I wonder if our mecha has the ability to defend against emp strikes?

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, the two scientists shook their heads and said, There should be no electronic products in this world that can completely defend against EMP attacks.

Our mechas, even third-generation mechas like Danger Wanderer, use analog circuits and cannot completely prevent emp strikes.

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

He had actually expected this answer.

And Jiang Chen knows that there are actually electronic products that can completely defend against EMP, but with the current level of science and technology of mankind, it is impossible to create electronic components and circuit units that are smaller than the wavelength of electromagnetic pulses.

If it can be done, it will be possible to completely prevent emp.

At this time, the marshal frowned, and then said: Liangchen, do you mean that these two monsters may have special abilities like emp?

Jiang Chen nodded.

According to the plot of the original movie, Storm Red and Sasha driven by the three Tang brothers and Cherno Alpha driven by Alexis were to die gloriously in this battle.

Cherno Alpha was completely unable to resist due to being hit by the Leatherback Turtle's emp.

Even the mecha leader was torn to pieces alive!

Jiang Chen didn't want to see this scene happen.

However, what is different from the original plot is that the mecha piloted by the protagonist and heroine, the Danger Wanderer, also participated in the battle.

From the original three against two to four against two, the ending should be different.

Okay, let's adapt accordingly. Without further ado, the monster won't wait for us to come up with a perfect plan here!

Set off!


The marshal gave the order and everyone took action.

Tang Weilong stretched out his right hand and fist bumped with Jiang Chen, a friend he had only known for a long time.

There was a confident smile on his face.

When we come back, I will take you to see the red cab of Baofeng!

You'll definitely like her!

Jiang Chen was speechless.

Brother, the flag you set up is simply textbook level.

However, Jiang Chen also bumped fists with Tang Weilong and said seriously: These two monsters are very strong.

Don't rush forward. If necessary, fight and retreat, and try to coordinate with other friendly mechas!

The three Tang brothers nodded.

Then walked out of the command room.

They are about to enter the red cab of the storm and prepare for battle.

Jiang Chen and Lu Bu stood behind the marshal, staring intently at the various screens in the command room.

ten minutes later.

The dome of the Broken Sky base slowly opened.

Seven or eight armed helicopters hoisted four mechas.

Then slowly fly towards the coastline, the target location ten kilometers away.

Command, here are the raiders, we have arrived at the target location, everything is going well so far!

Voices came from the Hansens.

Command, this is Cherno Alpha, we are approaching the designated location, waiting for instructions!

The marshal put his hands on the command podium and calmly ordered: Hold the 10-mile red line and decide carefully whether to engage in battle depending on the situation!

I want to remind you that these two level four monsters are unprecedented in weight and size so far!

Be sure to be cautious when facing the enemy!

The marshal had just finished speaking.

In the dark water behind the raider, a huge monster with a long tail and blue fluorescent light flashing from its mouth suddenly rushed out.

Attention Raiders!

Target: The tailed rat appears!

Information collection has been completed and the target data has been updated!

Target codename: Tailed Rat!

Height: 63.09 meters, weight 2690 tons!

Speed: 8, Strength: 6, Defense: 7, Poison: Poison!

Special abilities and attack characteristics are unknown!

The moment the Tailed Rat appeared, the extremely thick tail behind it swept directly towards the Raider's cockpit.


The huge kinetic energy almost knocked the attacker away.

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank.

Something's wrong!

The IQ of this monster is much higher than that in the original movie!

He even knows how to directly attack the cockpit!


Cockpit damaged!

The extent of damage is being estimated!


In the cockpit of the Raider, the ears of Hansen and his son were filled with various sirens.


Seeing that the attack was successful, the tailed rat roared and then pounced on the attacker.

The three brothers from the Tang family who were controlling the storm red on the side would certainly not watch helplessly as their allies were pursued by monsters and killed in one fell swoop.

Three people working together.

Storm Crimson began to support the Raiders.

Storm Crimson! Your duty is not to provide cover and support! Please stay where you are, the leatherback turtle has not appeared yet!

The marshal's expression changed.

He immediately reminded him loudly.

Got it, it's a red storm here. According to our Chinese tradition, we never die without rescuing someone!


The marshal smashed the table.

What he fears most is that he will not obey orders like this.

However, he also knew that it would definitely be too late to ask for support from dangerous wanderers and Cherno Alpha who were still several kilometers away from the raiders.

Among these four mechas, the fastest is the Chinese mecha Storm Crimson.

But the marshal also knew that this was a mecha with long-range firepower as its signature weapon.

Melee combat capabilities are almost negligible.

Storm Crimson's main weapon, the particle cannon, is currently undergoing repairs.

If it weren't for the monster attack this time, there would be two.

And if the attack is fierce, the marshal will not let Baofeng Red go up hard.

But now that the matter has come to this, he can only pray in his heart that Baofeng Chihong and the three brothers of the Tang family can work with the raiders to kill the tailed rat as soon as possible.

in the screen.

The booster behind Baofeng Chihong was at full power, and the three Tang brothers were also running at full speed.

At the moment when the tailed rat pounced on the attacker.

The three brothers of the Tang family also came behind Wei Lishu.

Get ready, thunder cloud formation!

The front ends of Storm's three red steel arms turned into cutting circular saws.

Three circular saws directly began to cut the flesh and blood on the tailed rat's back.

Dark blue blood spurted out from under the skin of the tailed rat.


The rat was in pain and stopped attacking and biting the attacker.

Then Storm Red took advantage of the victory and pursued the victory. The circular saws on the three arms retracted and turned into palms again.

Grasping the two hind legs and tail of the tailed rat respectively, the three brothers shouted loudly, then Storm Crimson used full power and lifted the entire tailed rat up.

Then he threw him into the deep sea behind him.


There was a huge splash on the sea surface.

The tailed rat screamed and fell into the water.

Thank you...

The crisis was temporarily resolved, and the Hansens expressed their gratitude in the voice.

They were indeed a little careless just now.

In addition, the tailed rat is extremely fast.

If Storm Crimson hadn't come to support him, the Tailed Rat would have definitely pulled the two of them out of the cockpit with one paw!

You're welcome, nothing happened...


Before the three brothers in the storm red cockpit finished speaking, their mecha was attacked by an unknown monster lurking in the sea!


The right leg of the mecha is severely damaged, and the degree of functional loss is: 88%!

Main functions are offline!

In the sea, the monster with its huge mouth opened directly bit off Baofeng's red right leg!

Jiang Chen saw this scene.

I finally decided on one thing.

Someone is controlling these two monsters!

Chapter 71 Shoot at me!

In fact, these two monsters are indeed controlled by someone.

And these people.

They happened to be the more than two hundred reincarnations who had joined the pioneer camp.

After they joined the pioneer camp.

Only then did I realize how outrageous the biotechnology of this alien civilization was.

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