Infinite Possession of Beauty

Chapter 359 Hulk VS Goddess Statue

The Statue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with a base of 92 meters, and a total weight of 225 tons. The whole is made of metal.The whole bronze statue uses 120 tons of steel as the skeleton, 80 tons of copper sheet as the outer skin, and is assembled and fixed on the bracket with 300,000 rivets.

The statue of the goddess is dressed in ancient Greek-style clothing, and wears a radiant crown. The seven pointed lights symbolize the seven continents of the world.The right hand held up the torch symbolizing freedom.The left hand holds a legal book with the words "July 4, 1776" engraved on the cover, which symbolizes the "Declaration of Independence" signed on this day; under the feet are broken handcuffs, fetters and chains, which symbolizes breaking free from the constraints of tyranny and Freedom and slavery that has long been abolished.

It can be said that the statue of the goddess is a symbol of freedom in the United States, and it is also an important symbol in its external publicity. Every year, a large number of tourists come to visit the United States in order to see the truth of the Statue of Liberty in the United States.

However, the premise of all this is based on the condition of the statue of the goddess that was motionless in the past.

When this huge steel and bronze statue was resurrected, what freedom and democracy said by the American government no longer mattered.

Because the 46-meter-high bronze statue itself is a huge threat to the American government.

I believe that the Americans more than a hundred years ago would never have expected that the Statue of Liberty, which they used to promote the pride of the clan, would one day be truly free.


"Guys, if anyone can tell me at this time that everything that is happening before me is just an illusion, I would be very grateful to you."

Standing at the best viewing location on Manhattan Island, just one water from the Statue of Liberty, Banner took a sip of water and muttered.

"This is an illusion..."

Turning his head to look at Dr. Banner to the side, Tony replied cooperatively.

"Really, I know, how could the goddess statue..."

Hearing Tony's answer, Banner made a happy expression on his face.

"...That's fine."

However, before he deceived himself to finish the words, Tony added the second half of his words in the next second.

"I admire Dr. Banner for your humor, but compared to humor, I think there are more important things waiting for us to do."

Reaching out to take off the shield from the motorcycle, Steve said with a solemn expression while looking at the resurrected goddess statue on Liberty Island.

Liberty Island is not empty. As an important tourist attraction in New York, the Goddess Statue is not only a statue, but also a spiral staircase and elevator for visitors to climb.However, these paths that were originally designed to attract tourists have now become deadly threats.

Steve couldn't judge how many tourists were still stranded in the resurrected goddess.

"I'm not showing humor."

Upon hearing Steve's words, Banner couldn't help but mutter to himself.However, perceiving the seriousness of the atmosphere in front of him, he immediately reduced his emotions and looked at the statue of the goddess who started to climb from the pedestal on the island.

"I never thought that one day I would see the Statue of Liberty climb down from the base."

Since the resurrection of the goddess, every move of his is undoubtedly a test for the Avengers and even the citizens of New York.

Pulling back the spirit of having finally escaped, Falcon looked at the statue of the goddess, which was moving more and more quickly, and his dark expression became even darker.

"Captain, I saw some tourists staying on the head of the goddess."

With his superhuman dynamic vision from the Radiant Spider, the little spider vaguely noticed the unusual situation on the head of the goddess, and then turned his head and told Captain America what he had seen.


Knowing the situation of the tourists from the little spider, Steve clenched the shield in his hand and gave his instructions without hesitation: "I can understand everyone's shock at this moment, but it's time to put away what he fell. My mouth is closed, there are more important tasks waiting for us right now."

"Falcon, Tony, Spiderman, I need you to get close to the goddess statue to rescue the tourists who are still in the statue. Mr. Long, Natasha and I are responsible for finding out the spells that are causing problems, as quickly as possible To solve the crisis of the resurrection of the goddess, as for Dr. Banner..."

Arranging the tasks of each Avengers alliance, Steve turned his head to look at Banner to the side: "I hope you can do your best, Doctor, to prevent the goddess from going out on Liberty Island."

At this moment, the only thing that is fortunate is that although the Statue of Liberty has been resurrected under the power of the spell, fortunately, the location of the statue is still some distance away from the busiest Manhattan in New York.

"You really gave me a big question, Captain."

Hearing the task Steve explained, Banner raised his head to look at the statue of the goddess on Liberty Island in the distance, with a helpless wry smile.

Faced with this huge statue of 46, even Banner did not have much confidence to stop it.

After all, although he knew that the Hulk in his body was powerful, he had never tried to fight against a huge existence like the Statue of Liberty.

Although he said so, Banner did not hesitate in his actions.

He took off his jacket, took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and carefully put them in the pocket of his clothes. The next second, Banner turned around and his whole body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, he became thin and weak. Transformed into a Hulk.


Released from Banner's body, Hulk raised his head and slapped his chest with a loud roar, then lifted his thick thighs and stepped on the ground suddenly. Accompanied by the cracking sound of the concrete floor, the huge body was huge. Driven by the force, he rushed towards the statue of the goddess in the direction of Liberty Island in an unexpectedly jumping posture.

"Dr. Banner has always been so impatient after his transformation?"

Looking at the jumping figure of Hulk and the deep potholes left on the ground, Falcon retracted his gaze and quickly put himself on the back of the backpack in the trunk.

Pressing the button, accompanied by a moment of deformation, two huge metal wings appeared on the backpack.

"Huh, well, you can do it, Tom, it's just a statue of a goddess."

Taking a deep breath and cheering up for himself, the Falcon controlled the wings on his back and slowly lifted into the air, moved his body, and then flew towards the Statue of Liberty at a speed not lost to Hulk.

"Wait for me."

Seeing the figures of the Avengers rushing out one by one, Little Spider's face suddenly showed anxious expression.Pressing the spider silk launching device in the palm of the hand, the whole body leaped into the air with a light swing, changing the spider silk and hurried away.


Still standing in the original position, Tony looked at the people around him who were leaving with their magical powers, and the goddess statue on Liberty Island walking step by step towards Manhattan, the expression on his face was not at all relaxed.

In comparison with other members of the Avengers, Tony's situation is undoubtedly the most complicated one.

The situation of Mark 43 has been full of proof that [Rice Charm] has the ability to resurrect the suit.

The resurrection of the Statue of Liberty also means that the charm is near the statue. If he rushes through the battle suit rashly at this moment, it is very likely that the battle suit will automatically come back to life before flying into the air. , Just like the set of Mark43 in the museum.

"Jarvis, bring the prepared new suit over here."

Of course, although the situation is complicated, it does not mean that Tony is really willing to stand there watching the other members of the Avengers act.

In fact, Tony didn't speak when Steve assigned the task before, which means he was prepared.

"Okay, sir."

As Tony's voice fell, Jarvis immediately responded.

A few seconds later, from the direction of the Stark Industrial New Energy Building, a set of red and gray armor quickly flew to the location of Tony on Manhattan Island.

Looking at the suit that was approaching, Tony moved his body and opened his arms and stepped forward. In just a few seconds, a new set of steel suit was deformed and loaded on his body.

I moved my fingers and felt the flexibility of the new suit. Compared with the previous suit, the most special feature of Tony's steel suit at the moment was that it had no helmet.However, he turned his head and pressed a certain switch on the neck of the suit.

In the next second, a translucent device similar to an astronaut helmet appeared on Tony's face, wrapping his head tightly.


This is a brand new suit that Tony has developed urgently after he defected from the resurrection of Mark 43 in the museum, because considering the resurrection ability of the spell, he eliminated the human characteristics of the suit as much as possible, making the whole suit look compared to all the previous ones. The Mark series are even more special, just like the name Tony gave to this suit. Mark47 is not so much a suit as it is a uniform similar to that worn by astronauts in outer space.

"Hope, my judgment is correct."

Although, considering the power of the spell, Tony had done his best to evade when making Mark47, but he was still a little nervous about the upcoming battle.

After all, he hadn't been tested by the power of the spell, and he couldn't guarantee whether the new suit would be as unaffected by the power of the [Rat Charm] as he thought.

Mark47 Nettoni took a deep breath, and from the translucent helmet, the tension on his face could still be seen vaguely.

However, in the next second, he saw Tony controlling his new battle suit ascending into the air, flying towards the island where the goddess statue was located in the distance.



Falling from the midair, Hulk's thick legs left two deep gullies on the ground and stopped his jump.

He raised his head and looked at the huge statue of the goddess in front of him, and the huge shadow of the other party that could be called covering the sky and the earth.

Hulk’s face didn’t show the slightest fear. Even standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, the originally huge Hulk instantly became the size of an ant, but it still opened its mouth and let out a roar. He waved his sturdy arms and rushed towards the goddess statue without hesitation.


Swinging his arms, he smashed the hem of the goddess statue fiercely. However, the huge power of Hulk that could smash boulders and even armored vehicles, fell on the goddess statue without any influence at all.Except for a loud sound, it didn't leave a trace on the look of the goddess.

Looking at the unscathed goddess statue in front of him, the roar in Hulk's mouth grew a bit bigger.

The current situation, how to change any other member of the Avengers, or have stopped the action, or switch to other methods to attract the attention of the Statue of Liberty to block the opponent's actions.

However, it was Hulk who was arranged to block.

Although, when compared with the first appearance, Hulk has been able to show some communication skills in anger.

However, most of the time, he was still filled with the endless anger in his heart.Especially, after the previous conversation between Banner and Dad, Hulk held a lot of anger in his heart, so seeing that his attack did not cause any effect, Hulk’s response was to launch More violent means of attack.

In the roar, Hulk’s muscles swelled again, and the angry emotions in his dark-green pupils rose rapidly, and the thick meridians all over his body shed blood to his arm in a visible manner. With a deafening roar, Hulk once again waved his arms that were more swollen than before, turning into raindrops and falling on the goddess statue in front of him.

Because of the size, even if Hulk is considered huge compared to the average person, it still looks a bit small compared to the 46-meter Statue of Liberty.

Therefore, the position he can attack is only the skirt of the feet of the goddess.

In a series of fierce attacks, the originally hard skirt of the goddess statue finally appeared to bend.

If it was said that when he was in the museum before, the ghost rider used his own hellfire to cause damage when facing the resurrected dinosaur skeleton.

Then, the Hulk who blocked the Statue of Liberty at this moment was simply relying on its own power to forcibly break the magic enveloping the [Resurrection Golden Monument] on the Statue of Liberty.

Under the enormous strength and tireless physical strength, Hulk just left a shallow fist mark on the skirt made of hard metal, and these fist marks followed Hulk’s subsequent attacks a little bit. The deepening, eventually turned into a depression one by one, appeared on the skirt of the goddess statue.


Shaking his fist, Hulk looked at the more marks that appeared on the goddess statue, and the roar in his mouth became a little louder.

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