Imperial Overlord

: Forty-four hell

In the tumbling yellow sand in Libya, a technician wearing a round sun hat dropped the wrench in his hand on the wooden box under his feet.

He squinted at the oil rack that had been built in the distance. Under the sunlight, the shape of that thing became a little blurry and distorted.

Here is hot Libya, here is barren Libya. Libya in July is definitely a hot place, and every plant and tree here has to suffer from a heat wave.

"Hey, I said, the Führer actually thinks that expensive oil can be found in such a place where birds don't shit?" The engineer wiped the sweat from his face and complained to the people around him.

Although they were wearing shorts and the sleeves of their clothes had been rolled into short sleeves, these experts from Germany still felt that they were sweating profusely.

"Don't say it, let the subordinates do what they think of it. It has been like this since the emperor's time, the heads of the high-level... They are filled with pig brains!" Another person turned his hands behind his back and turned on the mocking mode .

"Shut up! Don't you think this place is not good enough, do you want to live in a labor camp?" An old scientist led by him snorted, making everyone shut up.

Not only geoscientists but also engineers came here to look for oil, and there were also many SS soldiers.

Because it is not convenient for the army to appear in Libya now, Germany has brought out the SS instead of the regular troops of the Wehrmacht.

Although it is the SS, this unit is called the SS or more appropriately, because they are not only equipped with pike weapons, but also carry an 88mm anti-aircraft gun from afar.

Apparently it was the whimsical head of state, who even prepared air defense weapons for the "oil fields" that had not seen a drop of oil...

"In this area, there are actually three drilling wells working... I have never seen such a search for oil." The technicians shook their heads in disbelief.

They are all veterans who have been working in this industry for many years, but this time the Fuhrer's way of finding oil is almost child's play.

"No one even ignores the preliminary survey, just draw a random area and go directly to the drilling platform!" An expert almost scolded the street, because just now he was still manipulating machinery to do this kind of work that he thought was useless .

The SS soldiers insisted on drilling here, and even some local laborers were ordered to build some wooden houses, ready to be stationed here for a long time.

"Could it be that the head of state said that there is gold here, and they believe it, and put more people to look for it?" Looking at another drilling well in the distance, the tall steel tower towered into the sky, and another The expert couldn't help yelling.

The old expert at the head was very calm. He shook his head and said, "If it were gold, there would be no need to go so hard to find it... In the current market, oil is much more expensive than gold."

Yes, they came here to find the oil resources that the war desperately needed. If it's gold, is it worth their long journey?

If oil can be found here, the current situation of oil shortage in the Axis countries will be alleviated, and Romania's fragile single-line supply pressure will also be effectively alleviated.

On the other hand, it became logical to enter North Africa, and the importance of North Africa to the Axis powers is self-evident.

Just as he was talking, in the distance, a line of war horses and camels came forward in a mighty manner.

Supplies from Algeria occupied by France and Tunisia occupied by Italy were sent.

This time, the French owe Germany a favor in the matter of the squadron. Marshal Darlan gave some support to the Italian and German operations in North Africa.

For example, some French grain and material reserves in Algeria were used to support this small-scale operation to find oil in Libya, North Africa.

The French's investment in the peach has accelerated the progress of the Germans' oil extraction several times. Because France had reserved a set of oil drilling equipment in Algeria that year, but it did not have time to use it.

Now it was sold to the Germans, and the French, after making a small profit, got a token 1 percent stake in the Libyan oil field in return.

"Yesterday, 20 truckloads of food, tents and drinking water were just delivered. What is this delivered today?" Someone looked at the camel caravan curiously.

Boxes of supplies were unloaded, including iron nails and other parts used to build houses, as well as some scaffolding and other parts.

What's even more gratifying is that in order to improve the food here, vegetables and fresh fruits were brought in from southern Italy.

These things are not easy to see even in Germany. Looking at the margarine and canned fish piled on the edge of the tent, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The people who can come here are all talented people in geology and oil drilling. There are also two Jewish engineers who were pardoned by the head of state.

Having just escaped from the terrifying concentration camp, it is a blessing to be able to come to Libya, where the sea is vast and the sky is wide.

What's more, while working here, you can also eat a variety of delicacies that are already available in limited quantities in Germany.

I have to say that Italians enjoy life very much, so when working with Italians, at least they are unlikely to feel sorry for their stomachs.

If there is already an oil field here, then these things are naturally urgently needed, in short supply, and precious materials, but the problem is that there is not a drop of oil here yet!

Since July 4th, the Germans and Italians have shipped steel bars and drilling equipment to Libya. The Italians have been particularly active after winning 30% of the oil share.

After the British Royal Navy's H fleet in Gibraltar was severely damaged, they escorted their own transport fleet and replenished a large amount of supplies to the North African colony in one breath.

This is also thanks to the German Air Force's massing to southern Italy. The battle-hardened German ME-109 fighter jets and bomber units made it impossible for the British aircraft on the island of Malta to obstruct this operation.

The British Air Force on the island of Malta was struggling to cope, and the Navy was disrupted for a while, so the oil exploration in Libya went very smoothly.

In other words, Li Le and people who doubt his identity, greedy people and gamblers, are all supporting this action.

Both Li Le and those who doubted his identity hoped that through such a desperate move, it would prove whether the head of state was the "real head of state".

The greedy people hope to find oil fields to be the beneficiaries, and the gamblers hope to build on their wealth to fight for a good future for themselves or the country.

With the efforts and cooperation of so many people, the action was efficient and fast from the very beginning. It's just that everything unfolds so fast that it feels unreal.

"If there is oil here, I will join the Nazi Party and follow the Führer for the rest of my life!" A geologist lifted his hat to cool himself a little.

The people around him huddled under the shade of greenery, nodded and said, "If the Fuhrer is so godly, I will also believe in him as I believe in God."

"Uuuuuu!" A shrill alarm sounded in the sky, and several SS soldiers with rifles on their backs looked nervously into the distance.

Some officers took off their binoculars and looked in the direction of the alarm, but the noise over there was getting louder and louder.

"Air strike?" The geologist who was still complaining just now asked with one hand blocking the sunlight, frowning in confusion.

What are you kidding? The British are so full that they drive the plane to such a place that even poisonous snakes don't like to go out?

And then attack these drilling equipment that has not yet produced oil? They have this skill, they might as well go to bomb the Italian troops on the front line more efficiently.

In the same way, the air defense force here is not weak. In a small area, there is an Italian anti-aircraft anti-aircraft artillery battalion stationed. Don't the Germans also have an 88mm cannon...

If oil is really mined here, it is estimated that this 88mm cannon will become 100, or even 500...

In the same way, if as much oil as Li Le said was actually extracted here, the number of troops stationed here may be as many as 10,000.

In order to protect this place, hundreds of planes will be concentrated here, and even more planes will be transferred every day!

Unfortunately, not a single drop of oil has been produced here The whole plan is also kept secret, so this place will not appear on the map of the British at all.

Because, this place has been explored by many people, but it is just a "barren land" that has no value at all.

Before his voice landed, someone shouted loudly, "It's the No. 2 oil well! There's something wrong with the No. 2 oil well!"

"Maybe an accident is going to happen, isn't this a mess?" A drilling engineer held his hat with one hand and swung the other hand back and forth. He quickly rushed out of the shade of the tree and rushed towards the direction where the alarm echoed in the distance.

And the shrill alarm sound had no intention of stopping, it just kept echoing, as if it didn't know it was tired.

"Blowout? It's really going to happen!" An engineer's nervous hands didn't know where to put them.

His words silenced the twenty-odd engineers and experts standing under the shade of the tree, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

In fact, what everyone is worried about is not the blowout accident. In this era, in order to find oil fields or drill for oil, it is nothing to die for hundreds of people.

But even if it is a catastrophic blowout, what everyone cares about is not the casualties of the accident, but the deeper meaning of the blowout.

"This, here... Is there really oil here?" The youngest apprentice, holding two huge volumes of blueprints, murmured something that made everyone's heart skip a beat while looking into the distance.

"Damn it! Oil!" An old engineer who was over fifty years old shouted and rushed out of the shade and ran towards the distance.


Long Ling is another year older... Let's pay homage to his dead youth... Please recommend tickets and collect rewards... Thank you all!

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