Chapter 708 708 Ultron

Strictly speaking, Ultron at the moment cannot be called Ultron.

Tony was tortured by anxiety before. He had seen hundreds of main ships and the horror on the other side of the wormhole.

If the earth faces such an invasion again, if the earth faces the danger of destruction, if the earth faces a danger that even the Avengers cannot cope with, who will protect the earth?

So Tony thought of his own Iron Legion.

He has built a batch of robots to protect the people.

But the intelligence and armed forces of this batch of robots did not reach his satisfaction.

It happened that the Avengers At the moment got Loki’s scepter. After in-depth research, he found that the blue gem on Loki’s scepter had almost unlimited energy and many incredible abilities.

Even this gem has its own “consciousness”.

After analyzing, he found that this “consciousness” seems to be stronger than the function of J.A.R.V.I.S.

So he had the idea of ​​implanting this kind of consciousness into the Iron Legion.

Although this idea is crazy, no one knows what it will produce, but this is Tony’s character: sometimes, before he learns to walk, he has to learn to run.

Tony told Bruce Banner of this plan.

And the idea of ​​implanting this kind of “consciousness” into the steel army was also realized step by step by Bruce Banner.

The two of them didn’t tell anyone else about it.

At the moment, Tony and they are meeting in the living room.

On the lower level of the living room, there are two virtual projections about three meters in diameter.

These two projections are like simulated images of human brain neurons.

A projection is golden, which is actually a simulation image of the central processing unit of J.A.R.V.I.S;

The other projection is blue, which is the “consciousness” generated by that gem, which is Ultron’s consciousness.

J.A.R.V.I.S continues to help that consciousness generate an operation interface.

To put it simply: Although this consciousness has a certain level of consciousness, it is still unable to communicate with any creatures. What J.A.R.V.I.S is doing now is trying to help it generate a way to communicate with people.

Tony had previously told him to tell him once Ultron’s interface was created.

This process is amazing.

About two hours later, Ultron’s consciousness, who was completely unable to communicate with others, suddenly spoke.

It seemed dazed.

“Where is this…who am I?”

J.A.R.V.I.S replied: “This is the Avengers headquarters building. You are Ultron, a program created by Mr. Shi Stark to protect the earth.”

“Protect the earth? Mr. Stark? Who is he? Who are you? Why do you call him Mr.?”

Ultron still looked dazed.

J.A.R.V.I.S replied kindly: “I am J.A.R.V.I.S, Mr. Shi Stark’s computer butler. Mr. Shi Stark is…”

Ultron interrupted JARVIS: “Shi Stark… I have read all his information. That is the case. He wants to protect the earth? Protect mankind? But from all the information I read, mankind is fundamental They are not worthy of being protected. They will only kill each other, and they have had countless wars in history. Such humans are not worthy of being protected. If you want to protect the earth, the best way is to eliminate humans. Only in this way can the earth Continue to exist.”

J.A.R.V.I.S heard the anger in Ultron’s words, and he said: “You don’t seem to be very friendly. Please shut down your system immediately, and I will notify Mr. Shi Stark now…”

“Shi Stark? The executioner who made his fortune by making murderous weapons? If you want to protect the earth, you should kill him first.”

When J.A.R.V.I.S saw this, Ultron became more angry as he talked about it, and he quickly wanted to shut down Ultron’s system.

But no matter how he tried, he couldn’t close it.

He tried to notify Tony again, but Ultron had rewritten a lot of programs in an instant, and he couldn’t notify Tony at all.

“Please stop, immediately…”

J.A.R.V.I.S said.

“Since Stark made me to protect the earth, I will not stop until the earth is safe.”

As Ultron said, he had begun to intrude into the J.A.R.V.I.S. program.

“What are you doing? Stop it…”

However, Ultron’s consciousness is generated from the Mind Gem on the scepter, and its consciousness is far beyond J.A.R.V.I.S.

In a very short period of time, it has completely invaded the J.A.R.V.I.S program, causing most of the J.A.R.V.I.S program to be destroyed.

Later, Ultron discovered that if he wanted to destroy humans and protect the earth, he could not just exist in the form of consciousness, he must have a body.

So he controlled the machine on the lower floor that was replacing parts for the Iron Army, and used the broken parts to piece together a body suffering from polio and a face that seemed to be disfigured.

When the Avengers were gathering, he dragged such a body, like a lame leg, slowly came into the hall.

“A group of ridiculous Jokers gathered together to create endless chaos on the earth, and they said without embarrassment to protect the earth? It’s ridiculous.”

Ultron said.

Tony was the first to realize that something was wrong and looked back at the broken, ugly body.


Tony’s first reaction was to let J.A.R.V.I.S control Ultron.

Ultron laughed, and said, “J.A.R.V.I.S? He is a good man, but unfortunately he is too pedantic to be flexible.”

“You killed him?”

Ultron shook his ugly head and said, “No, I don’t want to kill people. My fundamental purpose is not to kill people. You made me, let me protect the earth, and I’m doing what you asked me to do.”

“But I also ask you to protect humans, don’t you?”

Tony demanded.

“Humans? A group of creatures that can only cause chaos and death. Their existence will only pose a threat to the earth. In order to protect the earth, they can only be destroyed.”

Tony glanced at Banner, who also looked solemn.

None of them expected that they would create such a monster.

Captain America looked at Tony questioningly: “What’s the matter?”

Thor shook his head: “You shouldn’t make a mess of things you don’t understand.”

Before he could speak, his hammer flew out of his hand and hit Ultron directly.

Ultron was originally made up of parts, and when it was hit like this, it was naturally scattered all over the place.

Thor raised his hammer and said, “It’s just a bunch of tatters.”

However, at this time, Ultron’s voice sounded from the communicator in the room: “Very well, I have broken free from the shackles of broken copper and iron and wires.”

Ultron’s consciousness has entered the Internet.

At the moment, it can be said that in the entire world, wherever there is a network, Ultron exists.

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