Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 7 Chapter 4: A coincidence like a lie]

Xie Qianchou replied: "The behavior of the long princess ... if I am Yunqin, after successfully drawing your Lu family, I can directly attach to the Yunze faction. Then there will be your Lu family and Si Kong family. Support, with the help of the Yunze faction, it is not difficult to regain full control of Yunze State. You will not miss it, Yi Cangshan's son, but coveted Yunqin! "

Lu Tai nodded: "Yeah, it's just naked seduction! If Yun Qin marries Yi Tianxing, I'm afraid it will really become the first empress in Yun Zeguo's history."

Lu Hongshan chuckled: "But the long princess obviously despise him, but I feel that the long princess is in love with our family!"

"That's where I'm at a loss!" Xie Qianchou glanced up and down at Lu Bujia: "Will she think that your Lu family can help Yunqin more than Yunze faction? ? "

"Why not?" Lu Hongshan stared roundly: "Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, maybe our Lu family has time to surpass the Yunze School!"

Xie Qianchou flattened his mouth: "Lu Hongshan, this is how you are. You ca n’t hear anything about your Lu family. I would also like to believe that your Lu family will one day surpass Yunze, but when will that be? It's going to die, she ... as a person who bears the responsibility for the rise and fall of the royal family, how could she make such an unwise choice? "

Between Lu Hongshan and Lu Tai silently, Lu did not give up but responded: "In addition to the person who bears the rise and fall of the royal family, she is only a woman in her early twenties!"

The three were dumbfounded, and Lu Hongshan laughed: "It's ... Yao Gui, you've lived for decades, do you know women?"

Xie Qianchou shook his head: "I don't understand!"

"That's right. No woman has the same values ​​as you, a medicine ghost, and sometimes they do things more emotionally than with reason." Lu Hongshan looked like an expert himself.

Similar topics, the four said a lot all the way, until they got on the kite machine, and gradually shifted the topic to more serious issues of the Alliance forces.

The initial plan formulated by the Alliance Army is the main defense of the Haikou side. The Yunze faction sends enough cultists to assist the defense to block the black sea puppet state. The Yunjing Prefecture must prepare for a counterattack. As the leader, Lu Hongshan must stabilize the stability of Hongshan Prefecture as soon as possible, and then quickly form the Hongshan Army to attack Duanmeng Army from the north.

In half a year, Mengzhou was defeated, and in another half year, the Black Sea Lao Kingdom was repelled. This is the beautiful blueprint that Mo Liuli, a woman, gave to the Imperial Alliance Army. In her words, there is no need for the cultivators to worry about it. The Black Sea Puppet Gate has already stepped in the war, and the Yunze faction will naturally not tolerate it.

"So far, since our Lu family has been driven by ducks, we must abide by the rules of the game!" Lu Buqi gave his opinion on this matter again: "Grandpa, when we return to Hongshan, we will It is necessary to unite the Sikong family, accelerate the pace of cleaning the ancient tombs and Longyuan, and order Yangze County to reorganize the army and cooperate with us to form the Imperial Foreign Army. As for us ... "

Lu did not abandon Xiang Jie Qianchou: "In this free time, we will go to Danhuang Cave House ... Only if we have strong power, can we stand in this world."

Lu Hongshan is also the main point: "The war is cruel, and our Lu family has undoubtedly been completely involved in the war of the Black Sea dynasty of Yunze State. If we do not have enough strength, we will only be in the country and the country, the martial arts and the martial arts. In the battle of interests. "

"The Yunshi was assassinated, Duanmenghou's tough attitude, and the invasion of the Black Sea Country, these things will never happen by accident!" Lu Buqi also frowned deeply: "I always feel that there is an invisible hand behind the scenes Yunze was secretly pushed to go in an unknown direction. The purpose of this direction is definitely not a situation that allows our Lu family to live leisurely. "

"I feel the same way!" Lu Tai responded, "Will it be Duanmeng Hou? It is said that he began to change his temperament last year and became more severe towards Yun Shang. If he was deliberately planning this, Everything is impossible! "

"Union of foreign enemies, Junjun makes trouble!" Lu Hongshan locked his eyebrows: "This is very likely, but this is not the time for you and I to study the middle cause. Now, unless our Lu family decides to retreat, regardless of world affairs, otherwise You can only take one step at a time! "

Lu never gave up and nodded: "Grandpa, during this time we go to Danhuangdong Mansion, you must be careful, if you can delay the formation of the army, try to delay."

Lu Hongshan smiled: "Relax, I am free! Anyway, even if the army is drawn to the front, it will never ask me, a disabled old man, to go to the battlefield!"

"If you don't give up, you can rest assured. Even if Dad goes to the battlefield, as long as he doesn't meet Yuan Xiu, and he doesn't slam the Xuan Xiu of Fu Chengjing, there will be no problem." Lu Tai patted Xia Lu beside him The shoulder that never gave up: "Besides, isn't this still me? I will also retreat during this period of time, impact the border crossing, and when I successfully exit the customs, some clowns can still pass."

Lu did not give up and nodded, but he looked at the hazy sky outside the **** kite, but his heart seemed a little calm, and he felt that something bad would happen.

Until I returned to Neibao, I learned from Lu Ying that nothing had happened to the Lu family these days, and Ma Buer had never appeared again. Lu Yuanyi succeeded Lu Zhang and has successfully recovered the East and West Passes of the Tongkou Pass; while Lu Feng's Ministry has passed the East Pass and entered the hinterland of the Guling Army with a long drive.

The members of the Ji family ’s line had already rolled up the road, and the trees fell apart. The county officials and personal soldiers in Guling County submitted the surrender books all the way. Control of Gulin County. There is still a lot of resistance in Longyuan County between the two sides of Sikongjia.

Lu Yang and Lu Kang, while urging post-war reconstruction work, summed up the role of Jinjiang Aoshan Township during the war and the miraculous effects of Huilong slave soldiers, and completely transformed the concept of soldiers for all people in every town Carry it out.

Lower the threshold for learning skills, lower the threshold for slaves to be promoted to white body. At the same time, under the proposal of Confucius, teachers and schools were set up in various towns to provide basic knowledge and skills learning opportunities for people without the talent to practice martial arts.

These measures continued, and the Lu family paid their own money without hesitation to quickly implement various reconstruction materials to the towns. The prestige of the Lu family once again rose to its peak in Hongshan County.

The only news that made Lu Buqi a bit worried is that these days, not only can the dragon be inseparable from the figure, but the dragon is no longer regrettable. But Lu did not abandon his most concerned things, but he also had good news!

It was the news from Guoqian Town. That is, in the dense forest of Guoqian, indeed, Zenu saw a young girl similar to Wang Shuangqiao, and was taken away by a man with a blue foot. The direction was west. Ze Nu who saw this scene is not in the minority, at least a dozen people saw it at the same time, but because the speed is too fast, only the first few people who saw it vaguely saw Wang Shuangqiao overlooking them.

When Lu Buqiu heard the news, he couldn't help but be very surprised, and even wondered if it was a good-faith lie weaving in order to alleviate his concerns. After all, he used this lie to deal with buns. Widow's.

But thinking about it later, Lu did not give up and thought that it should not be a lie. After all, judging from the news, those Zenus were not at all sure whether it was Wang Shuangqiao, but in terms of time and circumstances, it was in line with it.

On the west side of the dense forest ... the southern foot of the mountain of death, then the vast sea ... and then pass by, the country of Wenzhou, then ...

When Lu Buxing turned to the earth teacher Lu Yinxing to look through the materials, Long Buli and Long Bu Regret found him. This was two hours after he returned to Neibao.

"Daddy and mother both said that I haven't seen you two these days. When did you regret and learn to play missing?" Lu Buqi was still watching the map of the world treasured by Lu Yinxing, and was still feeling that the world was really not smaller than the earth .

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