Chapter 293 Flame Claw VS Rocket

After Lin Yi swallowed hundreds of zombies, his evolution point had reached 6320, and he felt that he was about to enter the flame state again.

Every time he enters the flame state, his efficiency in devouring zombies will greatly increase.

However, just when he swallowed wildly, his biological tracking skills suddenly detected that, one hundred meters behind, the tracker had already chased him.

The tracker had been harassing him everywhere, even if he couldn’t kill him, but annoying him would be annoying.

He used various methods to deal with the tracker, but even if the tracker was hit in the head by a positive finger, he would not die, and every time he touched him, he would collect Lin Yi’s battle data. The next time you meet, he will be stronger.

So when they met for the last time, Lin Yi didn’t even fight with him, and just took a detour.

But now, the blood-red light flashed in Lin Yi’s eyes, and a bloodthirsty sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The doctor in the tent outside the high wall raised his heart when he saw the tracker appeared on the computer screen.

He knew the power of this tracker.

Even Alice is far from the opponent of the tracker. And this tracker is indestructible, with a battle chip implanted in his body, which can collect the opponent’s battle data. Fight once is stronger once.

This Oriental was hunted down by this tracker, can he handle it?

At the same time, Lin Yi swallowed more than 20 zombies. His body had turned fiery red, and his arms seemed to be thicker. His body swelled almost to explode.

He retracted the tendrils and turned into sharp claws.

When I turned around, the tracker was less than fifty meters away from him.

Within these fifty meters, all the zombies actually gave way to a passage under the order of the tracker.

Under the tracker’s upturned lips, thick teeth were exposed.

Lin Yi has been locked in his field of vision, like a computer monitor, showing: Locking on the target-attack!

The next moment, he raised the bazooka in his hand and pointed it at Lin Yi.

call out–

A rocket, dragging a long tail flame, flew towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sneered and moved quickly.

It turned into a fiery red shadow and swept away in front of the rocket.


After two soft sounds, the whole world was quiet.

The rocket disappeared.

There was no explosion, no roar, it just disappeared so suddenly.

And the indestructible tracker, his body, along with the bazooka, and the ground under his feet, were all cracked.

About two seconds later, his split body parted to the sides and fell to the ground like two slabs of pork.

At the moment, Lin Yi, who was completely red, turned his head, and glanced back, like a god of death descending to the world, just like a demon king Linfan.

The doctor saw this scene through the computer screen, and the whole person was stunned.

What happened just now?

How could the rocket suddenly disappear?

Such a powerful tracker, the tracker who can calculate the opponent’s attack trajectory, was actually killed by this Easterner with a single blow?

What exactly is going on?

He quickly replayed the scene.

But after playing it back again, he couldn’t see it clearly.

So he slowed it down again at one-half the speed.

However, what shocked him was that even so, he still couldn’t see clearly.

He watched it again at a quarter speed and an eighth speed.

I only looked at it roughly, but I still didn’t see it in detail, and even Lin Yi on the screen was still a fiery red shadow.

So he watched it again at one-sixteenth the speed.

At one-sixteenth the speed, everything seemed to be frozen.

Those zombies don’t seem to move at all;

The speed of the rocket’s flight is also extremely slow;

And when the rocket was on the way to Flight, Lin Yi moved suddenly, his speed was extremely fast.

When everything is in slow motion, only he seems to be acting normally.

He swept out in an instant, swung his claws midway, and cut the rocket in half before it exploded.

The rocket split to the two sides and landed slowly.

But Lin Yi didn’t stop with this claw, and continued to swept forward, passing a distance of fifty meters in an instant. When the tracker did not respond at all, he cut the tracker in half.


The doctor took a breath.

Even the rocket can be cut in half!

It should be known that after the rocket hits the target, the warhead hits the target, thereby igniting the internal fuze and causing an explosion.

There is a very short process in the middle.

And after Lin Yi hit the rocket warhead with the claws, before the end of the process, he already split the rocket in half, so the rocket did not explode at all.

This shows how fast he is.

At the same time, the doctor is more certain in his heart. If anyone can escape from Raccoon City with his daughter, he is undoubtedly the Oriental.

At the scene, after Lin Yi beheaded the tracker, he finally let out a sigh of foulness.

After being chased by this tracker for hours, and sometimes even taking a detour, I have never been so useless before.

Now that the tracker was killed in a single blow, is there anything better than this?

He came to the two halves of the tracker, with fiery red energy gushing out of his body, covering the tracker.

Two minutes later, the body of the tracker was swallowed.

In his mind, there was a systemic voice: “Swallow the tracker, get 1,000 evolution points, and a total evolution point of 8520 points.”

A tracker has 1,000 evolution points, which makes Lin Yi secretly happy.

I really hope such trackers will give themselves another dozen.

But it’s a pity that this tracker is the biggest boss in “Resident Evil 2” and will not appear again in the future.

So hurry up now, swallowing other zombies is the right way.

At the moment, he was still in a state of flame, facing the zombies that came forward, turning into a fiery red shadow, one claw past, forming a fiery red mark one meter wide and more than fifty meters long.

All the zombies within the range of this red trace were all turned into meat sauce in an instant.

Lin Yi swallowed more and more zombies, and his one-yang finger hit rate was getting higher and higher.

When all the more than 5,000 zombies and all the zombie dogs on the scene were swallowed by him, his one positive finger could reach a 100% hit rate.

Although it was not enough to pierce the Yang with a hundred steps, it was no problem to hit at least the head of a zombie within 50 meters with a finger.

Moreover, at the moment he swallowed so many zombies and zombie dogs, his evolution point has reached 10120 points.

It only takes less than 5,000 evolution points to reach 15,000 points.

Promoting to level 8 is just a matter of time.

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