Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 10 Chapter 7: Full of scars

After spending a little time in this city called Lutu, everyone continued on their journey back to Longmen.

Yun Gexiao and Mu Xiaoxi are obviously very interested. After all, they have never seen so many people, seen so many strange things, and tasted so many foods.

It can be said that the most ordinary things in this world can almost become the object of surprise in the eyes of the two.

If you follow the dispositions of Yungexiao and Mu Xiaoxi, the two "big kids", I'm afraid they won't live too long for ten days and a half months.

However, Lu Buqian couldn't help himself, especially after hearing the news from Jie Qianchou and Rebecca, he couldn't sit still.

In order to get enough useful information at a fast enough speed, Xie Qianchou and Rebecca did a very direct thing, and that was to find the head of a family who was stationed in this Tutu city.

Even if they are the monarchs of a country, the two great monks will not be indifferent, let alone the family heads of a local city?

Only the local family heads who can be regarded as one of the hegemons have some understanding of the news that Lu Buqi and others want to know.

Although there are thousands of miles apart, as neighbors of Dagan, these family heads of Daliang have some understanding of what is happening in Dagan.

This dragon set owner, whose name did not appear in Lu Fuqiu's ears, actually knows very little about these things. It is limited to knowing that the big dry country has now entered the stage of intense preparations for war. So Song Kingdom has reached the brink of destruction.

But this is enough to make Lu Fuji's heart hung even more.

Under the nest, the tadpoles have finished eggs. Therefore, the Song Dynasty was destroyed. It would not be known if Lu would abandon any danger at the Dragon Gate in the realm of the Song Dynasty.

Although the place where the dragon gate is located is very hidden, there is no airtight wall in the world, and any hidden place may be exposed ...

It is precisely for this reason that Lu Buqi terminated the happy journey of Yun Gexiao and Mu Xiaoxi in advance.

Yun Ge laughed a little, but Lu expressed his understanding when he was frank and honest about what he was worried about. Now he let go of the game and reluctantly left Lutucheng.

This flight was thirteen days. On this day, ten people and two pengs entered the territory of the old Song Dynasty from east to west.

When I first entered the country of Song Dynasty, Lu did not abandon all the blemishes I had expected. On the contrary, everything seemed quite stable, and he did not seem to have experienced the baptism of war.

However, as Lu Buqi and others continued to go deeper, heading towards Lizhou in the south, the signs of war became more apparent, the movement of soldiers and horses became more frequent, the number of displaced refugees gradually increased, and the buildings and Liangtian put torch also left the land. Made more wounds.

Sure enough, in the short period of three months, Song State, a huge country, was already on the verge of extinction, which was faster than Yunze State.

In particular, Nanli Prefecture, as the area closest to the Xinqi Heavenly Kingdom, undoubtedly became the battlefield where the war initially collided most violently.

Full of scars, real scars!

Lu Buqi has not been to Nanli City, but it is conceivable that it should be a very prosperous city, but now it has completely turned into a dead city. The black smoke is pervasive, the scorching smell is soaring, and it makes people sick. .

Looking down, we can see that some people are still residing in the mountains and gullies like gophers.

Only at the east of the city of Nanli, a certain distance of the Acropolis seemed alive because of the smoke, and if you look carefully, you can see that there should be an army stationed there, and the banner swaying in the smoke, it is Lu. Do not abandon the banner of the Daxuan Kingdom.

Lu did not give up his emotions, a faint familiar howl sounded.

Looking at the sound, I saw that the cooking smoke condensed above the Acropolis was stirred, and suddenly it was like a storm, and two blue wolves shot at the same time, and the sound of killings also wandered along with it. Energy collision waves.

"Yuan Xiu is fighting!" Yun Yan raised his eyebrows, his eyes shining brightly.

Lu Buqi abandons today's sensibility will only be stronger than Yun Yan: "Three Yuan Xiu practitioners are all self-cultivation!"

"Come on!" A hoarse exclamation pierced the sky, the air waves rolled over, and the cooking smoke over the Acropolis was suddenly dissipated. Mostly, an old man in a Tsing Yi beauty was shocked to fly and looked back at the two flying towards He was drunk by the blue giant waves. At the moment, his mouth was covered with blood, his body strength was fluctuating, and he was obviously injured lightly.

The two blue wolves who flew into the air before him, whispered, but split into two paths, one south and one north.

"Let's travel, since you're here, don't hurry!" An old haired man with a smug smile on his face, a strange wooden magic weapon in his hand, whine like a baby crying, curling with blue light The flames swept away towards the old man in Tsing Yi.

"Xi Kang, those juniors who run away, first clean up the only remaining elders in the Tianfeng Tower." At the same time, the old man with the hair at the same time chased up was a silver-haired old man with a shot like an eagle spreading his wings. The stick turned to the old man in Tsing Yi, and a ball of muddy muddy **** smashed away with a murmur.

Although the old man in linen was not weak, he was hurt, but he was a bit stretched and unable to cope with the pinch of the two consecrated elements. After a few rounds of coping, a loophole appeared in the defense. The spell released by Ji Kang was really bombarded on the body. Although the mana of the body helped him offset some of the damage, it was still torn by the blade of the fire and fire. Sweaters and scorched a large swath of gray bearded hairpin.

And when Ji Kang was laughing, his mana surged, and the magic weapon in his hand shook the green and red light, and he was ready to use his power to annihilate the maggot, and a ray of blood reflected the stab of the bright sun The sense of crisis made him give up the perfect pursuit.

The red and blue light shook from the surprise soldier, turned into a defensive wall of fire and fire, blocked in front of the **** awn.

But what made Ji Kang's smile completely distorted was that the penetrating power and destructive power of the blood awn that peeled off the chaotic luster was far beyond his imagination.

This is a sword, a short scarlet sword.

The fire and fire wall couldn't stop this short scarlet sword. Ji Kang only had Hengbao defense, and the scoop in his hand blocked in front of him.

The piercing sound of "噗噗!", And the fact that the magic weapon connected to the mind was destroyed, made Ji Kang's heart startled. Decades of fighting experience made him dodge all at the last moment. Then I felt a shock of shock underneath my eyelids, and there was a pain in my right face.

Speaking slowly, then fast, hurting Kang Kang ’s scarlet sword, Wuthering did not pause, and shot directly at the white-haired old man holding an eagle-winged staff. He also forced him to give up his attack and turned into a defense. He exhibited the power of nine cows and two tigers before folding his wings with the eagle wing, and the hair bun was split by the sword gas as a result that he barely blocked the sword.

The prestige of Jinghong's sword makes the two conscientious Yuanyuan repairers so embarrassed. It shows how terrifying the strength of the visitors.

Xu Yuanxing was surprised to see the person who came, but he did not forget to thank him, "Thank you for your help!"

Lu Furen naturally shot, in fact, when he recognized that the two flying blue wolves are ice wing wolves, he has not hesitated to help.

"You're welcome!" Lu Buqi had a faint smile on his face. When he moved lightly with one hand, the fish bow sword swam like a well-trained red snake and returned to his side.

At the same time, Yun Yan and Su Shimo appeared one after the other, and they did not show their strength. However, the calm and indifferent mastery should be enough to deter Ji Kang and the two.

Blood burst out and infiltrated the neck. Ji Kang grinned and looked at Lu Buqi in wonder: "Who are you ...?"

"The owner of the valley of the soul flying valley ... Ji Kang, if I were you, I would not investigate who we are at this time!" Lu Buqiang sneered: "It is how far you can run and how far you will escape. May live long! "

"Don't make a fuss!" The white-haired old lady was full of anger in her eyes: "Dare to take care of the mysterious affairs of the mysterious demon and the Sun religion, it is really Shou Xinggong who hangs himself, and his fate is long."

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