Infinite Possession of Beauty

Chapter 655 Broken Bridge

With a rush of tire friction, the deposit of the strange man is hard to stop in front of Erek.

Pick your fingers, instantly dismantle the escort, the scene inside, if the squad of the six ear is said, there is no half a strange figure.

The entire escort is a bait.

In this case, the new verbed brothers who lead the wings are hooked.

"Just, isn't you afraid of being self-immolated, Tony Stark.

Looking at the empty cars, the expression on the Eric's face can't see.

Put your eyes on the driver's seat of the escort, looked at the faint figure in front of the direction, and Eric Tima reacted, the man on the car was the key to this confrontation.

"Sure enough?"

On the driver's seat, Jack Simon looked at Eric before the car, and smashed his eyes to show an expression.

Pick up the cigarette point in your hand, and a light from the smoke generated in Nicotine.

"I have been waiting for a long time, Wankong."

The heart of the heart, the cigarette whispering in Jack Simon also burned to the end.

With the last squat, Jack Simon's power [yellow light ring] is expanded to form a widow of the wild dog rushing to the face.

In the face of these fluffy dogs, Eric's brow is slightly wrinkled.

The movements in the hand do not have a hesitation, and immediately control the surrounding vehicle to decompose into a piece of metal fragments toward the wild dog.

The sharp metal fragments instantly cut the wild dog into two halves, but this deadly injury fell in a wild dog that was completely made by the lamp ring, but it was undoubtedly a big discount. The cut wild dog was only paused again. I blew the mouth, I rumized, I was rushing to move toward Eric.

It was not aware that these wild dogs were not simple. The expression on the Eric's face could not change it. The action on the hand did not hesitate to control the a large number of metal to form a wall attempt to stop the field of wild dog.

"The power of the lamp ring, can not be as simple as you think, Eric."

Looking at Eric's should have a cigarette, swallowing the clouds in the car in Jack Simon in the car.

As a purely treated energy as an attacking means, the upper and lower limits are extremely obvious.

Although, because it is not [yellow light ring] The ability of the original universe, the ability of the lamp ring is not as strong as the original version. However, it may be because of the relationship between the 'Devil', leading to this [yellow light ring] in Jack Simon, the power increases more than the force before Li Ran.

Although this enhancement contrast is some gap in the power of the A-grade cards in Li Ran's Easy, but it is also an accident.

, !

There is a wild dog impact on the steel city wall made by Eric, and the iron wall built from a large number of metals is built from the second administrative order Decided by the new president. The city wall of the United States and Mexico border. Thick and more, and there is no gap.

The wild dog opened his mouth with sharp teeth biting the wall, except for the formation of a few tear biting, there was no significant damage to the iron wall.

Seeing that the steel wall casting in Eric seems to have the effect of blocking the lamp ring attack.

However, in the next moment, with the energy of the yellow [yellow light ring] on the Yellow Lamp of Jack Simon again.

The iron wall is constantly making a biting wild dog group to make a hard wall, just as the river is generally condensed.


These wild dogs are gathered together, with a huge wolf, and a deafening roar against the steel wall.


The next second, huge lifted your huge paw, and I cramped the steel city wall in front of the whistling.

With the collapse of the iron wall, Eric behind the back is also exposed to the eyes of the giant waters.

The yellow eyes flashed the cruel look, looked at the block of the steel wall, and there was no anti-prepared Eric, the giant wolf did not hesitate to stop, and then Zhang opened his huge mouth and biting Eric's disgusting. Go down.

If the giant wolf bites this.

Even as the possibility of Eric, which is a whatever, after all, although he has mastered the ability to control the magnetic force, but its body quality is only better than ordinary people, and there is no strong self-healing in Roggen.


Seeing that Eric is to die in the mouth of the giant wolf.

Suddenly, from a huge figure of a green in half of the air, I suddenly slammed out the giant wolf in front of Eric.

The ghouls and strengths that have been made by lamp ring are extremely huge, which can be seen from Irica that is destroyed from Erica.

However, this is such a huge energy creature. At this moment, this sudden appears in the battlefield stamped.

Needless to say, this ink green figure is naturally a green giant of Banner transformed.

Of course, although in strength and defense, the giant wolf that has fallen by [yellow light ring] is not a green giant's opponent.

However, as an energy life, the performance of ghoul is not afraid of life and death, has a large extent, and has offset these weaknesses.

Looking at the tangled giant wolf, it's hard to score it.

Jack Simon picked his brow, next moment, from the light ring, it was a big wolf again, he flipped toward Eric.


However, this time, there is an attack of the giant wolf, but it is still blocked.

American Captain. "

Looking at Steve in front of Eric, Handheld Shield, the expression on the face of Jack Simon finally had a bit change.

In the hands of the Zhenjin shield, the giant wolf attack, behind Steve, the winter warrior raised his robotic arm to the energy gun, launching the blue rays of the giant wolf.

The shock gun was destroyed, and the giant wolf's lost body stopped the action, but the energy of the next instant is again made up a new skull, shaking a few times.

"It is really a surprising scene, the US captain."

With a cigarette in your mouth, Jack Simon came down from the car and looked at Steve and Pakistan who blocked in front of the giant wolf, and said with a slight sigh.

"Not long ago, we have also been a teammates who fight together in parallel, but now it has fallen to such a embarrassing situation."

The shield in the hands, Steve uses a vigilant gaze to make a low-ranking giant wolf, hear Jack Simon's ridicule, and then silently said.

"Jack Simon, what you represented is the position of 'chaotic splitter', registered?"

"Although I personally expressed admiration for the captain of the captain, it is a pity that 'chaotic division' has always advocated cooperation, we are not the SCP Foundation's self-righteous guy, the federal government is also the 'chaotic division 'One of the objects you want to cooperate, so I am sorry, the captain. "

"I don't know if you can give me the wanner behind me."

For Steve's question, the attitude of Jack Simon is extremely cooperated.

However, the answer in his mouth did not show so friendly.

The eyes behind the shield and the eyes of Jack Simon, the footsteps of Steve block in front of Eric, but there is no slightest.

He gave an answer with his own practical actions.

"You, let me have some difficult captain."

In the face of Steve's unrelated attitude, Jack Simon's face reveals distressed look.

"In this case, then I can only have to be sinned, after all, I have already agreed Tony, I will help him solve the problem."

With the voice of Jack Simon falling, Steve's wolf began to change, and the wolf of the limbs was deformed into a huge wolf.

Looking up, the wolf swept the Steve and others in front of him with a fierce look, and the next moment suddenly pudded them.

At the same time, the giant wolf in the battle with Haoke was also changed, and became a huge octopus waving the tentacles tightly entangled and changing the green giants, blocked it toward the direction of the US captain and others.

"You think that you can defeat me with these things!"

From the beginning of the beginning, whether there is a creature attack or Haoke has appeared in the appearance of the American captain, let the people have aware of the owner of the entire incident, Eric.

Looking at the US captain with the US captain who has a wolf fight.

Eric's eyes flanged, he can't tolerate this feeling of ignoring.

After walking, he raised his own hands, closed his eyes and recall the strength of the base in Charles.

From the large amount of magnetic force in the body, these power is no longer attached to the surrounding metal, but more deeply into the huge high-speed bridge of his head.


With the impact of Eric's power, the steel iron frame connected in the bridge began to distort, and a crack appeared on the bridge.

"Fast, hurry to leave here ..."

On the bridge, I have always gaze that the strange man who fights will shout.

They looked at the broken bridge, and the expression was fearful to escape.

Standing under the high-speed bridge, the two bright red nose blood flowed from the Eric's nose, and he himself continued to continue to control the metal in the high-speed bridge, and floated its entire break. stand up.

On the broken bridge, the bulk stained stones dropped.

Eric is biting his teeth, which is constantly overdravan to control this bridge slowed down in the direction of the wolf.

A high-speed bridge that fractured, the scene presented is undoubtedly very shocking.

Looking up, watching the broken bridge floating, Jack Simon can't hurt some of his own eyebrows, and do not hesitate to control the [yellow light ring] to form a translucent shield to protect himself.


The next second of the shield is formed, and the power in Eric is also loose.

The air was sent to the broken bridge that was floated by him, and the crash will be directly broken by the ruins of the wolf.

At the same time, the splash is damaged throughout the road, as if the missile is baptized.

"Cough ..."

At the same time, the destruction and bang sound formed by broken bridges also drowned Steve and others.

After dozens of seconds, in the battlefield of the ruins.

Jack Simon's hand [yellow light ring] flashing rays show a dust mask appeared on his face, and a large amount of gravel was scattered in his surrounding.

Leather the energy shroud wrapped in the body, Jack Simon looked at the scene in front of him.

In addition to the land of the land, no matter whether the American captain or the magnetic king's figure will not see the trace.


"... the destruction of the high-speed bridge, causing more than 100 people injured throughout New York City, for this attack, the president has published a strict rebuening, thinking that everything is the responsibility of the superhero and verbal guys who do not want to register, the people The dissatisfaction of the registered superhero has reached the vertices. According to the latest polls, it is not enough to support the anti-registered mages, but it also supports the people 's own superhero based on Tony Stark. It has reached a historical high point of history, which can be said that the event of the high-speed bridge has made the entire US people to support the implementation of the Super Hero Registration Act ... "

On the news program, the Wan magnetic king's place is, the position of the entire "Super Hero Registration Act" is a more passive situation.

The people have realized the danger of verbing, fear their power.

This fear of emotions has exceeded the freedom and democracy claimed by them.

"I assure you that Mr. President, I will handle everything."

Inside the Avengers, Tony makes it a guarantee against the new president in the phone.

"Whether it is a weird man or the American captain."

End the call and the new president's call.

Tony turned his head, and Natasha opposed his eyes and shrugged, making a helpless expression.

"It seems that our president has been a bit impatient, and the anti-registered sent actions have always caused huge stimuli to him."

"The event of the high-speed bridge, letting his civil programs have fallen five percentage points, and the stock market has also caused heavy."

In this regard, Natasha is a cool give an answer.

"Is there a trace of American captain?"

I heard Natasha's answer, Tony picked some eyebrows, and then the time to make an inquiry.


Gently shake your head, Natasha replied.

"Continue search, since he appeared once, then there is a second, third times ..."

In the face of Tony's order, Natasha nodded and turned and left his room.


Looking at Natasha leaves the back, Tony's eyes flashed.

"Mr. Stark, 'Sentinel' has been completed."

At this time, in the room, the voice of Ouchu sounded a report on him.

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