As if coming from the Nine Nether Abyss.

Li Nanguo frowned as he looked at the young man who suddenly pushed the door open in front of him.

At this point, are there still workers who have not left?

It's not that Li Nanguo is bloodthirsty, but that he finds it troublesome.

In fact, Li Nanguo did not intend to let go of any of the onlookers present.

Because if Li Nanguo really killed Jiang Linyu and the others in front of them, then these people would be the first witnesses.

Although Li Nanguo is crazy.

But he's not crazy enough to think that he can challenge Long Yin.

But now, it seems that there is one more person to kill.

That’s all, killing one more is still killing.

Li Nanguo didn't pay attention to Jiang Chen who walked in, but with a cold light in his eyes, he flew up and kicked Jiang Linyu in the cervical spine.

Here is one of the key points of human beings.

If the spinal cord controlled by the cervical spine is injured, it can range from total paralysis.

In severe cases, he was killed on the spot.

But the next moment, an afterimage suddenly appeared in front of Li Nanguo's eyes.

Li Nanguo was shocked.

So fast!

Faster than myself!

Li Nanguo didn't even see Jiang Chen's movements clearly, Jiang Chen had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters and stood in front of him!

Li Nanguo's kick hit Jiang Chen's leg.

Hmph, looking for death!

Li Nanguo knew that he could not hold back his kick.

When he thought about it, Jiang Chen would definitely break his calf if he received this blow!

But the next moment, Li Nanguo's expression changed.

Because of the feedback from his feet, Li Nanguo felt like he had kicked an iron plate.

Moreover, the counter-shock force of this iron plate instantly made his own calf numb, followed by severe pain!

Jiang Linyu was stunned.

Wu Caifeng was also stunned.

In front of them, a person appeared.

And by looking at the back, you can tell who is coming.

Xiaochen! Wu Caifeng exclaimed.

Jiang Linyu also showed a trace of panic on his face.

He is not afraid of death!

But he was afraid that Jiang Chen and Wu Caifeng would die because of him!

Jiang Linyu regretted it extremely now. He felt that he was blind and would believe Li Mingqiang, a thief.

Now not only has his wife suffered a life crisis, but his son has also been involved in this turmoil!

The guilt and self-blame in his heart brought this man's strong and unyielding heart to the edge of fragmentation.

Xiaochen, what are you doing here! Run!


Jiang Linyu's voice was hoarse.

All he wants now is for his son to escape!

But Jiang Chen turned around, smiled at him, and said, Dad, Mom, it's okay.

Leave the rest to me.

Jiang Linyu suddenly froze.

The change of mood is extremely rapid, but it is not inconsistent.

Because what appeared in front of him at this moment was Jiang Chen's back.

Extremely tall.

Extremely reliable.

Wu Caifeng was also moved to tears.

She now sees in her son what Jiang Linyu looked like when he was young.

That's a feeling of being upright!

The couple had mixed feelings in their hearts.

It was as if his son had grown up overnight.

It turned into a towering tree, which in turn can protect them.

But Wu Caifeng was worried.

I still want to say something.

But she was stopped by Jiang Linyu.

Jiang Linyu smiled, smiling happily and wildly!

Is my son a loser?

My son is a hero! !

Although Jiang Linyu said nothing, Wu Caifeng still understood what her husband meant.

Trust him!

Who are you? Li Nanguo was surprised.

Jiang Chen stood firm in front of him, and his aura was extremely terrifying.

Li Nanguo suddenly became cautious.

But Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense to Li Nanguo.

He even felt that talking to such scum and scum would make him feel sick.

Jiang Chen took action.

It was also a whip kick that hit Li Nanguo's calf.

Jiang Chen had no intention of directly killing Li Nanguo.

Because it’s so frustrating!

The same trick, used in Jiang Chen's hands, would be extremely powerful.


Jiang Chen's attack perfectly demonstrated what it means to be fast, accurate and ruthless. The moment Li Nanguo didn't react, there was a crack of fracture in his calf.

The next moment, Li Nanguo screamed, hugged his calf, and fell to the ground.

His calf was completely broken to the side by Jiang Chen's blow, and the bending angle was similar to that of disposable bamboo chopsticks that had been broken off but still had fibers attached to them.

The white bones pierced Li Nanguo's flesh and blood and were exposed.

Everyone watching this scene took a breath of air.

it hurts!

It hurts to look at it!

In fact, Li Nanguo was indeed in terrible pain!

Li Nanguo fell to the ground, screaming like a slaughtering pig, and beads of sweat poured out from his face.

You, who are you?!

Li Nanguo panicked.

His previous arrogance was gone.

If Li Nanguo is a murderous evil ghost, then in his eyes, Jiang Chen is Yama who controls life and death.

Talk about being cruel and ruthless.

Jiang Chen didn't know how many times he was stronger than Li Nanguo.

In terms of the dead souls under his command, Li Nanguo may not be even a fraction of Jiang Chen's number!

Let’s not talk about past lives.

Just talk about the last script.

Jiang Chen massacred 400,000 people!

Although these 400,000 people are all NPCs in the script, they are under the blessing of the Lord God.

These people are also flesh and blood!

The murderous aura in Jiang Chen's body had already made a qualitative leap after killing those 400,000 people.

From ancient times to the present, thousands of people like Jiang Chen have been slaughtered.

Just standing in front of ordinary people can cause people to have a nervous breakdown and panic to the point of peeing their pants.

Murderous aura is a real thing.

But Jiang Chen controlled it very well.

As long as he didn't have murderous intentions, others wouldn't feel the terrifying murderous aura in him.

But Li Nanguo is different now.

He almost saw the scene of Abi Hell, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen remained expressionless.

There was no intention of going back to Li Nanguo.

He looked at Li Nanguo as if he were looking at an ant.

However, he did not intend to directly trample the ant to death, but planned to torture it.

Jiang Chen raised his foot and stepped hard on Li Nanguo's broken calf!

There was a numbing sound of bone cracking, and Li Nanguo's right calf was trampled into pulp by Jiang Chen.

Crushed bones and flesh were mixed together, blurring into a disgusting mass of rotten flesh.


Li Nanguo screamed again. The pain of his bones being crushed into pieces made Li Nanguo experience unprecedented pain!

It even made him almost faint!

Wu Caifeng turned her face away. She was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see this bloody scene.

Although her son's actions made her feel relieved, Wu Caifeng still felt that her son was too harsh because of the kind qualities she had developed over a long period of time.

Li Nanguo is about to be abolished.

But before Wu Caifeng could speak to dissuade her.

Jiang Chen's words came first.

Dad, Mom, when they planned to kill you and take away your life, they didn't think they were going too far.

All the good people in the world are dead!

The only ones left are ruthless people!

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