Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 772: Something went wrong

"Fang Qi Daozun, we did say the wrong thing just now, is it enough for us to apologize? Can we drink now?"

"We're really uncomfortable...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmalah it is with the lifespan waters, we have to die... do you know how many of us are here?

"Just because of offending you, nearly ten thousand of us can only wait helplessly to die?"

"How is your behavior different from the Demon Race?"

"Hehe... he didn't dare to do this, the Golden League inspectors of Tianmeng are all here... who dares to let us die casually?"

"We are all heroes of the Demon Race, how can we die?"

"It's up to him... If he really does this, Tianmeng will have to blame him, and he won't be able to live by then..."

"It's just... a sentence that deliberately caused death would make him unable to walk around!"

"Our lives are worthless, is it necessary for him to take his own life and consume us?"

"Look at it, he will have to obediently deliver the life-saving water to us later... Don't think too much..."

"This is not where he can be arrogant..."

These people are relying on Kou Chong to stay here, and feel that they should believe in Tianmeng...I think they must be alive...

There will be some of this kind of confidence in my heart...

A bunch of vulgar people!

What are you thinking about?

Really thought that this situation was created for you?

"Fang Qi Dao Zun, why bother? It's unpleasant to make trouble with each other, in the end you don't have to compromise?"

"If I were you, let us apologize altogether, or you might have a step down, even if we have finished this matter... I will meet again in the future..."

"It's just... What do you have to do to make it so embarrassing? The little lives of our mud legs are worthless... We can really dare to dare to shoot, and if something happens, we will not be responsible..."

"Hey...It's better to be careful. We can't say anything like this..."

"Hurry up and give us some life-saving water... hurry up..."

His attitude became more and more tyrannical. During this period, Fang Qi didn't speak... He was waiting for these people to repent...

In fact, how can Fang Qi's heart be so hard?

In the process, if anyone kneels down and weeps, then repents, will Fang Qi be that kind of person?

But now this situation is in line with that sentence...Dogs can't change to eat shit...

It really is looks exactly like what he imagined...

What exactly do you want to express? Fight against me? Are you absolutely heroic? Very fearless? Don’t you feel embarrassed?

Just like you, just go wherever you can it be so ugly?

"Fang Yi Xue Yi! Let me stop here, just one of these people is counted, who dares to approach the life-saving water and kill labor and capital!"

"What happened! I'm in charge!"

When Fang Qi moved his neck around, what could he do when he was forced to help?

According to his "sex", will he succumb?

Not possible now!

The situation is now limited!

Especially at this time, it is impossible to counsel...

The key is not necessary to continue!

Such thoughts gradually emerged in each other's mind...

Men, there should always be ignition gas, when tough, it should be tough.

"Observe! Master!"

Xue Yi and Fang should be reconciled at once, they can't stand it anymore, and they want to help Fang Qi kill all these people!

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