Chapter 471: The Magical Technique of Prophecy

Lin Yi was released early the next morning.

It turns out that he has nothing to do with the explosion.

When Dr. Wu learned of the news, Yin Sen was very surprised.

Dr. Wu has always been a firm materialist. He does not believe that there are ghosts and gods in the world.

So he is even less likely to believe that there is such a thing as prophecy in the world.

But today, the facts have shaken him a bit.

Could it be said that there are real prophets in the world?

So, in the afternoon of the next day, he made an appointment with Lin Yi.

Sitting on the hotel sofa, Dr. Wu asked: “Lin Yi, can you really predict?”

“You saw it all.”

Lin Yi said with an expert posture.

“Then can you predict something that is about to happen?”

Lin Yi said with a smile: “How difficult is it to predict what is about to happen, and how convincing is it? To predict, you can predict what will happen in a few years, or even more than ten or twenty years.”

“Can it be predicted for more than ten or twenty years?”

Dr. Wu asked.


“Then tell me, what will happen in more than ten or twenty years?”

Lin also recalled the plot of the movie, with a confident look: “In the next ten years, you and Tony will become good friends. In 2008, Tony will have a metamorphosis. After that metamorphosis, he will let the world see. He is another identity besides a playboy and a scientific genius. In 2012, Tony will save the world. After 19 years, he will discover that just last night, he accidentally acted and created a devil. To At that time, he will start a fierce battle with the devil.”

Doctor Wu listened to Lin Yi’s predictions and asked, “Why is it all Tony’s business?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, “It’s very simple, because in these twenty years, Tony will become the protagonist of this world.”

Doctor Wu looked at Lin Yi with a confident look, not as if he was talking big.

But he was still a little skeptical.

After Dr. Wu came out, Lin Yi left Switzerland and traveled around the world.

As the saying goes, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

Although Lin also can’t talk about reading ten thousand books, he still likes all kinds of wandering.

When he is wandering, he will punish his nausea and promote good when he encounters something wicked. Get a few evolution points by the way.

Although these villains are just ordinary people, they have few evolution points.

But no matter how small the fly is, it is meat.

In 2008, Tony disappeared, and after returning, it became Iron Man’s business.

When Dr. Wu learned of this, the first person to think of was Lin Yi.

Lin said back then that Tony would have a metamorphosis in 2008. After the metamorphosis is completed, he will reveal another identity besides the playboy and the genius scientist.

Now, this identity is obvious: superhero.

That’s right, At the moment Tony has become a superhero relying on his armor.

The world is flying everywhere.

Doctor Wu At the moment has completely believed Lin Yi’s prediction.

From 1999 to 2008, a full ten years.

Lin Yi actually predicted what would happen ten years later.

In that case, there really is a prophecy in the world?

Doctor Wu quickly found all the relationships he could find, and asked them to find Lin Yi for help.

However, Lin Yi at the moment seemed to have evaporated from the world, and could not be found at all.

He definitely couldn’t find it, and Lin Yi deliberately hid and didn’t find it for him.

What if he finds it and lets him prophesy?

The reason why Lin Yi can predict is all based on his understanding of the plot of the movie.

And his predictions are mainly focused on the protagonist Tony.

The movie originally didn’t introduce Dr. Wu much, so I am afraid that Dr. Wu’s appearance will only take more than a minute.

What if he lets himself prophesy to him now?

So Lin Yi would better hide.

Then in 2012, when the New York War broke out, Tony carried a nuclear bomb and flew into the wormhole in the air, blasting off the alien fleet that was about to attack the earth.

He really saved the world.

This reminded Dr. Wu of Lin Yi again.

But after searching for so many years, I couldn’t find Lin Yi at all.

He can only give up.

Perhaps such an expert, they will only appear when they are needed.

In a flash, it came nineteen years later.

This year, several terrorist bomb attacks occurred consecutively all over the world.

No country in the world has the slightest clue, because there is no shrapnel at all, and it is impossible for its own people to find out.

They could not find out the mastermind of these bomb attacks.

One day, a signal suddenly appeared on the televisions of countries all over the world.

Then, people with long black hair and long black beards, who looked similar to the terrorist leader, appeared.

He said he was called “Mandarin” and he was responsible for those bomb attacks.

And he threatened the world time and time again, saying that he would educate the leaders of all countries.

As a result, bomb attacks occurred one after another.

When no country can do anything, people naturally play Iron Man.

They don’t understand, why didn’t Iron Man show up after so many terrorist attacks?

Why didn’t Iron Man find Mandarin and stop him from bombing again and again?

In fact, no one knows that Iron Man at the moment is suffering from severe anxiety.

The source of his anxiety is the New York incident in 2012.

At that time, a huge amounts of wormhole appeared over New York.

Many alien creatures emerged from the wormhole and began to wreak havoc in New York.

Iron Man and Avengers fight alien creatures in New York.

In the end, those in power intend to launch a nuclear bomb to completely eliminate the aliens in New York-definitely, which also means that tens of millions of people on Earth will also be eliminated.

At the moment, Iron Man carried the nuclear bomb to New York and flew into the wormhole in the sky.

And that nuclear bomb also destroyed the alien fleet in the wormhole that was about to rush to the earth.

Tony successfully saved the world.

But then he suffered from a very serious anxiety disorder.

Because he is the only one in the world who has entered that wormhole.

Only he has seen those thousands of alien spacecraft.

In the vast universe and galaxy, what he saw was almost as numerous alien fleets as the planets.

Although the nuclear bomb destroyed a lot, in terms of the number of the Namu fleet, what he destroyed was only a fraction of a fraction.

And more alien fleets are still coming towards the earth.

He knew that sooner or later the earth would face the invasion of alien creatures again.

In front of such a huge alien fleet, the people on Earth will have no power to fight back, even the Avengers alliance will not do.

Knowing that the world is facing such a disaster, knowing that the earth is about to be destroyed by alien creatures.

How can this not make him anxious?

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