Chapter 216

After Nydiri killed all the viper wolves, she turned around and left.

Jack quickly followed her, and Lin also naturally followed her.

Nydiri turned her head and said, “Don’t follow me!”

How could Jack give up? This Namei is his only hope of living in this sinister jungle.

They followed Nydiri for a while. Nydiri turned her head, bared her teeth, hissed like a demonstration, and said, “Follow me again and I will kill you!”

Jack shrugged and said, “Then you can kill me. It’s a death in the jungle anyway. It’s better to be killed by you than by those Beasts.”

Nydiri seemed to be a little furious, turned around abruptly, drew an arrow, put it on the bow, and aimed it at the tip of Jack’s nose.

Jack was also taken aback. He didn’t understand what the Namei was thinking.

Now that he has saved himself, he has to throw himself in the jungle to fend for himself.

At the moment, something with a File size in the palm of one hand, like a jellyfish, exuding white light, floated slowly and fell onto the arrow.

When Naydiri saw this, the anger in her eyes suddenly turned into surprise.

Then, the thing floated slowly and landed on Jack’s shoulder.

Jack was surprised, and touched the little thing like a jellyfish with his hand.

Naidili quickly said: “Don’t move!”

Jack dare not move anymore.

Then, there were hundreds of such luminous little things floating around and falling on Jack’s body and head.

After a while, the thing floated away.

Nydili looked at Jack’s gaze from surprise to shock, and then said to Jack: “Come with me.”

Jack was surprised by those little things, and also surprised at the change in Nydiri’s attitude, and asked, “What are those little things?”

Nydiri walked in front, and didn’t mean to answer.

Jack turned his head and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi replied: “In the Namei people, there is a kind of tree called the holy tree. In the hearts of the Namei people, this holy tree is very sacred and is their soul. This thing is the seed of the holy tree.”

Jack heard it a little strangely: “But why should the seeds of these sacred trees fall on me?”

“The sacred tree is different from the ordinary tree. The sacred tree has a’soul’. Its seeds fall on you, which means it recognizes you. It also shows that in the near future, you will make a difference to the Namei people. Very important contribution.”

Although Jack had always believed in Lin, he really didn’t believe in the saying that “trees have souls”.

This statement is too illusory.

But after hearing Lin Yi’s words, Nydili turned her head and looked at Lin Yi: “You know the Namee very well?”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, “I just know a thing or two.”

Next, Naidili took Jack and Lin Yi to walk to the place where the Namei people lived.

The road she led was not on the ground, but on the branches.

After all, it was the first time Jack walked like this, and he almost fell off many times.

But Lin Yi walked very steadily, as if walking on the ground.

This surprised Nydiri again.

Although this human is a sky person-the Namei people call the earth person a sky person, perhaps because in their eyes, humans came to Pandora from the sky-but his ability to survive in the jungle is better than many Nameis Be strong. And he seems to know the jungle and nature very well.

The Nami people respect nature the most, and they also respect those who understand nature the same way.

They walked for about half an hour, and when they came to the big tree where the Namei people lived, the wound on Lin Yi’s body that had just been torn out by the viper wolf was completely healed.

This surprised Jack very much.

The wounds on his body still hurt, and even a few wounds are still bleeding. Lin Yi’s body seemed to have never been injured.

At the moment, Lin Yi looked up at the residence of Namei.

This is a tree with huge amounts of more than 300 meters high.

The diameter of the tree is probably forty to fifty meters.

The root of the tree is a huge amounts of tree hole.

These Nami people used this tree as their home, and built various nests in the tree.

So they called this tree the home tree.

Lin Yi has seen this tree in the movie before, but at the moment, he can feel how huge this tree is and how small he is when he truly stands in front of the home tree.

Although Jack is in Avatar form at the moment, he can see things in the dark. But compared to Lin Yi’s eyesight, it was much worse. He couldn’t see the full picture of the tree at all, so naturally he was not so shocked.

Then they followed Nydiri into the tree hole.

I saw that in this tree hole, there were hundreds of Namei people in a large file size.

They are making a fire in the tree hole and cooking.

They saw Nydilly come back with Jack and Lin Yi, all of them stood up and looked at them hostilely.

They are better for Jack, after all, Jack at the moment is still in Avatar form.

But for Lin Yi, the sky person, their hostility is very obvious.

Before the sky people came, their lives were so peaceful.

But since the arrival of these sky people, their forests have been destroyed and their living space has been squeezed. Even many of their people were killed by the sky people.

Therefore, they are full of hatred for the sky people.

Sutai, the future leader of the tribe, is especially hostile to Lin Yi and Jack.

“Damn devil, damn sky person, come on, tie them up to me!”

He roared angrily.

Those young people in the tribe should even do it.

Nydiri shook her head and reached out to stop them: “No, no, you can’t kill them!”

Sutai looked at Nydiri and said, “Nydiri, they are demons and sky people. Are you confused by them too?”

They call Avatar the Devil.

Nydiri shook her head again and said, “No, the seeds of the sacred tree fell on him just now, and he has been recognized by the sacred tree.”

Everyone looked at Jack in surprise.

They all understand how difficult it is to get the approval of the holy tree.

Even their own Namei tribe can hardly be recognized by the sacred tree. Only the chiefs and priests of their tribe, that is, Nadiri’s parents, can be recognized by the sacred tree.

Now a devil can be recognized by the holy tree.

Although it was hard for them to believe, they admired the sacred tree very much, so everyone stopped pointing at Jack.

Nydiri’s mother, the priest, pierced Jack’s body with a sharp awl, then tasted Jack’s blood on the awl and nodded.

Nydiri’s father, the leader of the tribe, immediately said: “Well, he can stay, and Nydiri, my daughter, will teach him to learn our way of life.”

Sutai didn’t say anything to Jack, but he cast all his anger on Lin Yi: “But what about this sky person? This damn sky person kills my people and invades my land. He will never get the sacred tree. Recognition?”

Nydiri shook her head.

Su Tai roared: “That’s right, come on, tie him up for me, kill this sky person, and avenge our people!”

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