
Two smelly pants and a pair of pants exploded, and sister fox was blown to pieces on the spot.

Those little foxes who wanted to run were about to escape. Zhang Xiaofan played more than a dozen Dharma Seals and fixed them. They all showed their original shape in a few minutes.

Zhang Xiaofan made another seal and found some herbs for them to swallow, so they would have no memory.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan let them go and watched them run out of the mortal hotel. Zhang Xiaofan took a long breath and thanked Miao qiuruo for helping him at a critical moment.

"Miss Miao, thank you for what happened just now."

Since becoming Zhang Xiaofan's apprentice, Miao qiuruo has been with Dao Kui and others in the resort in the southern suburbs. Today, he learned that Zhang Xiaofan was in Baishui town and came to ask for some questions. Unexpectedly, he helped Zhang Xiaofan.

"Hee hee, I'm your apprentice. It's not right to help you deal with goblins." Miao qiuruo said and went to Xiao Qing and Huang Jiaojiao.

"Hello, sister-in-law. I'm Master Zhang's Apprentice. We'll be a family in the future."

Miao qiuruo, born in the Miao nationality, is careless. He thinks it's OK for a capable man to marry more wives.

Xiao qingjiao couldn't be ashamed. Huang Jiaojiao was very proud. She released a burst of joy on her face and was happy in her heart.

"Thank you for saving Zhang Xiaofan just now. We also thank you."

Huang Jiaojiao's words have acquiesced to their identity. Xiao Qing is unwilling to share her man with others.

So at the moment, I'm very upset. I want to leave the mortal Hotel, but I find that my clothes have been used to subdue demons just now. Now I'm naked. How can I leave without clothes.

"That little girl, you misunderstood. We're not his girlfriends. We're just ordinary relationships. Can you do me a favor, go out and buy a suit of clothes, and I'll give you a million dollars."

Miao qiuruo is also a teaser.

"A million, a lot of money. I'm so big. I haven't seen so much money. I really want it. But beauty love takes it right. Since you're not my master's girlfriend, I definitely don't need to help you, so I can't rare your money."

Xiao Qing was also confused by Miao qiuruo. Just now Miao qiuruo said she had never seen so much money. She thought it had been done. Unexpectedly, Miao qiuruo finally said that. It really confused people.

"Little girl, you..."

Miao qiuruo smiled and said, "what's the matter? You're not my master's woman. Why should I help you? Are you right?"

Miao qiuruo turns her eyes to Huang Jiaojiao, meaning to let Huang Jiaojiao talk. Huang Jiaojiao also doesn't like Xiao Qing's recent clothes.

Obviously, they all know the details of each other. Xiao Qing has been pretending to be pure knot for a while. Since she pretends to be pure knot, she seldom appears in their sight. Why do they come here again? It's meaningless to force her to pretend, which can only make people feel annoying.

"They are all foxes for thousands of years. What do you think of Liaozhai? Don't you have a bottom in your heart? Since you don't want to talk to Zhang Xiaofan, why do you often appear around us?"

Huang Jiaojiao said everything and made Xiao Qing very angry. At this time, she really wanted to say that she and Zhang Xiaofan already had that fact.

But it can't be said. If this sentence spread to the capital, their Xiao family would fall apart. At that time, send some experts to deal with Zhang Xiaofan. What should she do.

Xiao Qing looks at Zhang Xiaofan angrily.

"Zhang Xiaofan, are you mute? Why don't you speak?"

Zhang Xiaofan feels that Huang Jiaojiao and Miao qiuruo have gone too far. He quickly orders Miao qiuruo to buy clothes.

More than ten minutes later, Miao qiuruo brought two sets of clothes and handed them to Xiao Qing and Huang Jiaojiao. After they changed their clothes, Xiao Qing left in a hurry. Huang Jiaojiao and Miao qiuruo came and chatted together now.

Now that the trouble of mortal hotel has been solved, it is necessary to call Cao Jinlong to talk about the construction company.

Cao Jinlong received a call and rushed to the mortal hotel. Zhang Xiaofan asked Cao Jinlong to sit down and ask how the registered construction company was. Manager Cao replied excitedly.

"Due to the availability of funds, the registration of the company is very smooth. Now wait for the leaders to sign. If you are fast, you can register successfully tomorrow."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Those are empty. The main body of a company, the most important thing is people. If you don't have anyone, it's also empty to register a construction company.

If you can't continue to operate, if you have someone, the boss of a construction team, you can still contract the project and strengthen the company bit by bit. "

Cao Jinlong felt that what Zhang Xiaofan said was reasonable and responded to Zhang Xiaofan: "don't worry, boss. I haven't made much money working in the construction team these years, but my contacts have been built. As long as I wave the flag and shout, the people under my hand will come one after another."

"That's good. Now we have work. The decoration of this hotel and the reconstruction and decoration of a resort in the south of Ganzhou City work for our own home. Time is tight and the task is heavy, so it's up to you."

"You give me a night."

In order to perform well in front of Zhang Xiaofan, Cao Jinlong guaranteed Zhang Xiaofan.

"It's impossible to decorate a 2000 square meter hotel in one night. Don't talk big. I can't see the result at that time. You don't have to be the manager of the company."

"Everything will be decided tomorrow morning."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and agreed.

The news that Li Xiaodong was caught by Zhang Xiaofan reached Tang Wenjun's ears. Tang Wenjun was furious and said that Li Xiaodong was a waste.

Shangguan Ziheng advised Tang Wenjun.

"Tang Dashao, Li Xiaodong is one of our chess pieces. We can abandon him at any time."

"Now that Li Xiaodong is gone, we train the Chen brothers to be our puppets, and we can still make trouble for the smelly farmers."

"Just looking for trouble is not enough. It's not painful. When can we kill the smelly farmers and win the beauty back."

"It's not easy to kill smelly farmers, but I've heard of some things. Smelly farmers have lost the same powerful treasure."

"We are slowly making trouble for him now. The day when my younger martial brother leaves the customs is the day when the smelly farmer leaves the world."

Shangguan Ziheng has always mentioned Li erhu, but Tang Wenjun hasn't seen Li erhu. He doesn't know whether Li erhu is as powerful as Shangguan Ziheng said.

"Brother Shangguan, how talented is your younger martial brother? Why are you so optimistic about your younger martial brother?"

When shangguanziheng talked about Li erhu, he looked proud and told Tang Wenjun about Li erhu's IQ and talent. He was full of confidence in Li erhu.

"That's easy. I'd like to meet Li erhu earlier and see how he killed Zhang Xiaofan and helped me win beauty."

The next day, Zhang Xiaofan went to the mortal hotel. He was really surprised. He didn't expect the worker Cao Jinlong was looking for.

It really changed the mortal hotel in a night's effort. The retro style is in line with the consistent style of Xiaofan company, which makes Zhang Xiaofan very satisfied.

"Huang Jiaojiao, I plan to build the mortal hotel into a restaurant with the flavor of the ancients. The waiters wear Chinese clothes, and all kinds of utensils used for rice are made of antique porcelain. The dishes are mainly medicated food for health preservation. What do you think?"

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