"So, tell me your plan, American captain?"

Put your face to Speiff, although you can't see it.

However, Matt has increased under the corrugated force, making him more sensitive than ordinary people.

"Don't tell me you to see our defenders, just just to promote your own philosophy."

As a small number of "intellectuals" in the street superhero, the identity of the lawyer makes Matti's unusual superhero more easily accessible to the dark side of the Allied Government. Those politicians who have a heart, full of brains are rights and money, and he is not completely trust in Steve's arrival of American captain.

After all, the other party is still a member of the Avengers, and the Iron Man, which claims to join the Super Hero Registration Act, is a member of an organization.


Steve is clear, simple relying on the slogan is not enough to convince the defenders in front of you.

If today, Tony and Charles appear in TV, his idea is just a simple place to bring your friend Paki to a safe place, and will not be hosted by Tony.

Then, as the "Super Hero Registration Act" is formally implemented, Steve's ideas have not been in the past.

He clearly, Tony will suddenly change the originating to join the "Super Hero Registration Act", most of them are because of themselves, or Pakple, once the "Super Hero Registration Act", I want to start The superhero of the event has naturally been a choice.

If you want to continue to fight against criminals on the street, become a superhero of 'legal', you must register.

Instead of registering superhero, naturally become a criminal.

In this case, Steve et al., It is undoubtedly a bit worse.

Tony wants to pass this way, will hide the hidden and Pakistani and others forced out.

To this end, he even didn't hesitate to drag all the superheroes.

In the face of such a situation, Steve, as the US captain naturally can't do it, and glances at the superhero to become a criminal.

Obviously, this is not between him and Tony, the contradiction between the Avengers Alliance.

It is the civil war between the United States and the superhero.

"We must tell the federal government with practical action, tell Tony," Super Hero Registration Act "is a wrong thing."

The star sign on the shield in the hand suddenly declined under the dim light of the defender base, and Steve looked at the Matt in front of him and gave an answer.

"Several one by us, you can support a round of sweeping of the Alliance Government."

Steve's method is of course blood, but defenders are not a rookie superhero.

Conversely, as a superhero active in the dangerous zone of the Hell Kitchen, they have extremely clear consciousness.

Jessica Jones slammed his mouth and said.

"So, we need to assemble all the power of all opposition."

For the concerns disclosed by Jessica Jones, Steve is obviously still clear.

His eyes swept over the defenders in front of him, and the word said: "Compositions of the alliance of the Anti-Registration Act, combats."


"Hey, Peter, have you decided?"

In the secret base of the 'Insect Union', the Herde Nade looked at the friend Spider-Man Peter in front of him, and the same weight is asked.

With the formal announcement of the Super Hero Registration Act, the position of two young superheroes becomes extremely passive.

They enjoy the glid of the superhero, but the content of the registration bill is actually moving.

As a masked hero, they are worried that once they participate in the Registration Act, when they are known by the federal government, they will be told to their families. They once thought that when the school's classmates knew what surprised after the real identity of their superhero, but also worried, this will recruit.

However, once the "Super Hero Registration Act" is refused, the super heroic radiopes on their body are deprived and become a criminal of their own disgust.

In this case, it is not what they are willing to see.

Under this kind of uneasy, two young superheroes can be embarrassed.

"I don't know, Nord."

In the face of a friend's inquiry, the little spider Peter is confused.

He took off the mask on his head and exposed his own face.

"I originally thought that" Super Hero Registration Act "is a bad thing, but Mr. Tony Stark chooses to join the bill."

For little spiders, Tony is the superhero of his extremely worship.

Even, the reason why he would choose to go to the road of fighting criminals, Tony's heroes are self-evident.

However, in such a superhero, the superhero we worship, public joining the leader of the registration bill.

Such a situation is undoubtedly, I feel very angry in Peter.

"Maybe, join the registration bill is not a bad thing. After all, I have joined Tony Stark, if this is a bad thing, how can I agree with Iron Man?"

It is noticeable that the "Super Hero Registration Act" has become more troublesome, but Nord can't hold his hair.

Radiation dragonfly gives him a powerful force, but it is not too big for his IQ.

Therefore, two young super heroes are at all, they are unable to detect the dangers hidden behind the Super Hero Registration Act.

, -

In the base of the 'Insect Union', the two are confused.

The mobile phone on Peter started to make a sound of the phone, and the hand is busy with the screen.

The appearance is above, but is not expected.

But one, unexpected name.

"Mr. Tony Stark!"


"Why, Frank?"

Hidden in the secret room, the assistant of the punishment is very unexpected to Frank's decision.

"Once you join the Super Hero Registration Act, you can legally conduct your own work, and you don't have to hide in Tibet now."


I heard the feathers in the headphones, the sky, Frank made disdainful cold.

"You really think that the existence of the registration bill is for the legal issues of superhero."

Lifting the automatic pistol in his hand, a shot of the gang of the helper, Frank said indifferently: "I am very clear, the foundation of the alliance government, that is, a group of self-righteous idiots, the so-called law in their eyes Just used the chips that exchanged, once there is enough interest, even the most sacred law will become worthless in their eyes, you still hope that they will act in accordance with the registration bill. "

"The Federal Government puts forward the" Super Hero Registration Act "to target the superhero, then those who die, under hell, a group of sitting in the Royal room, the stupid decision of the head is thinking, will only put everything It makes even worse. "

The idle tricks will generally walk in the enemy's big camp, Frank reached out and throws a grenade to blow up the architecture in front of him, and said coldly.

"Moreover, I never think that I am superhero, I don't want to be the idea of ​​hero, so I don't think about the" Super Hero Registration Act ", but how to clean up these hell's residue Clean, after all, it means. "


In the secret room, facing the answer given by the punishment, the expression of the chip is silent.

Frank can ignore the existence of the Super Hero Registration Act, but he can't.

During this time, as a helper of the punishment, the chip has clearly seen the cruel and danger of the superhero. As a regular person, he has already got to get rid of this.

At this time, the "Super Hero Registration Act" gives him such a chance, as long as the punishment can join the registration, then his assistant naturally has become a legal member, no need to be like this, just like the mouse Hide in a dark room, let it hang.

However, Frank's refused, but directly discharged his hopes.

Looking at the screen, still fighting punishment.

The eyes of the chip flashed, the eyes falling on the side, the string of the yellow strip.


"From twelve o'clock this evening, the first administrative order" Super Hero Registration Act "signed in this evening, will be the beginning of implementation, facing the upcoming historical moment, the president of the White House is obviously excited, On the same day, I published four twitches to express their opinions ... "

The Avengers, news TV, has made reports on the upcoming "Super Hero Registration Act".

"Looks, Dr. Banner has made his decision?"

Tony's eyes have fallen over the news, but they asked Natasha in the mouth.


In the face of Tony's inquiry, Natasha is silent, only shook his head, and the complexity of the look.

"You should be clear that Banner does not trust the government, especially in the registration bill, there is also the shadow of Rose in it."

The strength of the Green Giant is very dangerous, even if it is now Banner, it is impossible to control it.

In this case, Banner is naturally unwilling to join the "Super Hero Registration Act", which is more, this also has the figure of the old opponent Rose, Banner has a full reason to believe that once you join the registration In the first time, it will fall into the hands of the Ross, from the network.

For Banner's concerns, Tony is also clear, so it is a matter of leaving the Avengers.

Tony did not stop blocking, but still there is still its departure.

"This is really worth it, Tony?"

Looking at the gods of Tony, Natasa can't stand.

With Banner's departure, the entire Avengers can say that it is already a thorough disintegration.

"I used the captain as my trusted friend, but obviously he didn't think so."

The eye is retracted from the content played, and Tony is slowly standing from the sofa.

Reach, press the arc reactor before the lower chest, the nano-coat instant shape.

Wrapped in the body, Tony's voice became dull, heard that he did not undertake: "Since it is not a friend, then the enemy."

With Tony's voice, the countdown of the Super Hero Registration Act is also over, midnight, the registration case is real start.


Penetrating the building, the magic came to Tony's side, at the same time in the building base, Ouchu also launched all the steel armor at the same time.

On the evening, the superhero and verb it exceeded the men were arrested, indicating the official road of the Super Hero Registration Act.

At this point, Tony is the registered superhero, and the war of the anti-registered faction is officially started.


"Be careful, these are dangerous."

In the special federal escort, a large number of superheroes and the strange man were detained tightly by the stalkper invented by Tony.

A guardian of a monogama looked at the car was detained in the car and the superhero of the god, the gods wilted, and the expression on the face was a head.

What they have to do is to deliver these arrested superheroes and strange guys to a special prison.

"These guys don't have any resistance."

In the face of the guardian reminder, the person responsible for the delivery is nod, sweeping the people in the car.

"More more, isn't there a superhero responsible for the tube."

Superhero in the deprecated personnel, naturally refers to the legal superhero to register by the Super Hero Registration Act.

Feel the eyes of the delivery personnel, the Rogen looked up in the compartment, and then kept down to keep silent attitude.

Like Charles, Rogan and some ceremony became a member of the Registration Act.

By joining registration, they have been exempt from the strange guys and act as a member of the anti-registered arrest.

Of course, they have been spurred by the opposition, but they can legally live without having to hide the life of Hide, let the registered art of the strange man's determination to Charles, think so The result is that it is whimsy after you want.

The federal government has also attracted the joining registration not in a small number of strange things through the propaganda of Charles's registered blame.

In the car compartment, Rogen maintained a silence expression.

Just as he thought this time, it would be as smooth as it was in the past.

A urgent brake sound made the crowded people unconsciously, and the fist stretched out his sharp grabbed, Rogan wrinkled and heard the curse from the driver's seat.

However, the next moment, a familiar power shrouded in Rogan's body.

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