Chapter 473: The Immortal Prophet

When Lin Yi entered this plane, the system had already redone the information for him.

At the moment J.A.R.V.I.S found out that the system had redone the information for Lin Yi.

Tony thought for a while and said, “Check if he has a credit card, and if he has a record of using a credit card. Based on these records, see where he is now.”

J.A.R.V.I.S replied: “I have checked and he has no record of using credit cards.”

Lin also thought for a while and said, “Then use the facial recognition system to identify him based on the photo on his ID card to see where he is recently.”

After speaking, Tony added: “This ID is also 19 years ago. In 19 years, he is also 36 or 7 years old. Great changes must have taken place in his face. The identification is difficult, then Just blur all facial data, and the blur value is between plus and minus 35.”

J.A.R.V.I.S’s voice came: “I’m looking for it, please wait a moment.”

Human eye recognition Ability can reach 97.53%;

At present, the world’s top facial recognition system, the recognition Ability can reach 98.52%, which has surpassed the human eye.

J.A.R.V.I.S’s facial recognition system is even more exaggerated, directly reaching 99.99%.

Even if they are twins, J.A.R.V.I.S can recognize their differences through special algorithms.

So J.A.R.V.I.S quickly found tens of thousands of videos based on Tony’s limit.

He said: “Sir, according to your limited data, 33201 videos have been found.”

“Reduce the scope and limit the age to between 35 and 45 years old, male gender; nationality Chinese-national; ethnic yellow race.”

Tony narrowed the scope of recognition.

J.A.R.V.I.S replied: “Sir, don’t have to be so troublesome. In these 33,201 videos, there are 531 people in the videos, which are 100% similar to the person you are looking for.”


Tony seemed surprised: “Even if it is the same person, in different months of the year, the degree of facial similarity cannot reach 100%. What’s more, after nineteen years. JARVIS, is there something wrong with your facial recognition system? ?”

“Sir, there is nothing wrong with the facial recognition system.”

Tony was even more puzzled: “Call up his video.”

Just finished speaking, Lin Yi’s video has been displayed on the screen.

Tony saw Lin Yi’s image, and it was no different from the ID card.

J.A.R.V.I.S continued: “These are all videos within two months, and there is no difference from the ID card.”

Tony was surprised when he saw these videos.

He can be pretty sure that this is Lin Yi that year.

Because he saw Lin Yi’s movements, he remembered the child back then.

Back then, he was also wearing such a suit, a black leather jacket on the upper body and gray jeans on the lower body.

This guy, for nineteen years, doesn’t even bring a change of clothes?

“Where is he now?”

Tony asked.

“The most recent video was at 9:35 this morning. He appeared in a small hotel near Rose Manor, Tennessee.”

Tony thought for a while and said, “It just so happens that I have something to do in Tennessee tomorrow, so I will visit him then. You first locate him through the satellite of S.H.I.E.L.D, and go to him tomorrow.”

J.A.R.V.I.S said: “So, are you planning to let him treat anxiety for you?”

J.A.R.V.I.S asked.


Tony replied.

That’s right, Lin Yi, At the moment, is at Rose Manor in Tennessee.

The red wine here is very famous, so he naturally wants to taste it.

Definitely, he came here for another purpose, because according to the original plot, he knew it would not be long before Tony* Shi Stark would be here.

On this afternoon, the plot was the same as the original one, and another explosion occurred.

And this time the explosion was under the headquarters building of Stark Company.

Not only did the explosion kill five people, but even Shi Stark’s former bodyguard and now the head of his company’s security department, Hapi, also suffered severe injuries.

In fact, Harpy’s Ability is average, but he has a very good relationship with Tony. Tony has already regarded him as a very close friend.

Now the friend is seriously injured and lying in the hospital.

Tony came to the hospital that afternoon to visit the seriously injured Hapi.

Seeing his friend, lying on the hospital bed seriously injured, he is still unconscious.

Tony hated those who committed terrorist attacks.

He has decided, in any case, to find those who caused the explosion and bring them to justice.

When he left the hospital, he was besieged by reporters.

At first the reporter asked any questions, but Tony didn’t answer. He lowered his head and walked towards his Audi R8.

But when a reporter asked: “Mr. Stark, what do you think of the recent series of bomb terrorist attacks? And that Mandarin, as Iron Man, why don’t you stop him?”

Tony paused, turned his head, took off his eyes, showed a cruel expression, and said, “Maybe others will be afraid of you, but I am not afraid. Because I am Iron Man. That Mandarin, just wait for me to die. I will kill you bastard myself! This has nothing to do with politics and the country, only old-fashioned revenge. If you bastard is still a man, just write it down to me. My home is at 10880 Malibu, I am waiting for you at home! ”

Speaking of excitement, he grabbed a reporter’s phone, slammed it on the wall, and broke it to pieces.

Then he said: “Now you are satisfied.”

Then he wore his eyes and strode towards his car.

Close the door of the Audi R8 and walk away.

Everyone was stunned, leaving only the rough engine sound of the R8 reverberating around.

Everyone knew that Tony was a man of good temperament, but he didn’t expect him to be so unscrupulous.

How can they know that Tony and Harpy are all very close friends.

Although it seems that one of these two people is a top technology genius, a billionaire and a superhero, the other is a dumb, funny, fat security guard. It doesn’t match at all.

Now that his closest friend was seriously injured, his excitement can be imagined.

When he returned home that night, he asked J.A.R.V.I.S to call out all the data on all bomb attacks in the last two months in the S.H.I.E.L.D, CIA, and CIA databases. Then all the data of today’s attack was brought out.

Using these data, the crime scene was restored.

He has made plans and must have revenge!

Early the next morning, while Tony was continuing his investigation, Maya, the female botanist who had had a one-night love with him, appeared.

What followed, just like the original, the terrorist drove a helicopter and blasted his luxurious villa by the sea with rockets.

At this critical juncture, Tony used the MK42 armor he had just researched to protect Little Chili, allowing Chili to escape from the villa with Maya.

And he himself was embarrassed by the constantly collapsing villas and the flying rockets.

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