Chapter 475 Thanos and Infinite Gems

Lin Yi accidentally mentioned the alien twice in a row, causing Tony’s anxiety.

Tony’s face is blue, his lips are white, his head is sweating, and Roar can’t breathe.

He was sitting on the ground leaning on the bed, looking extremely panicked, not knowing what to do.

Lin Yi sighed secretly.

Superhero also have their own difficulties.

Who could have imagined that Iron Man, who seemed to be omnipotent, was troubled by such an anxiety disorder.

Lin didn’t speak either, waiting for Tony to recover slowly.

After more than twenty minutes, Tony’s complexion returned to normal. He took Lin Yi’s towel, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and panted heavily.

Lin Yi waited for a few more minutes, until Tony’s Roar sucked evenly, then said, “I’ll tell you a story. After listening to this story, your anxiety may be cured.”

Tony didn’t speak, took a few sips of water, and waited for Lin Yi.

Lin also saw that Tony had completely calmed down, and then he said, “You have seen Thor, now you should believe that there is a god in this universe.”

Tony nodded, and said, “Yes, gods are all arrogant and arrogant, so is Thor, and so is his brother Loki.”

Lin Yi continued: “Since I believe in the existence of gods, it will be easier. What I want to tell you now is that people’s current perceptions are still very superficial and superficial. Gods like Thor are just the most basic The gods. In the universe, there are five supreme gods—the five creation gods. They are planet devourer, death, infinity, eternity, and oblivion…”

Tony said, “They don’t sound like human names.”

Lin Yi replied: “Yes, except for the planet Devourer, the other four are actually an abstract concept. It’s just that this abstract concept sometimes manifests itself as an adult. For example, death, it often Appeared in the image of the goddess of death.”

“So, the five of them are the protagonists of the universe?”

Lin Yi replied: “Yes. But in the story I am telling today, they are only supporting actors. At the beginning of the universe, six gems were produced, namely Time Gem, Space gem, Soul Gem, Power Gem, Mind Gem and Reality Gem. These six gems each have six almighty powers, such as Time Gem, which can stop time at will, turn back time, travel in the past and the future…”

“Wow, that sounds amazing, your brain is really big enough.”

Tony always likes to interrupt, but he thinks this is just a story told by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi continued: “The Tesseract you have seen before is the Space gem, so using its power, you can easily open the wormhole.”

As soon as the word “wormhole” was mentioned, Tony once again sucked Roar quickly, and a lot of sweat suddenly appeared on his face.

But this time, his reaction was not as strong as before.

Because his attention was attracted by another meaning in Lin Yi’s words.

Tesseract did open the wormhole. So, the story Lin Yi told is very likely to be true.

If what Lin Yi said was true, it would be too shocking.

Lin also saw that Tony was attracted by his own words, and his reaction was not so great when he heard the wormhole.

He took a sip of water and continued: “And the yellow gem inlaid on the scepter that Thor’s brother Loki took is the Mind Gem that can control the mind.”

Tony heard Lin Yi’s words and recalled that Loki could manipulate humans with his scepter. Even Hawkeye is controlled by Loki, and it seems that the yellow gem can indeed control the human mind.

He felt more and more that Lin Yi’s story was not made up.

But he had a doubt: “Loki tried to use the scepter to control me, but his scepter didn’t work for me. I think it’s not just because my heart is protected by a reactor, right? If Mind Gem really As powerful as you said, a small reactor can’t stop it.”

“Definitely not.” Lin Yi replied, “This is because the energy generated in your reactor is the same element as Tesseract, or Space gem. Although the energy in the reactor is comparable to Tesseract, it is like A drop of water and the sea. But after all, it is also the existence of the same elements of Infinite Gems, so his Mind Gem can’t control you. This is why in the New York war, using Loki’s scepter can prevent the wormhole opened by Tesseract. Because they all belong to The power of Infinite Gems. Also, in the near future, you will embed the Mind Gem from his scepter on Vision’s forehead, and Vision can easily pick up Mjolnir. This is also because he has the power of Infinite Gems. ”

This time, Lin also mentioned the word “New York”.

But Tony just took Roar a little bit faster, and he didn’t even sweat.

If you look at the universe from the perspective of Infinite Gems and Creation God, then the huge alien army he has seen before is very inconspicuous.

He asked Lin Yi: “Aren’t all what you said are true?”

Lin Yi continued: “What I just said is just a summary. Then, the real protagonist comes on stage: In this universe, there is a person bewitched by the goddess of death: Thanos. He is constantly conquering everywhere. Killing, just to please the goddess of death. In order to obtain the most powerful power, he is now collecting six Infinite Gems. You saw a huge number of spaceships in the Wormhole in New York before, those people were actually appointed by Thanos . And the purpose of his coming to earth is precisely for the Mind Gem on Loki scepter.

One day in the future, he will gather all the Infinite Gems, so as to reach the realm of omniscience and omnipotence. At that time, even the five great creation gods will not be his opponents. As for Avengers, X-Men, in his eyes it is not as good as a grain of sand. ”

When talking about this, Lin Yi glanced at Tony.

I saw Tony’s Roar sucking up quickly again.

Lin Yi quickly continued: “But in the end, Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet will be stolen by his goddaughter. After that, he will be defeated by others, so there is nothing to worry about. I mean, a wall collapses. You may be able to hold it, but when the day collapses, you can’t hold it at all. But you don’t have to worry at all, because someone who is taller than you can hold this sky. We just need to be under this sky , Just do what you can. Leave the rest to the taller one.”

Tony heard this, the gaze in his eyes began to clear.

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