The goods didn't admit defeat. They went to the black butterfly and directly threw the black butterfly at him. The two men rolled in the wheat field.

People passing by on the road scolded the two two goods for being shameless and being in the wheat field in broad daylight.

In fact, the two of them are doing that kind of thing. They are fighting closely to see who can beat who.

"Dead black butterfly, if you don't accept it, I will bow hard and take off your pants, which will hurt you to death."

"Smelly hooligans, I won't accept it. I won't accept it if I kill them."

When heidie said this, she had been beaten by Zhang Xiaofan for more than ten times. Now she was ashamed to death, but the killer's character did not change and did not give in to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan bit his teeth.

"Grandma, if I don't accept this, I can only use unique skills."

The goods frightened the black butterfly and slowly untied the black butterfly's belt. The black butterfly was finally afraid.

She let Zhang Xiaofan play, but let Zhang Xiaofan that, she can't say anything.

"Young master, I admit defeat..."

Zhang Xiaofan takes a deep breath and secretly says that it's lucky that black butterfly has conceded defeat. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do. If he does something wrong, how can he be worthy of their family's sunshine.

"Hey, hey, just admit defeat. Come and clean up my wound. Let's continue on our way."

After Zhang Xiaofan finishes, he sleeps in the wheat field like an uncle, and the black butterfly cleans up Zhang Xiaofan's wound.

After finishing the work, Zhang Xiaofan also massaged black butterfly for a while to make sure that black butterfly's feet didn't hurt. They lifted up the tricycle and rode on the tricycle.

An hour later, Zhang Xiaofan's tricycle arrived in Maiji town. Lu Xiaoxiao was very upset when he saw Zhang Xiaofan.

"Boss Zhang, we agreed on forty minutes. You spent four forty minutes. I'm very disappointed that such a person is not punctual."

Zhang Xiaofan said, "Hey, boss Lu, it's really hard to say. Let's visit your factory now."

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan had finished speaking, a group of people came to Zhang Xiaofan and others and surrounded Zhang Xiaofan and others.

The first boss showed a pig knife, and then those people showed a bright pig knife.

"Boss Wei, please understand that I terminate the contract with you according to the law. It's a crime for you to intimidate me like this."

Lu Xiaoxiao saw boss Wei and said to boss Wei.

Boss Wei roared, "I don't care. If you don't promise to renew my contract, I'll kill you and let you not give me a chance to get rich."

Boss Wei said and turned his eyes to Zhang Xiaofan.

"And you, it's said that boss Lu terminated the contract with me after you made the pig against the sky. Now my company is going bankrupt and hundreds of people have no food. I'll kill you and find a bite for hundreds of people."

Zhang Xiaofan probably guessed some when he heard the speech, but he was not too surprised. After all, it is normal for business people to encounter conflicts of interest.

However, he also admired the butcher for bringing a group of people from the south to the north to make trouble. His courage was commendable.

"Hehe, my friend, the world is survival of the fittest every day. Today I made a pig against the sky and won the ordinary pig you raised."

"That means there is no market for your ordinary pigs. What you should do now is to reflect on yourself and find something more competitive in the market, rather than blindly seek revenge from us. This is the stupidest way."

"You're right. It's so easy to make a new product. Anyway, I don't care today. I must kill you and let you know my strength."

"Of course, if you don't want to die, just give up your cooperation with President Lu, and I'll spare you a dog's life."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Black butterfly, do it, but don't kill."

Zhang Xiaofan said that the black butterfly had shot, a beautiful shadow shuttled through the crowd, and dozens of people fell to the ground one after another.

Boss Wei didn't expect that the smelly farmer's bodyguard was so powerful. He went to Lu Xiaoxiao at a very fast speed and put the pig killing knife on Lu Xiaoxiao's neck, which scared Lu Xiaoxiao's face green.

"Stop it. If you don't listen to me, I'll get rid of President Lu, so that you can't cooperate."

Zhang Xiaofan's carelessness made president Wei hold Lu Xiaoxiao. He also felt that this matter was in trouble.

"Mr. Wei, please don't be impulsive. I can let you put the knife around my neck and change Mr. Lu's life." Zhang Xiaofan said, slowly approaching Mr. Wei.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to change people, let my little brother cut your thigh first, and I'll promise you."

General Wei said.

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