"I disagree!"

New York, the secret meeting of the Light Exchange.

In the face of the exiled plan, Tony did not hesitate to show his attitude.

"Haoke as a member of the Avengers Alliance, the invasion of evil and even alien forces more than once ..."

As a member of the Avengers, even if Haoke has had a fierce battle with the position of the anti-registered member.

However, Tony is still distinguished against the so-called exhibit scheme in the strange doctor's mouth.

"I don't deny that Haoke has saved the achievements of the Avengers."

For Tony's opposition, Steven expressions are light.

Holding the hands of the magical gloves slightly close, looking at the Iron Man in front of you.

Steven said calmly: "But as a green giant, Haoke is not only a huge threat, but the chaos of the God Shield is the clearest prove."

Like Wan Magnetic King, Based on the huge threat of the shackles.

God Shield has to detaine Banner.

In this regard, although Banner has quite whispered, it also clears the bitterness and reasons of the Shield Bureau. In the case of the mighty "Super Hero Registration Act", it seems that it seems to be in the gods. A suitable approach.

Just, no one has thought of it.

The Banna in the Shenzun Bureau suddenly lost control, turned into a green giant Haike ruined, causing huge turmoil in the newly established Shendu.

In the end, it has to rely on the power of the amazing captain to re-uniform the violent Hao Ke.

The reason why the illumination will convene this meeting is also based on Hoke's out-of control.

"You can't guarantee, every time Haoke's out-of control, there are surprising captains to control."

"If, the next time Haoke appears is not in the goddess, the destruction caused by any city in the United States,"

"This is just your guess."

Close frown, Tony looked at the strange doctor in front of him.

"No, I think this is very likely to appear."

Shake the head, Stephen's attitude unexpectedly determined.

The battle of the port of New York, let Stephen respond, many battles are inevitable.

Even if you are in your heart, you will not participate in the superhero civil war, but reality still uses some way to pull him into the battle.

This reality, from him that day, the day of the magic power, it has been destined.

The strange doctor who wakes up is starting to change his position inside the light.

Actively participate in the meeting, guarding the earth in their own way.

For Haoke's expelled plan, Stephen's comments made.


The eyes and Steven are looking forward to their lastings, and final Tony moved to their own sight.

The inner heart is also a firm position.

In fact, as a Avengers who have played side by side with Hao Ke.

Tonybi Stephen is more clear to Haoke's danger, but it is because of this, he will give up the invitation to Banner when he set up a lighting party.

Note that Tony's attitude is turned to be retired, and the singular doctors know that their plan is successful.

Hook your mouth and press the inner emotions.

Steven's eyes swept through the excitement members.

Although it has already determined the plan, Stephen is clear, and the whole plan will not be able to achieve the help of the excitement members if you want to successfully implement it.

"I am not interested in expelled the plan."

Shot shrugged, Dr. Ham Phm directly expressed his attitude and refused to participate in the plan.

"This world will be less than Hao Ke, will also bounce out other threats."

"If you really have to expel the plan, I am not opposed."

Mr. Mr. Riddles, gave his own position.

"I have no opinions."

During the light, the relationship between Black Pantle and Banner is the most shallow relationship, so there is no obvious position.

A member of the Member of the Exercise Waitual, the strange doctor put his eyes on the last illuminated member - Charles.

After the civil war event, accompanied by the Avengers Alliance.

Tony realizes that the light will require more sounds, so invites the strange guilty leader Charles to join the organization.


At the wheelchair, the eyes of the singular Ph.D. Steven.

Charles shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't oppose the expelled plan, but in my hand, I have more important things waiting to deal with it. Not long ago, I have induced a special blame, waiting for me to look for ..."

Although Charles uses the reason to find a weird man refused to join the Haike expelled plan.

Birth, with the participation of the remaining lights.

The entire Haoke expelled plan is gradually formed.

"I clearly, you are not completely recognized ..."

For the expel plan of the expense program, the strange doctors himself clearly clear the controversial, but the position is still resolute.

"But, in any case, everything we do is based on the security of the world, as long as the sacrifice can avoid greater sacrifices, and the expeltion of Haoke is the case."


"Doctor ?!"

God Shield Bureau, Nick Ferrei heard the report from Natasha, the only one of the best eyes could not be fruited.

"It seems that the secret behind the" Super Hero Registration Act "is more complicated than what we think."

Lenovo to the raft prison [Mr. Bulid] The robbery completed and turned Dior awakened [arrow].

Everything seems to be involved in the doctor.

"So, what is the purpose of doctors?"

Natasha did not trust in the records mentioned in parallel parallel.

She always believes that all of this has a conspiracy.

"Perhaps, this is not just a doctor, and there is still a nine."

"Don't forget, whether doctors are still Dior, is a nine people."

A long time did not appear in Nick Furikou, the Director of the God Shield looked at Natasha and reminded him in front of him.

When I heard Nick Furre, the expression on Natasa's face changed.

However, she has not waited for her to continue to think about the idea given by Nick Furi.

The knockout from the door, interrupted Natasha's thoughts.

"Come in."

I heard the knock on the door, Nick Frereve converges his face, and then makes a calm appearance opening.

"Through the investigation of Olympics, we found a place where you were suspected of Anbrize."

Pushing the door, the vision of the eagle is in contact with Natasha, but it will return to Nick Furi, and report.


"I have arrived at the destination."

Under a beautiful photon energy package, Carol Danfuscin hovered in half empty beam.

Looking down at the building under the feet, the expression on the face of the captain did not fear the color.

For a strong superhero with free shuttle under the space of the universe, there is no fear of the task.

"Waiting for it, Tony will rush to the destination soon."

In Carol Danfusa, Nick Furi low voice sounded.

This time of Brera's actions, not a surprise captain's personal task.

On the contrary, Nick Frere will dispatch the current battle that the Shen Shield can dispatch.

In order to avoid Ph.D. and their nine behind them, may be placed in Brera.

"In fact, I am enough alone."

However, compared to Nick Furre's careful cautious, the surprise captain said to the Nick, who was eager to try.

"The situation doesn't seem to be as simple as you think, Carol."

Nick Ferry is full of confidence in the power of the surprise captain Carol Danfus, but it will not relax his vigilance.

"Jiujing is a very dangerous organization."

The headphones Nick Ferry constantly reminds the danger of the Surprise Captain.

However, the development of the situation seems to be in contrast.

"Listen to you, I am more expected to meet with Jiuqu."

These descriptions of Nick Furre, but more arratitive hearts in Carol Danfus heart.

She turned her head to look at the empty sky, and the picture in the eyes of the beautiful photon energy began to be clear.

Look at the figure of the distant Tony and others.

Carol Danfus recovered his gaze and fell on the Anbrera under his body.

The anxious color on the face became obvious.

"Help me transferred to them, I will act first."

Hold the arm silently waiting for a few seconds, told the Nick Frerey, which is unable to catch up with the other headset.

Next second, the photon energy on the body broke out, and the whole person is like a colorful beam. It is generally rushed toward Anibrera under the bottom.


With the protection of photon energy, the battle style of the surprise captain is quite simple.

It is not necessary to spend too much energy on the defense, and there is a lot of words.

Of course, if you think this is the weakness of Carol Danfus, it is good.

In fact, the fighting ability of the surprise captain is also the same, but she covers the photon energy of her.

Under the influence of strong photon energy, the overall combat style of Carol Danfus will also develop in the simple direct development.

After all, when the power is big to the horizontal level, the so-called fighting skills have become meaningless.

More exclusive fighting skills, the impact wave of her photon is also white.

Fighting may help you overcome the opponent stronger than yourself, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat the enemy that is more than yourself.

Surprise Captain Carol Danfus is this.

Her strength is powerful to help the lining without any fight.

On the other end of the headphones, the huge bang sound of Carol Danfus hit, Nick Frere can only expose a helpless expression.

Although he and the surprise captain Carol has not met more than decades, it is obvious that the other personality is still alone with the past.

"Surprise Captain has entered Anbrera."

In the heart, Nick Freui did not forget to tell this situation to Tony, etc. who fell towards Anbrera.



Controlling the photon energy of the body rushing into the Anbrera company.

The sense of fierce resistance in the expected, did not appear on the surprise captain.

Conversely, the entire Anbrera is quietly strange.

Wrinkled, Carol Danfus scattered his body's beautiful photon energy, revealing the body wrapped in the war.

"I didn't see anyone in the company."

Close your eyes and use photon energy to increase your own perception.

Surprise Captain said to Nick Frei, on the other side of the headphones.

"It looks, if it is not a goddess, the other party has known the action of the God Shield, and the people in Ambrand will be evacuated."

Open your eyes, the expression on the Carol Danfus face is full of doubts.

She was also expected to be in the nine in Nick Furikou, and now it seems that this wish is clearly empty.

"This time the action is confidential."

When I heard the situation of the amazed captain, Nick Furre's brow suddenly wrinkled.

"Do you know, Nick, in the days of the cosmic wandering, if something makes me memorable, then don't want to keep confidential, because the secret will be leaked under the case of you. "

Compared to Nick Furi's surprises, Carol Danfus's expression is calm.


Her eyes swept away empty Ambrera.

But in front of a house in a clear laboratory, it stopped.

"It seems that not everyone has been withdrawn from here."

Before walking on the laboratory, Carol Danfus reached out his palm, and it was easily pulled down the thick laboratory door.


If you are lighted, you will lose weight to the heavy iron gates in your hands, and the calf Danfus looks at the dark laboratory in front of it.

The pace of the feet did not have a slightest pause.

Her body flashed the beautiful photon energy, and the original dark laboratory was even as bright as white.

In the laboratory, Carol Danfus' s eyes quickly noticed that were detained in a transparent glass room, a bald boy in a white laboratory suit, her face.

"You are coming, Carol Danfus."

In the glass room, heard the huge movement from the laboratory door, the boy lifted his head.

The eyes were paid on the surprise captain wrapped in the beautiful photon energy, but the expression on the face did not surprise.

Only calm and calm.

It seems to be pre-expected to this.

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